Improvement of Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey Ülkü Yetiş Department of Environmental Engineering METU OUTLINE • Hazardous Wastes ? • Legislation – EU – National • Current Situation in Turkey • Project – Inventory of HWs – Information System – Collection System • Conclusions Hazardous Wastes ? • Any waste or combination of wastes with the potential to damage human health, living organisms or the environment • Hazardous wastes require special handling and disposal procedures European Wide Definition of HW by the WFD H1 Explosive H8 Corrosive H2 Oxidising H9 Infectious H3 Flammable H10 Toxic for reproduction H11 Mutagenic H4 Irritant H12 Waste which releases toxic or very toxic gases in contact with water, air or acid H5 Harmful H13 Sensitizing H6 Toxic H14 Ecotoxic H7 Carcinogenic H15 Waste capable by any means, after disposal, of yielding another substance, e..g. a leachate, which possesses any of the characteristics above Universal Hazardous Wastes ? Oils Pesticides Acids and Alkalis Lead, Acids Chemicals Paints What Hazardous Chemicals in Your Home ? Cleaning Paint General Gardening Automative • Disinfectants • Drain, toilet, and window cleaners • Spot removers • ... • Latex and oil-based paints • Paint thinners, solvents and strippers • Stains, varnishes and lacquers • Wood preservatives • Dry cell batteries (mercury and cadmium) • Glues and cements • Florescent lamps • Old thermometers • Pesticides • Weed killers • Ant and rodent killers • Flea powders • Used motor oil , antifreeze • Battery acid • Solvents • Brake and transmission fluid • Rust inhibitor and rust remover What Hazardous Wastes from Industrial Activities ? Petroleum refining • • • • desalter sludges tank bottom sludges acid alkyl sludges oily sludges from maintenance operations of the plant or equipment etc MFSU of basic organic chemicals • aqueous washing liquids and mother liquors • organic halogenated solvents, washing liquids and mother liquors • halogenated still bottoms • filter cakes and spent absorbers Photographic Industry • water-based developer solutions • water-based offset plate developer solutions • solvent-based developer solutions • bleach solutions and bleach fixer solutions Past Events in Turkey? “367 barrels were found in the Black Sea Coast“, 1988 “18 yıldır Samsun ve Sinop'ta depolarda tutulan zehirli variller nihayet İtalya'ya iade diliyor”, 2006, September 2006, 2005 Past Events in Turkey? “Barrels poisened the workers inTuzla”. “Tuzla’da bulunan zehirli varillerin toprak altından çıkartılması sırasında kepçe operatörü sızan gazdan zehirlenerek hastaneye kaldırıldı. Gaz sızıntısı nedeniyle çalışmalara ara verildi”.; 18 .4.2006 Past Events in Turkey? The most dangerous poison is going... The work for sending very dangerous chemical BHC waste to Germany for disposal that is spreaded far and wide in an area in Derince, near Koruma Tarım Plant since 22 years, has started... Just the tip of the A Hazardous We are sending inauspicious guest... Waste ! In the ceramony organizedİceberg for sending tons of BHC Management System ? to Germany, the Environment and Forestry Minister Osman Pepe said «we are posting inauspicious guest to Germany for incineration at a cost of 2 million Euros...» Özgür Kocaeli Gazetesi, 13 .5. 2007 ( Hazardous waste management system FACILITIES LEGISLATION Hazardous waste management system ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES INFRASTRUCTURE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS SERVICE SECTOR Each of the elements must be present if the overall system is to operate effectively Politicians are very interested in wastes ! (Howard Robinson, 2007) Other Problems ? Famous syndromes: – NIMBY (Not In My BackYard). A widely spread public attitude towards the nstallation of waste management facilities close to any given residential area. – NIMO (Not In My Office time). A common practice among politicians and dministrators to avoid or postpone decisions that may adversely impair their careers. – BANANA (Building Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anybody). A widely spread syndrome to all the approaches to waste waste management. R. Cossu, Waste Management 29 (2009) 2797–2798 A NIMBY Example « Mersin: Tarsus'ta Katı Atık Tesisine Karşı İmza Kampanyası «Mersin: Tarsus'ta 'Zehirli Atık Bertaraf Tesisi'ne Büyük Tepki A series community Mersin'in Tarsus İlçesi'ne bağlıincinerator Kurbanlı Köyü'nde, resistance to new kurulması planlanan Endüstriyel Zehirli Atık siting Bertaraf Tesisi'ne karşı Mersin'in Tarsus İlçesi'nde, Sağlıklı Köyü ile Kurbanlı Köyü sınırlarında kurulması planlanan Kimyasal Atık Yakma ve Deponite Entegre Tesisi'ne karşı imza kampanyası başlatıldı.» Many other examples çıkan yaklaşık 5 bin kişi yürüyüş yaparak tepki gösterdi.» Rational WM Plans “A combination of these syndromes coupled with extreme environmentalist positions against landfilling and incineration, associated with lobbying, illegal or criminal interests may result (as happened in the Naples area in Italy) in a total paralysis of all technical and environmental management of waste. We should take the opportunity to educate our family, neighbours, teachers and our elected representatives: only through education will cost effective rational waste management plans be reached without NIMBY, NIMO or BANANA and with negligible influence of negative interests” Plus; • The existence of an effective communications strategy • The timely and accurate information to overcome the objections of the NIMBY lobby R. Cossu, Waste Management 29 (2009) 2797–2798 OUTLINE • Hazardous Waste ? • Legislation – EU – National • Current Situation in Turkey • Project – Inventory of HWs – Information System – Collection System General Waste Policy Framework Main objectives: - avoid waste by promoting environmentally-friendly and less waste-intensive technologies and processes; - promote reprocessing, in particular the recovery and the re-use of waste as raw materials; - improve waste disposal by introducing stringent standards; - tighten up the provisions governing the transport of dangerous substances; - reclaim contaminated land. EU Waste Framework Directive The Directive (2008/98/EC ); • is the primary legislative framework for the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste across Europe • uses a waste hierarchy to define a priority order for waste prevention, legislation and policy • requires that MS adopt waste management plans and waste prevention programs Obligations of the MS • Integrated and adequate network of disposal installations • Installations for the recovery of waste collected (taking into account best available techniques) EU Waste Framework Directive • The Regulation requires MS to produce statistics on all aspects of the waste management, such as the generation, recovery and disposal of waste. Regulation on General Principles of Waste Management The regulation; • Is in full alignment with the provisions of the old EU Waste Directive and the Decision that establishes a waste list • Transposes certain provisions of the current EU WFD Concerning full harmonization with the EU acquis, Turkey plans to fully implement the provisions of WFD by the end of the year 2015 OUTLINE • Hazardous Waste ? • Legislation – EU – National • Current Situation in Turkey • Project – Inventory of HWs – Information System – Collection System • Conclusions HW Generation TUİK • 1 250 000 ton/yr Envest Planners • 2 600 000 ton/yr HAWAMAN • 1 350 000 ton/yr HW Generation hazardous waste amounts 3.500 hazardous wastes [1.000 t/a] 3.000 Italy 2.500 UK 1.25 – 2.6 million tons/year 2.000 Turkey 1.500 Portugal Taiwan 1.000 Belgium Netherlands Norway Austria Greece 500 0 0 200 400 600 800 1.000 GNP "power parity" [Bill. US$] Life – Hawaman Project, MoEU 1.200 1.400 HW Recycle and Disposal Facilities HW Recycle and Disposal Facilities (current+planned) Atık Yakma ve Beraber Yakma Tesisi 201 192 Incineration and coincineration Tehlikeli Atık Depolama Landfill Tesisi (1.sınıf) Recycling Tehlikeli Atık Geri Kazanım Tesisi 18 1 42 37 33 1 4 6 2003 2010 2013 2012 Source: Betul Dogru, MoEU HW Disposal Facilities – Current and planned Incineration 7.750 ton/yr 105.000 ton Landfill 6.084 ton 35.000 ton/yr 160.000 ton 20.000 ton/yr 240.000 ton 200.000 ton 100.000 ton/yr 17.500 ton/yr 2003 2008 2013 11.000 ton 1 Incineration 3 5 Landfiill 3 6 26 37 Coincineration Co-incineration Source: Betul Dogru, MoEU 1 HW Disposal Facilities Total capacity Incineration* Landfill *Excluding coincineration 180.000 ton/yr 720.000 ton Yearly HW Generation : 1,2-2,6 million tons Cost of Compliance The total investment needed for the Planning and decision-making compliance to the EU’s HW Directive: processes requires detailed analysis of hazardous waste generation data, EUR 1 billion their industrial geographic in the period ofand 2007–2023 distribution Source: MoEF, Environmental Heavy-Cost Investment Planning (EHCIP) Project of Turkey, led by COWI A/S, 2006. IZAYDAS- İzmit Facilities IZAYDAS- İzmit Facilities Greenpeace'den İZAYDAŞ baskını 14/07/2003 Greenpeace üyesi 21 kişilik grup, İZAYDAŞ tesislerinde yaklaşık 3 saat süreyle eylem yaptıktan sonra gözaltına alındı. İZAYDAŞ tesisleri önüne sabaha doğru gelen ikisi İngiliz vatandaşı 12 Greenpeace üyesi,....... BANANA Syndrome “Zehirli Kalkınma Örneği: İZAYDAŞ”, 2002 Turkey 2011 Progress Report of the EC Turkey 2011 Progress Report of the Commission lists the subsequent remarks regarding the progress of Turkey in meeting of the EU acquis communautaire on waste management as follows: “Good progress can be reported in the field of waste management. The revision of the waste legislation, largely in line with the provisions of the new EU Waste Framework Directive, has begun with the adoption of legislation on solid waste, waste water tariffs, waste incineration, packaging waste and the inspection of end-of-life vehicles. Legislation was also adopted in the areas of mining and the standardisation of the import of batteries and accumulators, ensuring further alignment with the acquis. Efforts have been made to bring some landfills up to EU standards and for the separate collection of various categories of waste, as well as for the recovery of energy from waste oils and sterilisation of hazardous medical waste. However, Turkey still needs to prepare and implement national, regional and local waste management plans in line with the EU Waste Framework Directive.” OUTLINE • Hazardous Waste ? • Legislation – EU – National • Current Situation in Turkey • Project – Inventory of HWs – Information System – Collection System • Conclusions PROJECT “Hazardous Waste Management In Compliance With European Union Environmental Regulations In Turkey” (KAMAG-107G126) Project funded by TUBITAK 2009-2012 PROJECT TEAM METU, EnvE Dr. Ülkü Yetiş (Principal Investigator) Clemson University Dr. Tanju Karanfil İTÜ, EnvE Dr. İsmail Toröz Marmara University, EnvE Dr. S. Zehra Can TÜBİTAK MAM Dr. Özgür Doğan GYTE, EnvE Dr. Salim Öncel Hazardous Wastes Division Ministry of Environment and Urbanization MOS Bilişim Target Economical Regulatory Compliance Following Waste hierarchy Rational HW Management System What is essential ? HW • Waste generation, quantity, type, geographical distribution ? Generation • Most proper locations for HW disposal facilities? • Routes to be used for the transfer of HW to these locations ? Info; • What capacities ? WGFs WGFs Waste generation factors (WGFs) * Production unit (e.g. capacity) Number of people (e.g. employees) Economic unit (e.g. GDP) Amount of HW generated / unit production Purpose ? Control the Flow HW Monitor the Performance of Waste Minimization Actions Implement Regulations Predict Future Trends WGFs •Manufacturing Industry HW Inventory based on WGFs •Geographical and sectoral distribution •Priority sectors •HW lists for each NACE code •WGF for each HW WGFs for all Sectoral 1.2 M Total HW industrial Distribution Generation ton/year sectors √ HW Generation in Turkey HW Information System TABS A national web-based system to capture information from production to collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of waste APPROACH ? Strengthening Control Strengthening the Control Mechanism––Waste Waste Declaration Declaration Mechanism Producers not reporting NACE Ver2 Full liste of HW producers Waste types declared/not declared List of HWs by each NACE code Wrong/ missing declaration Waste quantities declared WGFs for each NACE Code Continuous update of WGFs using declarations Missing/ Incomplete/ excess HW ? TABS – Modification Dynamic • More accurate WGFs Inventory • WGFs for missing HWs TABS TABS # of producers using During planning phase of hazardous waste facilities, obtaining accurate spatial distribution of waste generation gains outmost importance ! HW Facilities Objective HW Facilities To provide a framework that leads the Ministry in planning of hazardous waste facilities to be built •Lowest environmental impact •Lowest population impact •Lowest cost 51 Approach: HW Facilities • Optimization models • Different scenarios Thanks to Dr. Bahar Y. Kara, Bilkent University, Industrial Engineering Department Optimizing Location and Size of HW Facilities 1. Population Settlements within exposure estimation 1600m bandwidth from each side of the road are determined Optimizing Location and Size of HW Facilities 2.Environmental Effects Estimation Length of environmental elements within 1600m bandwidth from each side of the road are determined Lakes, Rivers, Reservoirs, Coastal Waters, Forests, Agricultural Areas Optimizing Location and Size of HW Facilities Scenarios Scenario 1 No facilities Check with the current facilities Required additional Scenario facilities 2 Existing + cement kilns Scenario Scenario 3 4 scenarios+ Regional Previous Transfer transfer stations integrated stations facilities Optimum Scenario Scenarios Scenario 1 No facilities Scenario 2 Existing + cement kilns Scenario 3 Regional integrated facilities Scenario 4 Sc 2 + Transfer stations Population Impact 597 627 NA 367 Environmental Impact 1537 1619 NA 1016 Total Impact 2134 2246 NA 1383 Total cost, million TL/yr 533 479 525 517 Scenario 4 ; Coincineration + Transfer stations 107G126'Sonuç-Raporu Landfills ÖNERİLEN'DEPOLAMA'SAHASI'KONUMLARI 10 Integrated Facilities 35 Transfer Stations w/ CPT ' Incineration ÖNERİLEN'YAKMA'TESİSİ'KONUMLARI Incineration Adana, Afyon, Ankara, Bursa, Çorum, Erzurum, İzmir, Kocaeli, Konya, K.Maraş Landfill Adana, Afyon, Ankara, Bursa, Erzurum, İstanbul, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa, Sakarya ' Transfer Stations Iyakma'tesisi' çimento'<rını' L ÖNERİLEN'GEÇİCİ'DEPOLAMA'TESİSİ'KONUMLARI ' En'düşük'maliyet Lowest cost En'düşük'etki Lowest impact - vermektedir.- İş- Paketi- 2- envanterine- göre- kurulan- tesislerin- hizmet- alanları- da- benzer- özelliklergöstermektedir.-- Results Transfer ARITMA& TESİSLERİ&İÇİN&HİZMET& ALANLARI ( Incineration YAKMA& TESİSLERİ&İÇİN&HİZMET& ALANLARI ( Landfilling DEPOLAMA(TESİSLERİ(İÇİN(HİZMET(ALANLARI ( - Şekil&4(35&Senaryo&1&için&hizmet&alanları& - Results • Coincineration reduces costs • Transfer stations reduces the impacts due to transportation • Best system: coincineration + transfer stations + landfill + incineration • Optimum locations: – Transfer stations: Adana, Ankara, İzmir and Kocaeli – Incineration: Izmir, Kocaeli + Adana, Ankara, Bursa – Lanfilling: Kocaeli, Manisa + Ankara, Konya, Bursa Conclusion • EU compliance is a good driving force • We, now, know; – how much HW we produce – what type HW we produce – How much incinerable HW we produce – How much landfillable HW we produce – How much treatable HW we produce – Where to have facilities Conclusion • Web-based HW declaration system is now able to identify the – producers not reporting their HWs – producers misreporting their HWs • # of recycling facilities is increasing • Nimby, Nino, Banana syndromes influence the development • Enforcement needs to be improved One Remark ! Ministry of Ministry of Ministry of Water Environment and Environment and Affairs and Urbanization ForestryForestry Thanks to KAMAG 107G126 Project Team Thanks for Listening...