April 2012 - Royal College of Nursing

Northern Ireland Board
25 June 2012
Agenda item 12/46
Minutes of the Northern Ireland Board meeting held on Monday, 23 April 2012
at 10.00 am in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6EE.
Ann Marie O’Neill
Kevin Bell
Robert Moore
Rosemary Strange
Margaret Graham
Donna Hanna
Martain Fiddis
Joe McCambridge
Margaret McCambridge
Francis Lavery
Eamonn Connolly
Mary Walker
Ann Scott
Michael Battersby
Louise Dorman
Kath McCourt
Council Member
Vice-Chair/Health and Safety Regional Committee
Honorary Treasurer/Nurses Working with Older People
Field of Practice
Primary and Public Health Field of Practice
Northern Branch
South Western Branch
Belfast Branch
UK Learning Representatives’ Committee
Southern Branch
Southern Branch
South Eastern Branch
Mental Health and Learning Disability Field of Practice
North Western Branch
Student Representative
Chair of Council
Dolores McCormick
Senior Professor Development Officer, RCN
William McCormick
Lorna Mercer
Belfast Branch
Acute Intervention Field of Practice
Staff in attendance
Janice Smyth
Maura Hannon
John Knape
Dessie Lowry
Lisa Holden
Personal Assistant to Director/Board Administrator
Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing
RCN Officer
Media and Marketing Officer (attended for agenda items
12/37 and 12/38)
Chair’s opening remarks and declaration of interest
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Kath McCourt,
Chair of Council, Dolores McCormick, recently appointed Senior
Professional Development Officer, RCN Northern Ireland (as an observer),
Dessie Lowry, RCN Officer (attending in the absence of Garrett Martin,
Deputy Director), and informed the Board that Lisa Holden, Marketing and
Media Officer, will join the meeting for agenda items 12/37 and 12/38.
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Agenda item 12/46
Ann Marie O’Neill, Chair, informed the Board of the recent resignation of
Gillian Moore who represented the Belfast branch. Ann Marie will write to
Gillian on behalf of the Board thanking her for contribution and support.
No conflicts of interest declared.
The Director, Janice Smyth, informed the Board that Garrett Martin, Deputy
Director, had successfully completed the London Marathon yesterday in 3
hours and 32 minutes raising over £3,000 for the Foyle Hospice, hence his
absence from the meeting today.
Louise Dorman joined the meeting.
Introduction to the Chair of Council
Professor Kath McCourt, Chair of Council, thanked the Board for the
opportunity to attend today’s meeting.
Minutes of Board meeting held on Monday 16 January 2012
Minutes of the Board meeting held on 16 January 2012 agreed and signed
(paper nib/12/26 previously circulated).
Matters arising
Lack of publications for activists – item 12/04(b)
Kevin Bell reported that he had again raised this issue and Margaret
McCambridge expressed her frustration when searching for
publications on the RCN website as some publications that are
supposed to be available in hard copy are not, and is concerned as
not all members have web access; this has been discussed at the UK
learning representatives’ committee.
The Director, Janice Smyth, has discussed this issue with Fiona
Johnson, RCN Director of Communications, who believes there is a
need for hard copies of some publications but this obviously needs to
be balanced against cost.
Access to technology in the workplace – item 12/04(d)
Janice Smyth updated the Board on recent meetings with Bob Brown,
Assistant Director of Primary Care and Nursing, Kim Campbell,
Primary Care Manager, and other colleagues from the South Eastern
Health and Social Care Trust regarding NISAT. As a result of these
meetings Janice and Kim will meet with Kevin Keenan of the Health
and Social Care Board. Janice will also discuss NISAT with the
Directors of Nursing at a meeting on 30 April 2012. Janice stressed
that such tools should not be implemented without the appropriate
technological support, and will keep the Board updated.
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Robert Moore confirmed that whilst the Trust has provided some new
laptops, there is still an issue around the balance of technology and
face to face communication. Janice suggested that she visit Robert’s
patch where the new technology is in use.
Amended process and criteria for attendance at Congress 2013 –
item 12/04(g)
The process piloted and used in Northern Ireland this year was
discussed at the Board seminar on 5 March 2012. It was agreed that
as a first attempt it had gone well with scope for improvement. An
amended proposal for 2013 will be tabled for consideration at the
Board meeting on 25 June.
Diversity sub-committee membership – item 12/04(k)
John Knape, Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing,
reminded the Board that at their last meeting they had agreed that
each branch in NI not already represented on the diversity subcommittee should be invited to submit a nomination. The Belfast
branch nominated Joe McCambridge and the South Western branch
nominated Kathryn Gault which now completes this process.
Removal of RCN NI page from Bulletin – item 12/18
Janice Smyth informed the Board that she has received further
contact from members, including a letter from the Nurses RCN Older
Person’s Nursing Network (OPeNN), expressing their displeasure at
the removal of the NI page from Bulletin. Janice will meet with Fiona
Johnston, RCN Head of Communications, in June (together with John
Knape and Lisa Holden) to discuss a number of issues including
Bulletin, access to publications, and bulk emails, and will update the
Board at the next meeting on 25 June 2012.
RCN legal and governance review: Boards work strand
The Director reminded the Board that historically the RCN in Northern
Ireland has a Finance Advisory Committee (FAC), however, as a result of
the work carried out in the legal and governance review, and the new
Board terms of reference agreed by Council on 9 February 2012, the Board
may wish to consider whether now is the time to stand down the FAC. If
the Board decide to stand down the FAC, the Chair of the FAC will sign off
the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2012 (copies available for
approval). Janice paid tribute to the chairmanship of Rosemary Strange,
Honorary Treasurer of the Board, and the work undertaken by the
members of the FAC (Ann Marie O’Neill, Lorna Mercer and Margaret
Janice delivered a presentation on the Board work strands (paper
nib/12/28, including appendices A, B and C, circulated at the meeting) and
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informed the Board that their agreed Board transition plan will be submitted
to the RCN Director of Governance Support by 1 June for approval by RCN
Council in July 2012.
Janice reminded the Board that following a review of the RCN NI branches
approximately four years ago, the Board decided to geographically align
the branches (with the exception of two) to the health and social care trust
areas. At that time the Board conducted an equality impact assessment
resulting in the allocation of ten geographical seats (Belfast three, Northern
two, Southern two, North Western one, South Eastern one and South
Western one, as outlined in appendix C).
The Board subsequently discussed the proposed draft model presented by
Janice. This model could achieve a Board of between twelve and fifteen
members, including the two Council members, within two election cycles.
Janice emphasised that this was merely a draft proposal to prompt
discussion and the Board may wish to produce a completely different
model. Janice highlighted that the membership figures contained in
appendix C included all categories of members apart from student
members, as the inclusion of student members would have given an unfair
advantage to the Belfast and North Western branches due to the
geographical location of the universities in NI. The proposed allocation
criteria/constraints in appendix C would result in twelve branch seats on the
Board (Belfast four, Northern two, Southern two, North Western one, South
Eastern two and South Western one, with Belfast and South Eastern
branches both gaining a seat) and two RCN Council seats, delivering a
fourteen seat Board by January 2015.
The Chair stated that Janice had shared the draft proposal with her last
week and she felt this was a fair way to geographically represent the
membership on the Board.
Board members discussed how the learning representatives, stewards,
health and safety representatives, forums, networks, student and HCAs
would link into the Board and Janice agreed to email the completed draft
transition plan templates to the Board for agreement prior to submission to
the Director of Governance. The templates will outline phases one and two
of the transition period, together with a description of the mechanism or
process to be used to engage with stakeholders, culminating in an agreed
NI Board size and composition to be achieved by 1 January 2015.
Joe McCambridge suggested that the election to fill the casual vacancy
created by Gillian Moore’s resignation (two year term of office) should be
linked into the forthcoming election cycle. Janice clarified that Joe’s
suggestion would result in the Belfast branch electing to three seats on the
Board during the next election cycle, albeit one of these seats would be a
casual vacancy for a two year term requiring election again in 2015; the
Board agreed.
As there are two seats in the Southern branch due for election this year, it
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was suggested in the interest of continuity that one seat should be included
in the 2012 election process and the second seat in 2015; the Board
In the proposed transition the South Eastern branch will gain a seat
bringing their representation on the Board to two seats. However, as the
current seat is not due for election until 2015, it was agreed that in the
interest of continuity the newly agreed seat should be included in the
election cycle later this year; the Board agreed.
As there are three fields of practice seats due for election this year (acute
intervention, primary care and public health, and nurses working with older
people) it was suggested that these seats could be stood down, together
with the education and research field of practice seat that remained unfilled
following the previous election cycle; the Board agreed. The two
remaining field of practice seats (children and young people, and mental
health and learning disability) could be stood down in 2015; the Board
Kevin Bell highlighted the current membership of North Western branch
and suggested that under the current proposal if the branch increased the
membership by 43 it would be eligible for another seat on the Board.
Janice confirmed that using the existing proposal the Board would consist
of fourteen members at 2015 with the potential for a maximum Board of
fifteen, therefore leaving scope for an additional seat should the branch
exceed the threshold.
Rosemary Strange raised concerns about potential lack of representation
from the independent sector on any future Board and Janice reassured
Rosemary that although the representation on the Board is comprised of
geographical branches, the criteria used and information provided about
the diversity and composition of the Board will assist members in ensuring
that the Board is representative of the diversity of the membership by
democratic means.
The Chair paid tribute to the work undertaken by the NI local networks subcommittee of the Board (Carolyn Mason, Garrett Martin, Rosemary
Strange, Margaret Graham, Margaret McCambridge and Ann Marie
O’Neill), endorsed by the Director who said it was very gratifying that our
members had driven this work forward and engaged in the process.
At the conclusion of the discussions the Board agreed to stand down the
Finance Advisory Committee and Rosemary Strange, signed off the
minutes of the last meeting held on 16 January 2012.
Chair’s report
The Chair spoke to paper nib/12/29 previously circulated and
congratulated the South Western Branch on hosting a dinner to mark the
retirement of RCN steward, John Boyle, which Ann Marie and the Director
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attended on 12 April 2012. Ann Marie received a letter of thanks (on behalf
of the Board) from Martin Bradley following the Board’s letter congratulating
him on his award of a Fellowship from the Queen’s Nursing Institute and
his appointment as Honorary Colonel of 204 Squadron Field Hospital.
Ann Marie paid tribute to and thanked Janice Smyth, on behalf of the
Board, for her representation of the RCN, nurses and nursing, supported
by John Knape, during the recent heightened media coverage. Robert
Moore stated that he had learned from Janice’s recent interviews, admiring
her grasp of diverse situations, political awareness and astuteness.
Director’s report
The Director spoke to paper nib/12/30 previously circulated and invited
questions. Joe McCambridge referred to Janice’s meeting with Maurice
Devine and Anne Campbell (15 February) to discuss the establishment of
an RCN NI learning disability network, stating that there is already a
network that has not been active recently, although he has been having
informal discussions with members. Janice responded that as Maurice,
Anne and Owen Barr had approached her to explore the establishment of a
network and Joe had not made her aware of his previous informal
discussions, perhaps Joe should now make contact with the individuals
and the College will assist where possible. Carolyn Mason confirmed that
the learning disability network is on the list of inactive networks, and
suggested including Stephen McSherry, as staff lead for the network, in
discussions outside of this meeting.
Performance management report
The Director spoke to confidential paper nib/12/31 circulated at the
meeting and emphasised that due to the sensitive nature of some of the
content it should not be shared wider and requested that reports be
shredded after they had been read.
Janice expressed her delight that the College is now able to capture and
record accredited representatives’ cases, illustrating the significant case
load of some whilst others have not recorded any cases to date, and this
will be monitored.
Kevin Bell asked whether there were any plans to review the case
management system. Janice, as ET lead for case management, confirmed
that a significant amount of work has already gone into the system and this
will be built upon. However, as the case management system is linked to
the membership database, it is essential that the work required on the
database is completed to enable the case management system to move
forward. Janice informed the Board that two case management posts
based in Belfast have been advertised (a full time case manager and a
part-time administrator). Kath McCourt, Chair of Council, asked whether
the appropriate technology was in place to support a UK case manager
based in Belfast and Janice responded that as the appointee will have a
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Agenda item 12/46
UK wide remit he or she will be required to move around the organisation,
and it is hoped that with the HQ re-plan the IT system, including
videoconferencing facilities, will improve. Examples of poor IT
infrastructure and experiences were shared.
Agenda for Change
In the absence of Garrett Martin, Deputy Director, Dessie Lowry, RCN
Officer, spoke to paper nib/12/32 previously circulated and referred to
district nurse banding (section 4).
Ann Scott highlighted errors in relation to voluntary retirement and
redundancies within the Northern HSC Trust and Dessie informed her that
the Chief Executive of the Trust has given assurances to the Northern HSC
Trust Board and the RCN that he is keen to see this matter cleared up;
Dessie will share the time frame with Ann outside of the meeting. Janice
reported that Janice and Garrett Martin are meeting with the Chief
Executive and Director of Nursing, Northern HSC Trust, to discuss the
pressures in the emergency department, and will take the opportunity to
inform them that the RCN NI Board is not happy with the Agenda for
Change arrangements, and will feedback to the Board.
RCN NI Frontline First
Dessie Lowry drew the Board’s attention to emergency pressures,
particularly in the Belfast and Northern HSC trusts, and Donna Hanna
highlighted the extra staff being drafted into Causeway Hospital and she
hopes this will improve the situation.
Concern had been raised at the proposed TUPE transfer of treatment room
staff in the Western HSC Trust and Janice and the Deputy Director have
approached the CNO and the Department to ascertain whether there is a
wider co-ordinated plan for TUPE transfers.
City of Culture and launch of the History of Nursing in the Troubles
John Knape Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing, updated on a
meeting with Janice, Kevin Bell and John, regarding the proposed event to
celebrate the launch of the book. The Guild Hall has been secured for
Wednesday 18 September 2013 and Janice has written to the First and
Deputy First Minister in an attempt to secure this date in their dairies. The
College is working in partnership with the North Western Branch on an
action plan for the event and will keep the Board informed of any progress.
Margaret Graham updated and shared some stories received but would
welcome more input from nurses who worked in the Belfast City Hospital
during that period. The committee held a half day workshop yesterday and
would be keen to obtain more photographs for the book; a book designer
has been engaged to assist them. Margaret circulated flyers for an event
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in the Northern HSC Trust area on 7 June 2012.
Matters from Boards for Council
The Board did not have any issues for Council’s consideration.
Update on Rae Bequest and Marcia Mackie funding awards
Carolyn Mason, Head of Professional Development, provided a verbal
update on the allocation of awards from Rae Bequest and Marcia Mackie
fund: Laura Crawley was awarded £2400 from the Marcia Mackie fund
towards study to investigate children’s nurses’ perspectives of having
parents present or absent whilst their child or young person is receiving
resuscitative care in accident and emergency in the Royal Belfast Hospital
for Sick children, and Deirdre McGrath was awarded £1550 from the Rae
Bequest fund towards a diploma in tropical nursing studies. The successful
recipients will be invited to present their work to the Board at a future date.
Carolyn expressed disappointment at the number of applicants and it is
hoped next time to start advertising the funding in the autumn.
Ann Scott enquired about the payment process and Carolyn confirmed that
currently the successful applicants produce receipts for payment but
perhaps under exceptional circumstances other arrangements could be
explored, however, we are constrained by the process established by the
RCN Foundation. Janice informed the Board that prior to the
establishment of the Foundation fees could be paid if the university
invoiced the College. Janice and Carolyn will discuss the process and see
if there is any latitude to pay fees on behalf of an applicant.
Presentation of branch development plans
The Chair invited the following Board members to deliver a short
presentation on their branch development plans:
Belfast branch – Joe McCambridge
Northern branch – Margaret McCambridge
North Western branch – Michael Battersby
South Eastern branch – Mary Walker
South Western branch – Martain Fiddis
Southern branch – Francis Lavery
Some of the Board members expressed an interest in attending the INMO
conference in Killarney, however, Janice said it is her understanding that
attendance for non members is by invitation only. Joe McCambridge
hoped that the attendance of an INMO representative at RCN Congress
would provide an opportunity to network and lobby for an invitation.
Janice invited Lisa Holden, Marketing and Media Officer, to address the
Board regarding recruitment targets as agreed at their branch development
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days and Lisa spoke to paper nib/12/37 circulated at the meeting.
Janice clarified with the branches that in setting their targets as outlined
she was correct in assuming that the overall target as indicated for 20122013 and this was confirmed. Janice emphasised the importance of
considering joiners and leavers when setting targets.
Kath McCourt questioned some of the figures in the document circulated as
these did not correspond to the figures in paper nib/12/28 appendix C on
which the composition of a future Board was based. Following discussion
Lisa agreed to verify the figures given to Janice for the legal and
governance papers as these were in a different format to those included in
Lisa’s papers, and to update the Board before the end of the meeting.
Janice drew attention to the differences in targets agreed by various
branches and emphasised that these are local targets as targets are also
set centrally, approved by Council. Janice acknowledged the branches
efforts to recruit locally, however, in the context of the UK we have one of
the smallest percentage shares of the potential market and targets need to
be stretching and unachievable.
Nurse of the Year
Lisa Holden, Media and Marketing Officer, reported that judging had
commenced and invitations should be issued next week. Janice informed
the Board that she has been approached by three new sponsors this year.
Ann Scott asked whether there was any opportunity to showcase the work
of those who are nominated but not winners or runners up, and Janice
agreed that their work should be showcased by their employers and
through the networks, and perhaps further consideration should be given to
this. Janice has discussed with Steve Jamieson, Head of Nursing
Department, how Nurse of the Year winners can be showcased on a
national platform and we need to think about how we achieve this in the
year ahead.
Kevin Bell asked whether the proposed City of Culture Conference in 2013
might provide an opportunity to show case the patient’s choice
nominations, and help mitigate against negative media reports; Janice
agreed to give this some consideration.
Ann Scott left the meeting.
RCN Council summary report of 8 and 9 February 2012 meeting
The Chair talked the Board through the Council reports of 8 and 9 February
2012 (paper nib/12/39 previously circulated) addressing all action points.
Ann Marie suggested that she write on behalf of the Board to congratulate
Robert Sowney on his appointment as Chair of the RCN Foundation and
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the Board agreed. In reference to item 8, refashioning of RCN HQ, the
Chair asked for suggestions and Janice confirmed that two nominations
had been submitted for the Mona Grey room and any other suggestions
could be forwarded to John Knape.
Margaret McCambridge asked when the AGM would be held in 2012 and
the Chair confirmed this as 17 October 2012.
RCN Council report to Boards of 28 February 2012 special meeting
The Chair spoke to paper nib/12/40 previously circulated particularly the
note of thanks from Council to all Board members on the outcome of the
membership ballot on whether or not the RCN should accept the
Government’s proposals on reforming the NHS pension scheme.
Media and consultation update
The Board noted paper nib/12/41 previously circulated and John Knape
highlighted the volume of media coverage particularly during March 2012.
Reports from branches, fields of practice, regional learning
representative, regional safety representative and UK stewards’
Board members noted reports previously circulated as follows:
Nurses working with older people field of practice - paper nib/12/42(i)
South Eastern branch - paper nib/12/42(ii)
Northern Ireland regional safety representatives’ - paper nib/12/42(iii)
NI learning representative - paper nib/12/42(iv)
Primary care and public health field of practice - paper nib/12/42(v)
Belfast branch - paper nib/12/42(vi)
Children and young people’s field of practice - paper nib/12/42(vii).
The Southern branch paper nib/12/42(viii) was circulated at the meeting.
Any other business
Claiming of mileage expenses
The Chair, on behalf of Joy Ireland, Business Manager, reminded
Board members to present their original documents (driving licence,
valid car insurance certificate which states you are covered for
business use, and current MOT certificate if applicable) to Joy, in
accordance with the RCN driving at work policy, before 30 April 2012.
Importance of updating details on RCN membership database
Margaret Graham highlighted the importance of providing updated
information for the RCN membership database as raised at the recent
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networks meeting.
Pre-Congress meetings
Margaret McCambridge asked the Director what would happen if a
member who was being supported to attend Congress did not attend
a pre-Congress meeting as the next meeting is scheduled for
Thursday. Janice responded that the issue would be addressed
should situation arise whilst reminding Board members that this was
part of the criteria for attendance at Congress and would have to
come back to the Board for a decision. Janice suggested that a
reminder could be sent to anyone who has not already attended.
Community nursing
Margaret Graham welcomed the reference in paragraph 4.3 of paper
nib/12/33 to focusing more attention on community nursing workforce
Pre-registration commissioning
The Director shared her concern with the Board around the
Department‘s decision making process to reduce pre-registration
commissioning and has written to Diane Taylor, Head of HR, DHSSP.
However, as Diane has not addressed all of Janice’s concerns,
Janice will write to her again.
Student bursaries
The Director updated on discussions around student bursaries
currently being addressed by Garrett Martin, Linzi McIlroy, and other
trade unions. Louise Dorman referred to student applicants being
asked whether they would be able to take up a place at university in
September should the bursary not be available.
Central nursing and midwifery advisory committee
Janice attend the first meeting of the Central Nursing and Midwifery
Advisory Committee (CNMAC) since 2009 last week, and Janice has
written to the Permanent Secretary regarding the CNO post. CNMAC
will have a facilitated workshop in the near future with nursing
workforce at the top of the agenda.
Registration of HCAs
The Director informed the Board that the Social Care Council is
registering HCAs in nursing homes and they will be on their register
by December 2012. This is of concern to the RCN.
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Dinner for Judith Hill
Janice reported that the Chair of the Board and Janice hosted a small
dinner for Judith Hill on 3 April 2012 to celebrate Judith’s New Year
honours award.
Congress induction meeting
Janice informed the Board that the Congress induction meeting last
week was very vibrant and embraced the process that encouraged
and supported new people to attend Congress.
Luggage allowance on flights to Congress
Janice confirmed that Flybe flights booked by the RCN included one
piece of hand luggage and an additional 15 kg luggage allowance.
Membership figures
Lisa Holden returned to the meeting and verified that the discrepancy
in figures referred to under agenda item 12/37 occurred because only
one set of figures included all categories of membership. The Board
agreed that the figures provided were acceptable and did not alter the
proposed criteria for the Board’s transition plan at agenda item 12/28.
Lisa asked the Board if they would be content for the student
application form to contain a reference to the potential change to the
student bursary after 30 September 2012; the Board agreed.
Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the RCN Northern Ireland Board will be held on
Monday, 25 June 2012 at 10.00 am in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor Avenue,
Belfast, BT9 6EE.
25 June 2012
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