Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 ROYAL COLLEGE OF NURSING NORTHERN IRELAND Minutes of the Northern Ireland Board meeting held on Monday, 24 September 2012 at 10.00 am in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6EE. Present Ann Marie O’Neill Kevin Bell Robert Moore Rosemary Strange Eamonn Connolly Joe McCambridge Margaret McCambridge Francis Lavery William McCormick Mary Walker Louise Dorman Margaret Meehan Lorna Mercer Ann Scott Chair Council Member Vice-Chair/Health and Safety Regional Committee Nurses Working with Older People Field of Practice Southern Branch Belfast Branch UK Learning Representatives’ Committee Southern Branch Belfast Branch South Eastern Branch Student Representative Children and Young People’s Field of Practice Acute Intervention Field of Practice Mental Health and Learning Disability Field of Practice Apologies Margaret Graham Martain Fiddis Donna Hanna Primary and Public Health Field of Practice South Western Branch Northern Branch Staff in attendance Janice Smyth Garrett Martin Maura Hannon John Knape Carolyn Mason Joy Ireland Director Deputy Director/Senior Officer Employment Relations Personal Assistant to Director/Board Administrator Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing Head of Professional Development Business Manager MINUTES 12/63 Chair’s opening remarks and declaration of interest The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated Kevin Bell who was recently elected Chair of the Governance Support Committee. Ann Marie O’Neill reported that Michael Battersby’s had resigned from the Board for personal reasons and that Robert Moore, Vice Chair, had written to Michael on behalf of the Board (in her absence) to thank him for his contribution. A letter of congratulations was sent on the Board’s behalf to Jacqueline McCaughey who won the Care Manager Award at the recent NI Independent Health Care Awards ceremony. 1 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 Margaret McCambridge suggested the Board send a letter of congratulations to Brenda McIlmurray, who was recently elected to a health practitioner seat on RCN Council; the Board agreed. 12/64 Minutes of Board meeting held on Monday 25 June 2012 Minutes of the Board meeting held on 23 April 2012 agreed (paper nib/12/46). Eamonn Connolly joined the meeting. 12/65 Matters arising A Clarification of driving at work policy for members – item 12/46 The Chair clarified for the Board that it is the sole responsibility of any individual RCN activist claiming mileage allowance to ensure that their vehicle is road worthy and insured for business use; they are not required to provide documentation to the College to support this. B Issue in relation to the NISAT tool – item 12/47(a) The Director recapped on a meeting involving members from the South Eastern (SE) HSC Trust, and updated on a meeting with Kim Campbell (member employed in SE HSC Trust) and Kevin Keenan, HSC Board, on 6 July. Janice informed the Board that the manual version of NISAT is 76 pages and following completion in a patient’s home has to be uploaded to a database. An electronic version has not yet been procured but Kevin Keenan has a business case with the Department for the e-version and hopes to roll it out in an early implementer site in 2013/14. Following meeting with Kevin Keenan on 6 July, Janice corresponded with members in the SE Trust detailing what action was taken on their behalf and suggesting they contact the RCN with any further problems. A copy of this correspondence was requested by a member of the HSC Board staff on 2 August and provided. This correspondence was subsequently circulated further by HSC Board, but not in full, and as a result the views and opinions of the College were misrepresented. The College was contacted by a member on 22 August regarding comments attributed to Janice and expressed concern that the comments made no mention of issues raised by RCN members; these comments were contained in the section of Janice’s correspondence not circulated by the HSCB. Janice subsequently contacted the HSCB and requested a copy of exactly what was circulated; this has been received. The Board agreed that Janice should write a letter of complaint to the HSC Board. William McCormick said that within the Belfast HSC Trust there is a 2 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 perception that the RCN does not have a policy in relation to NISAT and Janice suggested that she circulate a copy of the College’s original letter to Board members that makes clear the College’s position, together with the letter of complaint to the HSC Board: the Board agreed. C Use of branch funds for attendance at Congress – item 12/47(b) The Chair reported that work in relation to the use of branch funds is ongoing with the Director involved at every level, and Carolyn Mason involved at a network level. Ann Marie referred to an email received from Jane Clarke, Director of Governance support, last evening and informed the Board that more information will be available in due course. The Director stated that she had no problem with how the branch funds are used so long as it is in accordance with standing orders. This is a process issue about how decisions are made, who is involved and how are they communicated, and ET accepts that this has not always been clear. Under the legal and governance framework member policies will be developed separately from staff polices in order to avoid confusion. Chris Cox, Director of Legal Services, is meeting with Council to seek Council’s opinion on the legal status for RCN members and their roles, in order to provide greater clarity in the future. Joy Ireland, Business Manager, is part of the branch funds working group set up by Tim Golbourn, Director Finance and Corporate Services. The outcomes of the work undertaken by that group will inform Council’s decisions and result in clearer guidance. The Chair reiterated that the Board’s concerns have been raised and considered. D Number of nights funded at Congress 2012 – item 12/47(b) The Deputy Director referred to the agreed daily delegate allowance of £80 per day for attendance at Congress as discussed prior to the application pack having been issued. Margaret McCambridge reminded the Board that other members in the UK were funded for one night more than NI members and was unable to find the details of what was agreed in previous Board minutes. Janice assured Margaret that this had been discussed prior to the application packs being issued and that very few branches throughout the UK were funded for four nights as due to the geographic location members from the other three countries sometimes attended for a shorter period of time. Janice also highlighted the cost of travel for members from NI (in the region of £116 - £165) which also has to be built into the cost of Congress attendance. Janice suggested the Board had choices; either raise the issue of additional travel costs for delegates from NI, or use the discretionary funding allocated towards an extra night at Congress rather than send more members to Congress. 3 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 Joe McCambridge asked whether the allocated funding was for five nights at £80, or a daily allowance of £80; Janice confirmed that RCN NI is allocated an allowance that is claimed by drawing down from the centre, however, as flights are more expensive there is less money available for subsistence; everyone is allocated the same pot of money but it is carved up differently. A discussion and debate followed on the merits of remaining at Congress on the Thursday evening and whether the evening was seen as an opportunity for a party or an opportunity to network. Kevin Bell praised the contribution of NI members this year and emphasised the importance of affording as many members as possible the opportunity to attend Congress and reminded the Board that the AGM and Congress will be a joint event in 2014. Margaret McCambridge asked whether there will be an option for a Congress delegate to choose an alternative hotel, and pay the difference in cost, to that selected by the RCN; Janice confirmed this is not an option and that hotel rooms have already been secured in Liverpool for Congress 2013. Margaret also asked whether the special needs of a delegate would be taken into consideration in 2013 when arranging hotel accommodation as apparently this year a member had some requirements that were not met; Janice suggested this could be considered at the Board seminar on 5 November when the process will be discussed further. E Informing members of forthcoming AGMs – item 12/47(c) John Knape, Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing, reminded Board members that concern was expressed at the last meeting that due to the removal of the NI page from Bulletin had eroded the branches’ capacity to notify members of forthcoming branch AGMs. John informed the Board that the dates were published in the September edition of Bulletin, a bulk email was sent to members with email addresses, information published in the weekly update and on the RCN NI website; every opportunity was taken to ensure that members were informed. Unfortunately the Northern Branch AGM was not quorate but a new date has been arranged. Margaret McCambridge thanked John and his team for all their efforts but regretted that members only got five days notice when it should have been three weeks and Joe McCambridge reminded the Board that it is stated in the branch constitution that notice of the branch AGM will be published in Bulletin. Janice informed the Board that Daniel Allen, RCN Senior Communications Officer, will be in Belfast on Thursday 27 October at the Caring About Care conference to survey members’ views and opinions about Bulletin. 4 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 Rosemary Strange raised the issue of removal of country and regional pages from Bulletin at the UK Diversity Committee and was told that it was a cost cutting exercise. Janice confirmed that it was necessary to reduce the cost but not to remove the pages. F RCN NI facebook page – item 12/47(c) Deputy Director, Garrett Martin, discussed and explored locally with John Knape the viability of an NI facebook page but RCN facebook is supported nationally and there would not be the capacity to have an NI page at present. G Board transition plan – item 12/48 The Chair reminded the Board that the RCN NI transition plan had been submitted and following a further consultation exercise on 6 August, the transition plan was re-submitted unchanged. H Discrepancies and problems experienced in recording Congress voting – item 12/52 The Chair spoke to item 12/65(H) and (I) informing the Board that these issues had been raised, discussed, and failings in the voting system acknowledged. I Noise caused by lunch distribution at Congress fringe – item 12/57 Addressed under agenda item 12/65(H). 12/66 RCN legal and governance review: Boards work strand The Chair referred to paper nib/12/66 circulated at the meeting outlining the procedure for the RCN Northern Ireland Board election and Janice talked the Board through the details. Attention was drawn to the fact that current Board members who hold a field of practice or UK representative seat on the Board are eligible to stand for branch places in the forthcoming elections. Margaret McCambridge encouraged representatives from the fields of practice to become involved in their branches. Following the resignation of Michael Battersby, the Board agreed that the North Western branch place on the Board should be for a four year term. The Board noted the election procedure and appointed Maura Hannon as the returning officer for the Northern Ireland election. 12/67 Chair’s report The Chair spoke to paper nib/12/67 previously circulated and thanked the RCN for her recent long service award. Ann Marie told of her attendance, with the Director, at a Northern HSC Trust presentation of a long service 5 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 award to a member who had completed fifty years of service. 12/68 Director’s report The Board noted paper nib/12/68 previously circulated and the Director expanded on the following meetings: Professor Alan Stout, BMA Vice Chair of GPC (4 July), emphasising that it is unacceptable for practice managers to carry out appraisal of nurses, nursing duties to be delegated to support staff, and to change staff’s terms and conditions. Dr Carolyn Mason is sending a follow up letter to Dr Sloan Harper as he did not answer all the questions previously asked. Philip Weir, Special Political Adviser to the Minister (11 July), discussed a number of issues relating to staffing. Professor Scott Brown, RCGP, and colleagues (25 July), discussed Transforming Your Care and other topics. Media interview (27 July) regarding the Review of Public Administration. Cathy Cairns, NMC (30 July), whose post has been made redundant in the re-organisation. Maeve Hully, CE of Patient and Client Council (1 August), discussed contribution to Nurse of the Year 2013. Maria Webb, RCN UK Case Management Manager, Huw Bevan, IS Security and Compliance Manager, Alex Marsh, IS Development Manager (7/8 August), visited stewards in the workplace to discuss their role and support required. Nurse Leaders’ Network (17 September), frank discussions about professional accountability and provision of care. Successful leadership challenge (19 September) with joint winners from the Belfast and Southern health and social care trusts. Kevin Bell enquired about current arrangements now the NMC role undertaken by Cathy Cairns is redundant. Janice responded that on a UK basis the College has been in discussions with the NMC, Peter Carter has discussed the matter with the Secretary of State, and the RCN attends NMC Council meetings and receives briefings. Janice suggested circulating the briefings to the Board as they arrive and the Board welcomed this. John Knape informed the Board of a recent teleconference when it was highlighted that RCND has logged an increased number of calls from members in relation to NMC issues and asked if anyone feels colleagues or fellow members are being disadvantaged by the NMC they should inform John who will feedback their concerns. 12/69 Performance management report The Director spoke to confidential paper nib/12/69 circulated at the meeting. Janice informed the Board that the management team had hoped to review the format of the report but decided to await the outcome of the legal and governance review; however, the management team are having 6 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 an away day on 22 October and will consider this again. A revised draft version will be brought to the next Board meeting on 14 January with a view to implementation in April 2013 (issued in advance of the meeting on pink confidential paper). Janice informed the Board that Maria Webb, RCN UK Case Management Manager will be the staff lead for the UK case management survey to be launched on 1 October 2012. Janice welcomed any questions from the Board and Louise Dorman asked whether the Fundamentals of Care sessions are recognised by trusts as some individuals who had already completed them were asked to undertake them again. Janice confirmed that they are recognised by the trusts and asked Louise to forward the information to the Deputy Director for follow up. Margaret Meehan enquired about the purpose of the case management visits on 7/8 August and Janice replied that the visits were to enable RCN IS staff to speak with members and ascertain firsthand the requirements of their role, what support is provided by the trust, what support is required, and to examine facilities available, in order to build a picture of what IT support is necessary to carry out their role. Janice is very optimistic about how this will be taken forward; the process will commence with stewards as there is significant risk around members’ data. The case management vision is that there will be a system to incorporate all stages, from the members’ first contact to case closure, and anyone involved in that process will have the appropriate tools required. 12/70 RCN NI Frontline First The Deputy Director referred to information contained in the performance management report and provided feedback from the recent frontline first summit, the purpose of which was to carry out a risk assessment of nursing in NI with the main elements around workforce and the reduction in preregistration numbers. A paper with a risk assessment will be brought to the Board development day on 5 November to agree an action plan. Garrett informed the Board of a march taking place in Belfast on 20 October 2012, co-ordinated by ICTU, to coincide with the march in London. It is planned to have an RCN presence in Belfast. 12/71 Agenda for Change The Deputy Director referred the Board to the performance management report and highlighted the main outstanding issues around job evaluation, arrears payments, clustering agreement and continued support for members. 12/72 Congress 2013 The Director spoke to paper nib/12/72 previously circulated. As formerly 7 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 stated there will be an opportunity at the Board development day on 5 November to agree any necessary changes. Janice reminded the Board that at their last meeting in June they had set up a sub-group to take forward the arrangements for hosting Celtic Night at RCN Congress 2013 (Ann Marie O’Neill, Margaret Meehan, Joe McCambridge, Mary Walker and Joanne Stevenson). However, since then Janice has learned that Liverpool Victoria has determined, in accordance with its industry guidelines, that funding is now to be used only for educational events and not for social events which means there will be no central funding for Celtic Night. However, if the Board wishes to proceed with hosting this event it would have to be organised and hosted by members and self funding. John Knape had been asked to arrange a meeting of the sub-group but wanted to make the Board aware of this situation first. Janice is unsure where else this has been discussed. Following discussion it was agreed that Ann Marie and Kevin Bell will seek clarity of the situation at Council in October and John Knape will organise a meeting of the sub-group prior to the Board development day on 5 November 2012. 12/73 Dates of RCN Northern Ireland Board meetings and seminars in 2013 The Chair spoke to paper nib/12/73 previously circulated outlining the proposed dates of RCN NI Board meetings and seminars in 2013 and sought the Board’s agreement: the Board agreed. 12/74 Branch bank balances The Business Manager outlined for Board members the amount of money held in branch accounts and informed them that she is part of the RCN branch funds working group currently exploring what the funds could be used for in the future. The proposals from the group will be forwarded to Council for approval. Margaret Meehan suggested that some of the money in branch accounts could be used for Celtic Night at Congress in 2013; Joy agreed to raise this at the next meeting in a couple of weeks’ time. 12/75 Future activist programme quality assurance: outcomes of latest Open College Network review of the UK L&D pathway for RCN representatives The Chair welcomed Cathy Pugh, Learning and Development Facilitator, to the meeting. Cathy delivered a presentation to complement paper nib/12/75 previously circulated and provided an opportunity for questions. Ann Marie thanked Cathy on behalf of the Board for her presentation. 8 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 12/76 RCN AGM The Director informed Board members that the AGM will be held in Regent’s College London on 17 October 2012. Janice reminded the Board that online voting has been introduced this year and asked them to encourage members to vote for the increase in fees to allow the College to continue with work planned as there will be implications if the increase is not agreed. Lorna Mercer left the meeting. 12/77 Rae Bequest/Marcia Mackie funding Carolyn Mason, Head of Professional Development, informed the Board that we are now entering into another trawl for applicants for funding from the award schemes and outlined the established links with the RCN Foundation. Margaret McCambridge stated that at Congress the recipients of funding were introduced as “winners” which is incorrect; the term “successful applicants” would be more accurate and acceptable. 12/78 Transforming Your Care John Knape updated on developments since the previous Board meeting in relation to Transforming Your Care, including meetings with the Minister, and Philip Weir. The RCN is broadly supportive of the direction of travel but have concerns over the process and implementation, particularly the lack of workforce planning. It is anticipated that the draft implementation plan will be published this week for consultation. John encouraged Board members to discuss the document with colleagues locally and to feedback to him in order to form a robust response. Garrett Martin, Deputy Director, and John met with Conall McDevitt on 26 July at Conall’s request. Conall is particularly exercised about the concept that Transforming Your Care is the Northern Ireland version of the health and social care bill. 12/79 2013-2014 operational planning The Director informed the Board that the Council priorities outlined in paper nib/12/83 will inform the operational plan together with the outcomes of the recent frontline first summit. The draft operational plan will be circulated electronically to Board members for approval following the management team away day on 22 October (final plan to be submitted by 26 October). Ann Scott left the meeting. 12/80 Student bursaries Louise Dorman asked the Board what steps should be taken following the implementation of cuts to the level of student nurse bursaries, albeit that the 9 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 Minister announced on Friday that he will reinstate the uniform and book allowance. Board members discussed the lack of public awareness of the role of nursing students, the emphasis on the vocational element of their degree, placements and unsocial hours, the potential impact on the number of individuals entering the profession and attrition rates, and the increasing challenges on frontline staff. Although the NMC states that nursing students have to be exposed to 24 hour nursing, this requirement could effectively be addressed by working one night and one weekend. Following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that The Director should 1. Write to the Minister on behalf of the Board highlighting the student contribution to the service which appears to have gone unrecognised and copy the letter to the Chair of the Health Committee. 2. Contact students attending the Caring for Care conference on Thursday to ascertain whether they would be willing as a group to speak with a local journalist about the cut to the nursing student bursary. William McCormick suggested that there may be some merit in Janice also writing to the Directors of Nursing stating that whilst as a Board we are aware of the struggles within the service we would also wish to highlight the exact requirements for a nursing student in terms of exposure to 24 hour nursing; the Board agreed. 12/81 Political party conferences John Knape informed the Board of forthcoming party political conferences (SDLP, 9-10 November at Armagh City Hotel, and DUP, 23/24 November at La Mon House). Janice Smyth and John attended the UUP conference on 22 September at Titanic Belfast, and details of the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis are as yet unavailable. Janice and John are currently exploring member support and political activity and hope to be able to share additional information with the Board shortly. 12/82 Matters from Boards for Council The Chair asked the Board whether they had any additional matters they wished to raise at Council, apart from funding of Celtic Night; no additional issues raised. Ann Marie suggested Board members email her directly with any further topics. 12/83 Summary report to Board from RCN Council meeting 18/19 July 2012 The Board noted paper nib/12/83 previously circulated and Janice drew the Board’s attention to Council priorities; point 16.2 and the RCN’s plans to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and informed the Board that a deceased NI member’s family would like to have a posthumous presentation 10 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 which John Knape is currently trying to arrange; point 17.5 and encouraged support for the RCN Foundation. Foundation Trustees are hoping to attend a future Board meeting to talk about their plans and the grants they offer. Janice also informed the Board that Chris Piercey has been elected as the new chair of the Diversity Committee. The Board noted paper nib/12/83(a) circulated at the meeting. 12/84 Media and consultation update The Board noted paper nib/12/84 previously circulated. 12/85 Reports from branches, fields of practice, regional learning representative, regional safety representative and UK stewards’ committee Board members noted the following reports previously circulated: Nurses working with older people field of practice - paper nib/12/85(i) NI regional safety representatives’ report - paper nib/12/85(ii) NI learning representatives’ report - paper nib/12/85(iii) Belfast branch - paper nib/12/85(iv) South Eastern branch - paper nib/12/85(v) Southern branch - paper nib/12/85(vi) Mental health and learning disability field of practice - paper nib/12/85(vii) A primary care and public health field of practice report was circulated at the meeting (paper nib/12/85(viii)). 12/86 Any other business A NI networks sub-committee updated Carolyn Mason, provided an update following this morning’s meeting of the sub-committee, and the three important components were: A formal application to establish a new network, i.e. public health network, has gone through the process pending Board’s agreement and ratification: the Board agreed. Proposal to disband four inactive networks using the established criteria and process (palliative care, women’s health, ENT, midwifery) with Board’s approval: the Board approved. Seeking two Board members to join the sub-committee as some of the current members will be standing down on 31 December 2012. Margaret Meehan and Mary Walker volunteered and Janice suggested that when the new Board is constituted on 1 January 2013 other Board members may wish to become involved. 11 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013 Northern Ireland Board 14 January 2013 Agenda item 13/02 The Chair paid tribute to Rosemary Strange and Lorna Mercer for their immense contribution to the NI networks sub-committee. B RCN Board seminar – 5 November 2012 Janice outlined the following agenda items for the Board Seminar: To agree the Congress 2013 application template Frontline front action points Operational plan. Janice requested that any suggestions for additional agenda items should be forwarded to John Knape. 12/87 Date and time of next meeting RCN Northern Ireland Board Seminar will be held on Monday, 5 November 2012 (details to follow from John Knape). Next meeting of the RCN Northern Ireland Board will be held at 10.00 am on Monday 14 January 2013, in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6EE. Signed: Date: 14 January 2013 12 G: Board/Maura//NIBoard/Minutes/14Jan2013