June 2013 (Word 65.4KB) - Royal College of Nursing

Northern Ireland Board
23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
Minutes of the Northern Ireland Board meeting held on Monday, 24 June 2013
at 10.00 am in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6EE.
Margaret Meehan
Kevin Bell
Joe McCambridge
Margaret McCambridge
Francis Lavery
William McCormick
Alison Milliken
Karen Oakes
Roisin Devlin
Paul McElwee
Mary Walker
Kathryn Gault
Vice Chair/Chair of meeting/Southern Branch
Council Member
Belfast Branch
Northern Branch
Southern Branch
Belfast Branch
Northern Branch
South Eastern Branch
Northern Branch
North Western Branch
South Eastern Branch
South Western Branch
Ann Marie O’Neill
Ann Scott
Chair/Council Member
Mental Health and Learning Disability Field of Practice
Staff in attendance
Janice Smyth
Garrett Martin
Maura Hannon
John Knape
Joy Ireland
Marie McAteer
Deputy Director/Senior Officer Employment Relations
Personal Assistant to Director/Board Administrator
Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing
Business Manager
Employment Relations Officer (joined for item 13/57)
Edna Colhoun
PA to Deputy Director
13/53 Chair’s opening remarks and declaration of interest
In the absence of the Board Chair, Margaret Meehan, Vice-Chair, chaired
the meeting, welcoming everyone, particularly observer Edna Colhoun,
newly appointed PA to the Deputy Director and Office Manager,
Employment Relations Department.
Margaret informed the Board that Marie McAteer, Employment Relations
Officer, and Sindy King, Learning Representative, would be joining the
meeting to deliver a presentation at agenda item 13/57; letters of
condolences had been sent on their behalf to Maureen Dolan and Brenda
McIlmurry following the death of their father; and circulated a copy of a letter
received from Robert Moore following receipt of his RCN Order of Merit
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23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
Award at Congress.
Board members were advised that Council voting papers will be enclosed
with the August issue of RCN Bulletin which should be received by members
around 31 July, with voting closing on 18 September 2013.
No conflicts of interest declared.
13/54 Minutes of Board meeting held on Monday 25 March 2013
Minutes of the Board meeting held on 25 March 2013 (paper nib/13/54)
agreed and signed.
13/55 Matters arising
Feedback from Daniel Allen regarding Bulletin – item 13/30(a)
John Knape, Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing, recapped
on the background to this item and informed the Board that currently a
fundamental review is taking place, led by Fiona Johnson, RCN Director
of Communications, examining the RCN’s engagement with members
and pending the outcome of the review had nothing further to add.
Diaries for members – item 13/30(e)
Kevin Bell, Council member, reported that he will raise the issue of “opt
out” as opposed to “opt in” for receipt of a diary at MRC on 9 September.
RCN NI frontline first summit paper – item 13/30(h)
The Director, Janice Smyth, recapped on the frontline first summit
meeting on 14 September 2012 which culminated in the paper “Do We
Care Enough About Nursing Care?”, and the decision at the last Board
meeting that the paper could be shared with the Minister for two weeks
prior to considering publication. The paper was sent to the Minister’s
special advisor, Philip Weir, who requested a meeting with Janice to
discuss the paper, and subsequently a meeting with the Minister was
scheduled for 29 May. However, due to the CNO’s family bereavement
the meeting was rescheduled to 20 June 2013. Janice, Margaret
Meehan, Roisin Devlin, Garrett Martin and John Knape represented the
RCN at the roundtable discussion and the other attendees included the
Minister, Andrew McCormick, Permanent Secretary, Charlotte McArdle,
CNO, Angela McLernon, who had been Interim CNO, and Catherine
Daly, a senior civil servant.
Janice circulated a copy of the RCN’s briefing note prepared for the
meeting and provided feedback on the discussions including: workforce
(no workforce planning since 2008, reduction in pre-registration
commissioning numbers, 2008 workforce report recommendations, age
profile of current workforce, emerging evidence of hard to fill posts,
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23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
misleading DHSSP vacancy survey information, over reliance on bank
and agency, post registration commissioning, lack of preparation for
higher level/specialist practice, preparation for Transforming Your Care
and the education commissioning process and budgets); use of bank
and agency (recruitment practice for band 5 posts, workforce controls
and vacancy freezes, increased use of bank nurses and associated
risks, unfilled shifts, and Agenda for Change terms and conditions); skill
mix within nursing teams (Agenda for Change bands across
occupational groups, Agenda for Change pay audit, role of band 5
nurses, rostering of nursing staff and normative staffing ranges); and
technology (lack of information technology infrastructure to support
nursing, over reliance on paper based record systems, nurses required
to collect and input data and tele-health, and setting targets).
Janice shared her understanding of what was agreed at the meeting and
is awaiting a communiqué from the Minister’s office outlining their
perception of the action points agreed; which will be circulated to Board
members to determine the way forward. Janice invited questions from
the Board.
Following a lengthy and robust discussion, including the importance of
ensuring that any reduction in the use of bank and agency staff is
supported by backfilling of posts, keeping a watchful brief on normative
staffing levels, the Board agreed to await confirmation of the Minister’s
offer before coming to a decision on whether to publish the paper.
Joe McCambridge suggested that the message shared today should be
shared with all the individuals who attended the frontline first summit on
14 September 2012 and this was agreed.
Board development – item 13/36
The Director spoke to paper nib/13/56d previously circulated, recapped
on the discussions at the Board seminar on 13 May, and invited Board
members to share their views on the proposed Board member
development process.
William McCormick expressed his dissatisfaction with the format
believing it to be too detailed for the requirements of Board members.
Following a robust discussion which included content and timing of
induction, and a request for an electronic version of the documentation,
there was consensus that:
(a) Yes, there should be a process (15 – 20 minute informal meeting
with the Board Chair);
(b) The review form should be no more than two sides of an A4 sheet
outlining skills and attributes, self assessment (against the role
descriptor for a Board member which will be added as an aide
memoir on a separate sheet), discussion, and agreed way forward to
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23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
include support and development;
(c) No need to involve outside facilitators, keep in-house to minimise
In summary, the Board agreed the following responses to the paper:
No, redraft with suggested changes.
Yes, no need to engage facilitators.
An individual review process should be implemented on a pilot
basis for RCN NI Board members for a period of one year
commencing January 2014.
The redrafted paper will be tabled at the next Board meeting on 23
September and a copy of the Board induction pack shared.
Concerns raised by diversity sub-group – item 13/43
Kevin Bell reported that he had not raised the matter at Council as he
had not discussed it with Janice yet. Janice has expressed her concern
with ET colleagues and John Knape reported that he had had a
telephone conversation with the RCN diversity lead who gave an
assurance that the work would be undertaken by staff.
History of Nursing book launch – item 13/45
John Knape notified the Board that the launch will take place at the
Guildhall, Derry/Londonderry on Wednesday 18 September 2013
(precise time to be advised) with an early evening reception, followed by
dinner, concluding around 9.00 pm to facilitate travel arrangements.
Board members will receive a formal invitation.
The Director, John, Lisa Holden and Fionnuala Newton visited the
Guildhall recently to meet with a member of their events team. Janice
advised that there is exceptional interest in the launch but that the venue
can only accommodate 200 guests and gave an indication of the
potential guest list. The book that is currently with lawyers for legal
proofing will be produced in hardback, soft back, and hopefully an
electronic version, with contributors receiving a complimentary copy.
G Proposed conference highlighting best practice in nursing – item
In the absence of Carolyn Mason, Head of Professional Development,
Janice informed the Board that this proposal was discussed by the
management team (opportunity for finalists of Nurse of the Year who
were not the winners to showcase their practice). As current demand on
staff and members’ time is at an all time high, Janice suggested awaiting
confirmation of the 2014 Council calendar in July to identify a gap when
there might be potential for this to happen. The Deputy Director
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23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
suggested it could be included in a professional development or network
event, echoed by Margaret Meehan who advised that the children and
young people’s network had successfully availed of such opportunities.
John Knape suggested that there may be more creative and cost
effective ways to showcase such practice and Roisin Devlin asked
whether the short films shown at Nurse of the Year could be shared via
social media and John undertook to explore this.
13/56 Director’s report
The Board noted paper nib/13/56 previously circulated and the Director
provided additional detail in relation to the following:
18 April visit to BSO for demonstration of electronic HR system when
Janice expressed concerns about the availability of technology for nurses
20-25 April Congress
6 June Nurse of the Year Awards
10 June NMC stakeholder meeting regarding revalidation, expressing
concern about what may be planned for nursing (Janice sent notes to
RCN HQ and will discuss at the ET next meeting), and
17 June RCN NI representatives’ conference had to be cancelled due to
potential traffic disruption triggered by the G8 summit.
Janice welcomed the attendance of several Board members at the recent
Florence Nightingale Thanksgiving Inter-Denominational Service.
13/57 Union learn fund
The Chair invited Marie McAteer, Employment Relations Officer, and Sindy
King, Learning Representative, to deliver a presentation on the progress of
the RCN’s Union Learning Fund project in NI and the Board noted paper
nib/13/57 previously circulated.
Following the presentation Marie and Sindy invited questions from Board
members, thanked the Board for the opportunity, and the Chair thanked
them for their informative and interesting presentation.
Janice sought assurance that the final report will indicate that the findings
within the independent sector are not dissimilar to those findings of previous
work undertaken in the health service; Marie assured Janice that the work
has been cross referenced in the report.
13/58 Frontline First campaign
Garrett Martin, Deputy Director, spoke to paper nib/13/58 (previously
circulated) proposing progressing the work of the group to the next phase,
the need for the group to continue to exist, acknowledging the valuable work
that has been undertaken, and recommending updating the terms of
reference. The Board agreed the proposed revised terms of reference as
indicated at 3.2 of the paper.
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Northern Ireland Board
23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
13/59 Student recruitment
John Knape, Head of Communications, Policy and Marketing, provided a
snapshot of student membership figures against targets and invited Board
members to share ideas of ways to increase student membership, and
Janice added that as Queen’s University have changed their intake to once
a year this could impact on recruitment opportunities.
Board members highlighted potential recruitment opportunities including
students placements, awarding of bursaries by networks, involvement in
student recruitment, increased contact with student information officers,
strategy used by competitors, HCAs, methods of payment, early reminder of
membership renewal, consider use of smart phone barcodes and social
media when appealing to student members. John thanked Board members
for their engagement and will take all their suggestions on board.
13/60 RCN accredited representatives – accreditation and dis-accreditation
The Director spoke to paper nib/13/60 previously circulated which reflects
that the responsibility for accreditation and dis-accreditation rests with the
branch. Janice talked the Board members through the paper and flowchart
and highlighted that the Board is being asked to consider and agree the
process and that it is their responsibility to ensure that branches are
consulted on the issue. As every branch is represented on the RCN NI
Board, Janice asked whether the Board considered this sufficient to inform
their response, or whether they needed to consult wider with the branches.
Following discussion it was agreed that the consultation document should be
forwarded electronically to branch secretaries for consultation with branch
members with comments to be forwarded before 4 July 2013. Janice
summarised the views of the Board for clarification.
13/61 Subscriptions
Kevin Bell, Council member, addressed the Board on the proposed
resolution that will go to the AGM in October 2013 to authorise Council to set
the RCN subscription for the next five years. If the proposal is accepted
Council will consult with members through the boards and branches each
year before setting the subscription rate for the following year. Kevin outlined
why Council is seeking this authority, asked the Board how acceptable this
change would be, sought their support for Council in its role, and their help
to raise awareness among members of the cost of the services they receive.
The Director outlined the repercussions in the event that Council is not
granted authorisation to set the RCN subscription fee rate, and the Deputy
Director reminded the Board that the RCN Council is a democratically
elected governing body with delegated authority to make decisions on behalf
of members and should be supported to do so.
Following a vigorous discussion Janice summarised the views of the Board
for clarity and will forward their comments to Jane Clarke, RCN Director of
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23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
Governance Support, by 4 July 2013, to help inform Council’s proposal.
13/62 RCN legal and governance update
The Director updated Board members on elections (Council, UK
representatives’ committees, Boards, students and HP committee), Board
consultation and engagement exercises, branch handbook, proposed 2014
calendar of meetings, timing of branch AGMs, Congress 2013, 2014, 2015
and 2016, the RCN Foundation, and that the proposed consultation on the
review of the Congress constitution should be available for the September
Board meeting.
Janice spoke to paper nib/13/62 circulated at the meeting (agreed by the
Board at the RCN NI Board meeting on 14 January 2013, nib/13/17)
clarifying the progress to date on the engagement strategy for RCN Northern
Ireland Board elections in 2014.
It was agreed that following today’s meeting the branch reports will be
uploaded onto the website as previously agreed, there was further clarity
required around the branch newsletters and the process for gathering and
coordinating the information (the Deputy Director undertook to resurrect the
agreed protocol and remind staff to communicate with branches to obtain
information and forward to John Knape and Lisa Holden to format
accordingly), newsletters to be issued quarterly, branch members to be
invited to observe at a Board meeting and all Board member profiles,
including photographs, should be uploaded onto the RCN NI website before
the next Board meeting in September.
13/63 Performance management report & KPIs
Business Manager, Joy Ireland, spoke to confidential paper nib/13/63(a),
and the new KPI template (paper nib/13/63(b)), both circulated at the
meeting, and invited questions from the Board. Copies of the confidential
performance management report were returned after the meeting.
13/64 Selection for attendance at Congress
Garrett Martin spoke to paper nib/13/64 previously circulated and asked the
Board to note the process for funding members to attend RCN Congress in
2013, and to agree the suggested improvements to the process for funding
Congress places in 2014. Garrett suggested that the sub-group of the
Board meet in early September to tease out any further details and bring a
paper back to the Board for approval at the September meeting.
Board members discussed: the merits of getting the balance right between
first time and more experienced attendees; Joe McCambridge suggested
that only one call go out to members to apply for places at Congress to
include first time attendees, funded voting members and members attending
using historical funds; what it means to be active within a branch; and how to
measure selection against the criteria. The Chair, Margaret Meehan,
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23 September 2013
Agenda item 13/75
reminded the Board why the Congress selection process was introduced
and the need for transparency and fairness around the selection process.
It was ultimately agreed that the sub-group will meet to look at the
application process and form, timelines and selection criteria, and bring a
paper to the September Board meeting.
13/65 Matters from Boards for Council
The Chair asked the Board whether they had any additional matters they
wished to go to Council, apart from feedback from agenda items 13/60 and
13/61; no additional matters suggested.
13/66 New guidelines for setting up local networks
The Director invited Joy Ireland to speak to paper nib/13/66 previously
circulated. Joy highlighted that the guidelines did not detail financial
regulations and will raise this with Jane Clarke, RCN Director of Governance
Support, and suggest the inclusion of financial guidance. In the interim the
RCN NI financial guidelines will be retained as an addendum to the paper.
13/67 Update on Network Sub-Committee
The Board noted paper nib/13/67 previously circulated.
13/68 Members’ expenses policy update
The Board noted paper nib/13/68 previously circulated. Margaret
McCambridge asked if when booking members’ travel details the NYS 24
hour helpline could be included with documents in the event that there are
any problems after office hours. Janice will raise this with Jane Clarke.
13/69 Media and consultation update
The Board noted paper nib/13/69 previously circulated.
13/70 Reports from branches
Board members noted the following reports previously circulated:
Belfast - paper nib/13/70(i)
Southern – paper nib/13/70(ii)
South Eastern branch – paper nib/13/70(iii)
Northern – paper nib/13/70(iv)
The North Western (paper nib/13/70(v)) and South Western (paper
nib/13/70(vi)) branch reports were circulated at the meeting and noted.
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Agenda item 13/75
13/71 Update on the stewards, health and safety, and learning
representatives’ committees in Northern Ireland
The Board noted paper nib/13/71 previously circulated.
13/72 Any other business
Nurse of the Year Awards
The Chair congratulated everyone involved in Nurse of the Year and
thanked the staff on behalf of the Board.
13/73 Date and time of next meeting
The next meeting of the RCN Northern Ireland Board will be held on
Monday, 23 September 2013 at 10.00 am in the Boardroom, 17 Windsor
Avenue, Belfast, BT9 6EE.
23 September 2013
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