FINAL REVIEW • PART 1: • THE GODS Mythos and Logos • Mythos = true, divine story • Logos = human discourse Myth and… Religion Etiology Rationalism Psychology 1 Psychology 2 Sociology 1 Eliade -----Max Müller Freud Jung Frazer, Harrison, Graves Sociology 2 Malinowski Structuralism Lévi-Strauss Sacred time origin, reason allegory sexuality, dreams collective unconscious forgotten rituals social charter binary oppositions HISTORIC BACKGROUND – 1600 – 1400 – – 1400 – 1100 – – – – – Minoan Mycenean Prosperous sea-power Linear A Palace structures with monumental walls Linear B 1200 Trojan War 1000 – 800 Dark Ages 750 - 500 Archaic Period 500 - 323 Classical Period Homer, Hesiod Plato Writing Systems • Linear A - Used by the Minoans - So far not deciphered • Linear B - Used by the Mycenaeans - Deciphered by Ventris and Chadwick - Texts are in Greek Troy – Located by H. Schliemann – 9 settlements found at Troy. – Troy 6 or 7 identified as the Homeric Troy. Generations of Gods • • • • • • 1. From Chaos emerged: Gaia, Tartarus, Night, Erebus, Eros 2. Gaia gave birth to Uranus, Mountains, Pontus 3. Uranus and Gaia had 18 Children 3 Hekatonchires, 3 Cyclopes, 12 Titans The Offspring of the Titans • Oceanus and Thetis/Tethis: • 50 daughters named Oceanides • 2. Hyperion and Theia: • Helios (Sun) Selene (Moon) Eos (Dawn) • Cronus and Rhea • Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, • Zeus Cronus • - Castrated his father Uranus from whose blood Erinyes (Furies) were born • - Swallowed all his children except Zeus • Was castrated by Zeus and vomited his other children • Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Poseidon, Hades Titanomachy • • • • • Zeus His siblings Prometheus Cyclopes Hekatonchires • Cronus • Titans led by Atlas Gigantomachy • Zeus • Giants, sons of Gaia • Typhon • Otus and Ephialtes Creation of Human Beings People created by Zeus or the Olympians: 1. Generations - Gold (O) - Silver (O) - Bronze & Heroes (Z) - Iron (Z) 2. Z. sends the flood 3. Deucalion and Pyrrha throw stones People created by Prometheus 1. P. steals fire 2. P. deprives Zeus of a better part of the sacrifice 3. Zeus sends Pandora 4. Bird of pray eating P’s liver in Caucasus Anthropomorphic Gods • Human in form an character • Idealized mortals endowed with • - physical beauty • - intense emotions • - superhuman powers to: • * change shape • * become invisible • * fly Divine anatomy • ICHOR = divine blood • NECTAR = divine drink • AMBROSIA = divine food Olympians Chthonic Deities • Gods of the Earth • Twelve major deities • Dwelling on Mt. Olympus Nymphs • Female spirits who animate aspects of nature • Not necessarily immortal • NAIADS inhabit waters • DRYADS inhabit trees FATES Personifications of Destiny • Parents: Zeus & Themis / Night & Erebus • CLOTHO: spins out the thread of life • LACHESIS: measures the thread • ATROPOS: cuts the thread 14 MAJOR GREEK DEITIES • 6 Children of Cronus and Rhea: • Zeus, Poseidon, Hades • Demeter, Hestia, Hera • 7 children of Zeus • Hephaestus, Ares, Apollo, Artemis, Heremes, Athena, Dionysus, • Aphrodite ZEUS & HERA • God of the sky • Incarnation of justice and order • Bearded man with a scepter and a bolt of lightening and thunder in his hand. • Often carries his shield, the AEGIS • • • • • Mother earth Presides over marriage Stately woman Accompanied by birds Often shown with Iris the goddess of Rainbow SOME Children of Zeus • • • • • • …and HERA …and LETO …and METIS …and MAIA …and SEMELE Hephaestus, Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia Apollo and Artemis Athena Hermes Dionysus Two stories about the birth and youth of HEPHAESTUS Version A • Son of Hera alone • Lame from birth • Cast out of Olympus by Hera Version B • Son of both Zeus and Hera • Interfered on behalf of Hera • Hurled down from Olympus by Zeus • Fell on Lemnos “Adult” Life of Hephaestus • • • • • Restored to Olympus Married Aphrodite God of the forge and its fire Assisted by the three Cyclopes Created masterpieces HEPHAESTUS, APHRODITE, AND ARES GANYMEDES • Zeus kidnapped GANYMEDES • He became cupbearer to the gods 6 out of 9 Muses Daughters of Zeus & Mnemosyne • • • • • • CALLIOPE: epic poetry ERATO: love poetry MELPOMENE: tragedy POLYHYMNIA: hymns TERPSICHORE: dancing URANIA: astronomy Poseidon and Sea Deities • • • • • • • POSEIDON: anthropomorphic god of the sea AMPHITRITE: Nereid, wife of Poseidon PONTUS: “open sea” produced by Gaia OCEANUS: the stream of Ocean TRITON: son of Poseidon and Amphitrite NEREUS: Old Man of the Sea 1 PROTEUS: Old Man of the Sea 2 PROTEUS& NEREUS • • • • Pre-Olympian deity Old man of the sea Foretells the future Changes shape • • • • • Pre-Olympian deity Old man of the sea Foretells the future Changes shape Fathered 50 daughters called NEREIDS, among them THETIS, GALATEA, and AMPHITRITE PELEUS AND THETIS • Oracle: “Thetis will bear a son mightier than his father • Gods avoided her • Peleus, a mortal, become her husband • The wedding of Peleus and Thetis was famous • They became the parents of Achilles SCYLLA & CHARYBDIS • Daughter of Poseidon and Gaia • Drew in mountains of water and spewed them out again. • Poseidon made advances to her • Amphitrite turned her into a monster encircled with a ring of dog's heads ATHENA GODDESS OF WISDOM, WAR, AND WEAVING ATHENA Her mother is Metis (“cunning”) Born from the head of Zeus, her father THE CONTEST BETWEEN ATHENA AND POSEIDON • Object: Control of Athens and Attica • Poseidon produces a salt spring or a horse • Athena creates an olive tree and is proclaimed the victor Athena’s titles • PARTHENOS, virgin of the citadel • PALLAS TRITOGENEIA she who accidentally murdered her friend Pallas daughter of Triton ATHENA AND ARACHNE • ARACHNE challenged Athena to a weaving contest • Athena lost and turned her rival into a spider APHRODITE ATTENDANTS OF APHRODITE • CHARITES: 3 Graces • Feminine personifications of charm and loveliness. • HORAE: 2 or 4 Hours or Seasons PRIAPUS • Son of Aphrodite and Ares/Hermes/Adonis personifies the elemental, sexual side of his mother's nature PYGMALION • Pygmalion falls in love with his own creation, a sculpture of a woman named Galatea • Aphrodite gives live to the statue APHRODITE AND ADONIS • Aphrodite’s love for Adonis • Adonis’s death • PERSEPHONE also falls in love with in Adonis • They have to share: Adonis will spend one part of the year below with Persephone and one part in the upper world with Aphrodite EROS • EROS 1 came out of Chaos before the birth of Aphrodite. • EROS 2 the son of Aphrodite and Ares The Twins • • • • Children of ZEUS and LETO Born on the island of DELOS Both experts at archery Together killed the 7 sons and daughters of NIOBE Who? • Saw Artemisto in seduce her • Tried Artemis bath • The goddess produced a • Was transformed into killed him a stag • His dogs tore him to pieces scorpion that Who co-stars the following episodes of the story of Callisto? • • • • • • Rape Rejection Giving birth Becoming a bear Near death as bear Being promoted to a constellation CHARACTERISTICS OF ARTEMIS • Vehement virgin with characteristics of a fertility goddess • Moon-goddess linked with the lunar cycle and menstrual period • Goddess of nature itself personifying its pristine purity SANCTUARY OF APOLLO AT DELPHI • Apollo chose a place under Mt. PARNASSUS for his oracle and temple. • He slew a dragon named PYTHO • Apollo given the epithet PYTHIAN, his prophetess, PYTHIA Apollo sitting on the Omphalos • Silver tetradrachm from 3rd BCE APOLLO'S LOVES Sybil Cyrene Coronis Daphne Priestess of Cumae Rejection Lion wrestler Love Loved a man Betrayal Devoted Princess of to Art. Troy Rejection Perjury Eternal life City of her Death by without name arrow youth Turned Her into laurel prophecies disbelieved Aristaeus keeper of bees Asclepius god of medicine Cassandra HYACINTHUS APOLLO’S MUSICAL CONTESTS • Picked up the flute invented by Athena. • Challenged Apollo to a contest • Apollo won and he decided to flay him alive • Dared to engage in a contest with Apollo • TMOLUS the god of the mountain was the judge • He declared Apollo the victor THE NATURE OF APOLLO • God of shepherds, associated with music • God of medicine • God of the sun PHOEBUS Apollo "bright." • Symbol of classical restraint: "Know thyself" Demeter and the abduction of Persephone by Hades • Persephone: daughter of Demeter and Zeus kidnapped by Hades • Demeter’s grief • Demeter in Eleusis, nurse of Demophoon, is interrupted when trying to make him immortal • Demeter’s anger • Zeus’ request that P. must return to her mother • Final compromise The Eleusinian Procession • • • • Ritual cleansing Torches Fasting and vigil Hymns and obscene jests The Sacred Rites • KYKEON the sacred drink • Dramatic performance • The revelation of the hiera, "sacred objects" HADES • Roman names: DIS, PLUTO (both names mean wealth) ORCUS by the Romans • God of death and agricultural plenty Three Judges • MINOS RHADAMANTHUS, and AEACUS • Pass sentence on the just and unjust souls. Identify Hermes Psychopompus • Hermes Psychopompus. Hermes as "leader of the soul" takes our souls, after death, to Charon Poussin: Midas and Bacchus THE BIRTH of Dionysus • Zeus loved SEMELE, daughter of CADMUS • Hera convinced Semele to trick Zeus into revealing himself • Semele was burned, but their unborn child was saved by Zeus • Dionysus was born from Zeus’ thigh and brought up by nymphs and Semele's sister Ino on a mountain named Nysa THE BACCHAE OF EURIPIDES • Dionysus comes to Thebes where his religion is repudiated • The women of Thebes become possessed by frenzy • Deceived by Dionysus, King Pentheus participates in the rites disguised as a woman • He is discovered and torn to pieces by the Bacchae led by his mother AGAVE THE NATURE OF DIONYSUS • • • • God of vegetation God of wine Represents the irrational in human beings Dionysiac ecstasy, MANIA, combines the bestial and the sublime DIONYSIAC LEXICON SATYR MAENAD BACCHA THYRSUS OMOPHAGY THIASUS part man and part animal, pleasureloving follower of D. a) nymph from the retinue of D. b) woman worshiping D. a pole wreathed with ivy or vine leaves congregati on that engaged in omophagy eating raw flesh of the sacrificial animal DIONYSUS’ FOLLOWERS DIONYSUS-ZAGREUS • Son of Zeus and Persephone • At Hera’s request the Titans dismembered and devoured the child • His heart was saved • Dionysus was born again through Semele • People were created from the ashes of the Titans THE HOMERIC HYMN TO HERMES • • • • • Son of Zeus and MAIA Invented the lyre Stole Apollo’s cattle Made the first sacrifice to the 12 Olympians Reconciled with Apollo Hermes and Apollo’s Cattle Hermaphroditus THE NATURE OF HERMES • • • • • • God of shepherds Patron of thieves and business people Master of persuasion Psychopompus Messenger of the gods Archetypal trickster ATTRIBUTES OF HERMES HERM FINAL REVIEW • PART 2: GODS AND HEROES • WEEK 4 REVIEW • ORPHEUS & MYSTERIES • MYCENAE • THEBES THE STORY OF ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE • Eurydice died of a snake-bite on her wedding day • Her husband the TRACIAN singer ORPHEUS appealed to the rulers of Hades • Moved by his music, they granted his request ORPHEUS’ DEATH • Unable to keep his word NOT TO LOOK BACK at Eurydice before they leave Hades, Orpheus lost Eurydice again • He died torn into pieces by the Maenades Orphic Message… Is linked both to Apollo (music and poetry) AND to Dionysus (rebirth) Orphic Myths of Creation 1. PHANES (= Eros = Dionysus) hatched from the cosmic egg 2. Phanes gave birth to Night 3. Phanes and Night gave Birth to Gaia and Uranus 4. Zeus is born from Cronus and Rhea 5. Zeus swallows the world MYSTERY RELIGIONS • Main concern: • The fundamental mysteries of human • existence: • life, • death, • afterlife Techniques of Immortality • Secrets are revealed only to members of the religious group, the initiates • They involve a system of beliefs and principles that assure happiness in afterlife MYSTERY RELIGIONS OF ANTIQUITY • • • • • • Mysteries of Dionysus Orphic Mysteries of Dionysus Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter Mysteries of Cybele and Attis Mysteries of Isis and Osiris Mysteries of Mitra Sagas and Cycles • Saga, or legend = mythological story that has some basis in history • Cycle = a cluster of legends concerning a hero, a family, a tribe, or a city The background of Greek sagas • Late Bronze Age communities which flourished ca. 1600-1100 B.C The Mycenaean saga TANTALUS m. Dione Served his son for dinner PELOPS m. HIPPODAMIA Kiled his father-in-law with the help of Myrtilus, then killed his accomplice ATREUS m. AEROPE Served his nephews for dinner to their father AGAMEMNON m. CLYTEMNESTRA A. murdered his daughter, C. murdred A. ELECTRA Took part in the murder of C. and Ae. ORESTES Murdered C. and Ae. THYESTES m. ? Seduced his brother's wife, stole the golden fleece 2 sons murdered by Atreus, eaten by Thyestes IPHIGENIA Was sacrificed by Her father Ag. PELOPIA m. THYESTES AEGISTHUS murdred A. Orestes pursued by the Furies (Erinyes) THE SAGAS OF THEBES CADMUS came to Greece in search of his sister EUROPA Cadmus • Instructed by the oracle at Delphi, he founded Cadmeia, later called Thebes. • Kills a dragon • Sows its teeth from which sprung the Spartoi • Served Ares, married his daughter Harmonia CADMUS’ DESCENDANTS Cadmus' Descendants CADMUS AGAUE m. Echion SEMELE m. ZEUS Polydorus m. Nycteis PENTHEUS DIONYSUS LABDACUS m. ? Died when Laius is very young Asks * LYCUS to be the regent LAIUS m. IOCASTA Warned by Apollo expose their son Oe. POLYBUS and MEROPE OEDIPUS m. IOCASTA Unknowingly murdered his father and married his mother Blinded himself POLYNICES Dies attacking Thebes ETEOCLES Dies defending Thebes ANTIGONE Dies for having burried Polynices ISMENE Dies before having children * Amphion and Zethus • Sons of ANTIOPE, the niece of Lycus, and Zeus • Brought up by a shepherd while Antiope was imprisoned by Lycus and his wife, DIRCE • Killed Lycus and tied Dirce to the horns of a bull that dragged her to her death • Became rulers of Cadmeia and sent Laius into exile Amphion and Zethus Lycus' family Hyriaos m. Clonia Nyctaeus m. Polyxo LYCUS m. DIRCE ANTIOPE m. Zeus AMPHION m. NIOBE 6 sons 6 daughters ZETHUS m. Thebe Meanwhile Laius… Oedipus’ and the Sphinx • • • • • Name = Swollen foot Brought up by Polybus and Merope Accidentally killed Laius Solved the Sphinx’ riddle Married his mother Oedipus discovers his identity • Iocasta commits suicide • Oedipus blinds himself and goes to exile, accompanied by Antigone • Iocasta’s brother, Creon becomes king Seven against Thebes • Eteocles and Polynices agreed to rule in alternate years • Eteocles refused to give up the throne • Polynices raised the army “of seven leaders” and marched against Thebes • Both brothers died in a duel • Disregarding Creon’s orders, Antigone gave Polynices a symbolic burial • Creon condemned her to death Antigone THE TROJAN SAGAS • THE ILIAD and • THE ODYSSEY LEDA’S CHILDREN • POLYDEUCES and HELEN were immortal • CASTOR and CLYTEMNESTRA were mortal PARIS or Alexander • Took Helen as a reward for judging Aphrodite to be more beautiful than Hera and Athena… The Trojan Expedition • CALCHAS warned Agamemnon that he would have to sacrifice IPHIGENIA TROJANS • • • • • • HECTOR Leading Trojan warrior Wife: ANDROMACHE; son: ASTYANAX AENEAS Son of Aphrodite and Anchises led a band of survivors to Italy GREEKS • • • • • • DIOMEDES With Athena’s help wounded Ares GREATER AJAX Strongest after Achilles Defended the corpse of Patroclus Was defeated by Odysseus in the contest for the arms of Achilles The Illiad • • • • • • • Agamemnon gives back CHRYSEÏS but takes BRISEIS from Achilles 2. Achilles withdraws from the battle 3. Trojans are successful 4. Patroclus joins the battle; Hector kills him 5. Achilles returns to battle and kills Hector 6. Priam ransoms Hector’s body Later events Trojan Horse Neglected Prophecies • Cassandra’s warnings were not believed • LAOCOÖN, priest of Apollo protested • Poseidon sent two sea-monsters to murder Laokoon and his sons. The Fall of Troy • Priam was butchered by Neoptolemus, son of Achilles • Astyanax, was thrown from the walls ODYSSEY Telemachus’ Journey • Helped by Athena, he goes to Pylos and Sparta to find out news of Odysseus from Nestor, Menelaüs and Helen. The final stage of Odysseus’ journey • After the death of all his companions spends 7 years on Ogygia, the island of Calypso before Zeus decides to release him • He leaves the island on a raft and reaches the Phaeacians • The Phaeacians send him home Ithaca • On Ithaca, he finds his wife harassed by suitors • He enters his house in disguise and kills all suitors Odysseus’ Story • Told to the Phaecians The Lotus-Eaters Polyphemus Poseidon’s curse • Tied under sheep, three men escaped and went back to their ship. • As they sailed away, Odysseus shouted out his real name. • Polyphemus prayed to Poseidon for vengeance Aeolus • Aeolus king of winds gave Odysseus a bag holding all the winds • Just as their ships were approaching Ithaca, the crew opened the bag. • The winds blew them back to Aeolus, who refused to help The Laestrygonians Circe • • • • The surviving ship sailed to Aeaea, home of CIRCE She transformed three of Odysseus' crew into pigs Odysseus himself resisted her and became her lover After a year, Circe let him go Underworld • At the entrance of Hades Odysseus talked with many spirits of the dead • Teiresias gave him instructions The Sirens lured sailors onto the rocks Between Scylla and Charybdis. • CHARYBDIS sucked in the water three times daily • SCYLLA snatched six sailors and ate them • Odysseus chose Scylla The Cattle of Helius • Odysseus’ men killed some of Helius’ cattle • Zeus raised a storm that sank the ship • Sole survivor, Odysseus drifted to Ogygia