HOLY FAMILY UNIVERSITY Daily Lesson Plan Template Demographic Information Student’s Name: Elizabeth Wolford & Melanie Dubner Cooperating Teacher’s Approval: Christine Sylvester Subject: Social Studies Allocated Time: 1 hour Date: 2/13/2014 Topic: Why & How Immigrants Come to the United States Grade: 3rd Student Population: 23 students; 10 boys & 13 girls State Standards and/or District Requirements State Standards Specific Number 8.3.3.D Exact Wording Identify and describe how conflict and cooperation among groups and organization have impacted the history and development of the US. Ethnicity and race Working conditions Immigration Military conflict Economic stability District core curriculum, benchmarks or standards if required by the district. Specific Number Exact Wording Instructional Elements Goal for Understanding Students will identify why and how immigrants come to the United States. Instructional Objective Statement Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of why and how people become part of our country. Student Behaviors Sources of Evidence Criteria for Evaluation Students will converse during Appropriate discussion about the Students will make a Think-Pair-Share. topic given to the pair to discuss. connection with how it feels to start somewhere new. Students will watch video Students will be actively Students will use the about a young immigrant. engaged in what the child is information given in the saying. video for their group work or exit ticket. Students will work in a group A list will be shared with the The list that was generated to complete a list. class to discuss. will have appropriate responses, including ones that we had previously talked about. Students will use the The scores of each student’s The students will correctly Socrative App to complete Socrative quiz will be delivered answer the questions on questions about the topic. to the teacher. Socrative. Teaching to the Objective Estimated Time Teaching to the Objective Introduction/Motivation/Prior Knowledge: Differentiation (Required for Each Section) 5 minutes 10 minutes 9 minutes 15 minutes 13 minutes 8 minutes The students will engage in a Think-Pair-Share to discuss how they felt when they went somewhere new. The teacher will introduce key vocabulary: immigrants, discriminate, migrant workers Developmental Activities: The teacher will read Coming to America The students will watch a video, Meet Young Immigrants, to learn about a child their age, who has recently come to America. The students will be broken up into groups and receive a job, which could be recorder, timekeeper, spell checker, reporter or elaborator. Each group will come up with a list of why someone would leave his or her home and go to a new country. The class will come together and share their lists, making one big list for the whole class. Assessment: Students will be assessed on appropriate conversation during Think-Pair-Share. Students will be assessed on working cooperatively in a group to achieve a successful list of reasons someone would leave their country. The students will be assessed on answering the closure questions on Socrative correctly. Closure: Students will use the Socrative app to answer questions pertaining to the lesson. Students will work with a partner to exchange ideas. Students will have a visual connection with the information being discussed Students will have a visual connection through the use of technology. Students will have the opportunity to work in a group with peers of mixed levels. Students will be working in pairs and small groups. Students will be allowed to work in a setting they find comfortable, if necessary. Follow-up: Students will be asked to being in five items in a paper bag that they would want to bring with them to a new country to be used in an activity the next day. Materials: Coming to America, SMARTBoard, computers, paper, pencils, erasers, exit tickets, vocabulary cards, iPads, Socrative app Resources: scholastic.com, kellyfjohnson.wordpress.com, flashcardmachine.com References: Flash Card Machine, LLC. (2015). Flashcard Machine. Retrieved from http://www.flashcardmachine.com/my-flashcards/ Johnson, Kelly. (2012). Lesson Plan: Introduction to Immigration Retrieved from https://kellyfjohnson.wordpress.com/public-history-work/lesson-plan-introduction-toimmigration-3rd-grade/ Maestro, Betsy. (1996). Coming to America: The Story of Immigration. Scholastic Press. Scholastic, Inc. (2015). Meet Young Immigrants. Retrieved from http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/immigration/young_immigrants/ Socrative. (2011). Socrative, Inc. (Version 2.0) [Mobile application software. Retrieved from http://itunes.apple.com Technology: SMARTBoard, iPads and computer