Dates Sept. 22, 2014 Monday Sept. 23, 2014 Tuesday Sept. 24

Sept. 22, 2014
Sept. 23, 2014
Sept. 24, 2014
Sept. 25, 2014
Sept. 26, 2014
ELACC9-10RL2: Determine
ELACC9-10RL2: Determine
ELACC9-10RL2: Determine
a theme or central idea of
text and analyze in detail its
development over the course
of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary
of the text.
a theme or central idea of text
and analyze in detail its
development over the course
of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary
of the text.
a theme or central idea of text
and analyze in detail its
development over the course
of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details;
provide an objective summary
of the text.
ELACC9-10RL6: Analyze a
particular point of view or
cultural experience reflected
in a work of literature from
outside the United States,
drawing on a wide reading of
world literature.
ELACC9-10SL1: Initiate and
participate effectively in a
range of collaborative
discussions(one-on-one, in
groups, and teacher-led) with
diverse partners on grades 9–
10 topics, texts, and issues,
building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly
and persuasively.
ELACC9-10RL3: Analyze
how complex characters (e.g.,
those with multiple or
conflicting motivations)
develop over the course of a
text, interact with other
characters, and advance the
plot or develop the theme.
ELACC9-10RL3: Analyze
how complex characters (e.g.,
those with multiple or
conflicting motivations)
develop over the course of a
text, interact with other
characters, and advance the
plot or develop the theme.
ELACC9-10RL3: Analyze
how complex characters (e.g.,
those with multiple or
conflicting motivations)
develop over the course of a
text, interact with other
characters, and advance the
plot or develop the theme.
Essential Question/
Key Question
What has happened
between Books 1-22?
Do the gods play
Lesson Opener
Film clips (youtube)
showing key scenes
that have lead up to
Book 22 in The Iliad
If the odds were
against you, would
you stay and fight for
Go over popplets or
inspiration for
Socrative quiz
ELACC9-10RL6: Analyze
a particular point of view
or cultural experience
reflected in a work of
literature from outside the
United States, drawing on
a wide reading of world
What are the burial
rites of Ancient
Greeks? Of today’s
Instagrok- look up
burial rites
Review video of
Ancient Greek Burial
b. Work with peers to set
rules for collegial discussions
and decision-making (e.g.,
informal consensus, taking
votes on key issues,
presentation of alternate
views), clear goals and
deadlines, and individual roles
as needed.
How can you rewrite
Introduce the project
through a handout;
have students go to
different Aurasma
triggers in the room
for their scenes
Procedures/Strategies Update
how has Achilles
changed? What
changes would you
make to your chart?
Lesson Summary
Materials Needed
Read and annotate
The Iliad Book 22
Read and annotate
The Iliad Book 22
Read and annotate
Book 22
Begin reading The
Iliad Book 22 (if time)
Popplet or inspiration
update- Hector,
Agamemnon, Ajax,
Priam, Hecuba
Popplet or inspiration
character charts
Discussion about
Hector’s reasoning
behind fighting;
update character
Popplet or inspiration
character charts
Diagram how the
gods play
favorites/who they
favor, etc.
Discuss how various
characters deal with
Socrative quiz over
Book 22 so far
Youtube clips; copies
of Book 22; ipad for
Popplet or Inspiration
Ipad with popplet and
inspiration app;
copies of Book 22;
writing utensil
Socrative app; ipad;
copies of Book 22
Socrative: ticket out
the door- do you
think that Achilles is
right or wrong?
Youtube clip; Copies
of Book 22; writing
Students will begin
working on rewriting
their key scenes for a
short movie project
using iMovie or
through youtube.
They also have the
option to use comic
maker and to make a
Socrative: ticket out
the door- check point
or questions about
Ticket out the doorwhat progress did
your group make
Ipads; socrative app;
Aurasma app iMovie
app and comic maker
app; copies of Book