
 Aphrodite is known as
the goddess of love and
 Since Venus is known as
the Goddess of love, the
animal related to her is a
 Aphrodite’s city is
Aphrodesias , because it
has beautiful scenery
 Pearls, gold,
aquamarine, rose
quartz, jade, sapphire,
silver, and copper
 Aphrodite’s Greek name is Venus
and her roman name is
 Aphrodite is the cause of
the Trojan war
 It says that when she was
born when croups cut off
Uranus’ genitals and
threw them into the sea,
and form the sea foam
arose Aphrodite
 Aphrodite is in charge of love and marriage in the
 All of the Greek gods are related to one another except
 The birthday of Aphrodite was not known, but her
birthday was celebrated of the fourth day of every
 Aphrodite is the daughter of Zeus and Diana
 She had many children but her most admired child is
Emily Bryan
Wade Vandine
Dionysus is the
god of wine,
pleasure, ecstasy,
theater, and
fertility of nature.
•His Greek name is
Dionysus and his
Roman name is
Bacchus and Liber.
•The animal that
he is associated
with is a goat
and a bull.
• Objects that are
associated with
Dionysus is that
he is seen riding
a cheetah,
leopard, or a
Dionysus’ Relationships
• Son of Zeus and Semele.
•Ariadne is his wife who was a Cretan princess;
she became his wife when she was abandoned
by Theseus and left her on Naxos one of
Dionysus’ favorite islands.
• He had several children with Ariadne.
• His children’s names are Oenopion and
Other Info about Dionysus
• The cities or temples he has
received or has been seen in
from the time that he was a god
are Naxos where he was
reverenced, any where grapes
are grown, and any where wine
is produced.
•Dionysus is hardly mentioned
in Greek mythology because he
became a god late in Greek
mythology and as a god.
• If he is usually regarded in the
myths with hostility, hatred,
and when he moved to a city if
they apposed him he would
destroy them.
Other Facts about Dionysus
• They said that he was the most dangerous
god to worship and that he was the most
destructive god.
• Dionysus was the last god to go on Mount
• He was not considered one of the Olympians.
• Since Homer skipped him it is suspected that
is why his worship from the Greeks came late,
and possibly from Anatolia.
• In Greek mythology he is more ecstatic than
the Roman mythology of him.
By: Julie Bauer and Jade Dahl
 Goddess of the moon and of the hunt
 She was also known as the goddess of nature
 Deer
 Bears
 Hunting dogs
 Guinea fowl
 Elephant
 Horses
 Dove
 Bee
 Ephesus (present day Turkey)
 Temple to the god of Artemis
 The bow and arrow
 Hunting animals
 The daughter of Zeus and Leto, daughter of Titan
 Never married
 Never had kids (she was a virgin goddess)
 Daughter of Jupiter and Latona
 Twin sister of Apollo
 Never married
 Never had kids (she was a virgin goddess)
 Gave women dying of childbirth a quick death
 Pregnant women and women getting married would
dedicate their cloths to her
 Disliked men
 Sometimes ordered them torn apart if they saw her
 Born in Delos
 Where she was born under a palm tree, with her twin
brother Apollo
 Artemis was born five minutes before Apollo
By Allanah Hare
and Beau Maas
The God of Fire &
 He’s the only god
to be physically
ugly and also lame.
 He was worshiped
predominantly in
Athens as a
Feeling rejected by his
mother Hera, Hephaestus
made a lovely throne for her
and sent it to Olympus. She
sat in it and discovered she
could not get up again. Then
the chair levitated. The
other Olympian gods tried
to reason with Hephaestus,
but even Ares was driven off
with his flames. He finally
was given wine by Dionysus
and, drunk, was brought to
Olympus to free his mom
from the throne.
symbols fire, the
axe, the pincers
and the
The only
god with a
“regular “
job and
worked on
his hands.
 Aphrodite was the
Olympian goddess who
represented beauty and
love. Hephaestus was
going marry Aphrodite.
But in a different myth he
was demanded by his
father to marry Athena
the god of war and
wisdom rather than
 Later he divorced
Aphrodite and got
married to Kharis the
goddess of grace.
The Roman God Vulcan was
the son of Jupiter and Juno. He
normally was depicted as a
grotesque figure with one leg
shorter than the other, all that
resulted from being thrown by
Jupiter while attempting to
protect his mother from the
god’s wrath.
 The sacred animal
donkey. He rode
on the back of the
donkey or in a
winged chair
instead of a
Legend has it that he interfered in a quarrel between his
parents Zeus and Hera, which angered Zeus so terribly that
he flung his son out of Olympus and let him fall onto the
island of Lemnos.
By Dawson Hunt & Chris Squires
 Apollo’s duty is to drag the sun across the sky in his
He got his chariot from Hermes.
Apollo killed Achilles by shooting him in the heel.
Achilles had killed the king Victor in single arm
Apollo didn’t have a Greek and Roman name so he was
just Apollo.
 Apollo’s mom was Leto and his Dad was Zeus.
 Zeus was the god of the Sky.
 Leto was the god of motherhood.
 Apollo was born on a sunny island named Delos.
 This was the only island that Zeus would allow for her
to give child birth.
 At the age of 4 he showed great
Skill in the profession of archery
 Apollo's animals were the dolphin, hawk, and wolf.
 Apollo’s he chose these animals because they show
leadership and kindness.
 At the age of 4 days he went out and found a snake
that had tormented their mother at child birth. He
had killed it in 2 shots. It turned out that it was a snake
of the oracle Delphi. One of the greatest prophecies of
all time.
 Apollo never married but he seduced many young goddesses.
 He fell in love once because of Eros.
 Eros was a young cupid. He was caught playing with Apollo’s
arrows. Apollo scolded him telling him that his arrows weren't
toys. Eros replied and said you can play with my arrows they
aren't toys either. The arrows were dipped in a potion that made
the person fall madly in love. Eros shot and struck him. Just then
the daughter of a young river god came walking by. Eros smiled
and shot another arrow dipped in a potion that made love seem
like a horrible thing. She begged that mother nature would strike
her down. She turned into a tree. Heartbroken Apollo ripped
some of the branches off and wove them into his hair.
 He had 3 children all of them were from the goddesses
that he seduced.
Asclepius- Coronis and Apollo
Troilus- Hecuba and Apollo
Aristaeus- Cyrene and Apollo
Hecuba was a queen.
Coronis was a princess. She had loved Apollo for a long
 Twins sister Artemis
 He also had a half brother named Hermes.
 Hermes gave Apollo his first lyre as a gift and taught
him how to play.
 Apollo became one of the best lyres in his village.
 His twin sister were to become archers and they
wouldn’t have to marry unless they wanted to.
 Apollo’s duty was to make his father proud.
By: Collin L. and Zandra M.
 Hera the goddess live in Mount Olympus, in northeast
Greece, near the Aegean Coast.
 Her Greek Roman name is Queen of Heaven.
 She is the Goddess of Marriage and the Queens of
 She is married to Zeus, who is a King so people
worshipped him a lot.
 Hera and Zeus raised animals. They raised the cow,
Peacock, and the Cuckoo.
 They had 4 children, which their names are Hephaestus,
the god of fire and crafts; Ares, the god of war; Eilithyia, the
goddess of childbirth; and Hebe, the cupbearer of the
 Many of the myths and legends about Hera concern
her jealousy and revenge against Zeus’s numerous
lovers and children. Hera’s counterpart in Roman
mythology was a goddess name Juno.
 But that is not the only thing, when Hera married Zeus
even though they are brother and sister, everyone had
a tendency to worship her too sept she was married to
the king. She said that she valued her and Zeus’s
relationship more than any other relationship that she
has ever had.
 Hera is the daughter to the Titans, Cronus and Rhea.
After Rhea had Hera, Cronus swallowed her after birth
in fear that a prophecy involving one of his offspring's
would come true as in he didn’t want any of his kids to
take his throne.
 Their mother, Rhea, executed a plan that hid the
existence of Zeus. Rhea wrapped a stone in baby
clothes so that Cronus would mistake the rock for his
son. Zeus was relocated to a cave on Crete. Later on,
Rhea gave Cronus an herb that caused him to
regurgitate five of their children, including Hera.
 When Zeus grew old enough, Cronus was sent to
Tartarus – situated deep in the underworld. Cronus
was never in any danger of being killed because as a
Titan, he enjoyed immortality.
 Hera used the Pomegranates and peacock feathers for
a symbol. There cult center is Argos, and Samos.
By Sadie Nelson
 His Greek name was Ares and he was very disliked by many
He was Known as the son who was born as a result of
immaculate conception, because Zeus(his father) believed
that Hera used a magical herb to get herself pregnant.
His Roman name is Mars, and he was worshipped by
Romans because they believe that he is the Father of
Romulus and Remus, who were the mythological founders
of Rome.
Not only was he believed to be their father but was also
worshiped because of the Romans love for war.
Some other names that people called him were:
 Father of victory, Leader of men, Lord of the dance and
Ares of the mighty heart.
 Ares was know as the god of war because he represented
frenzy of battle and bloodlust.
 Many hated him because he was so filled with bloodlust
that could not be appeased, and also because he would
fight just to fight.
 He like to fight up close and personal and everyone else
preferred to fight from a distance which gave them
another reason to dislike him.
 Even though he was the God of War he wasn’t a great
fighter and often lost to his half sister Athena.
 There are many Myths but the most famous is about the
Affair Ares had with Aphrodite, who is the goddess of love.
Aphrodite was married to Hephaistos. Ares and Aphrodite
were caught during one of their rendezvous. This myth is
the most famous one about Ares.
 The object that Ares is associated with is the Spear.
 He is also is associated with the Vulture and Dog.
 Ares had a daughter
named Alcippe who was
raped Poseidon’s sons,
Ares then Killed him.
 Cycnus, his son, was
thief and would murder
people for bones so he
could build a temple for
his father.
 Cycnus was killed by