1889-1916 An effort to impose order & justice on society that was approaching chaos What created the chaos? Rapid industrialization Urbanization Immigration Laissez faire White Protestants African Americans Middle class College-educated professionals Scholars, writers Politicians Union leaders Society was capable of improvement Growth and advancement were the nation’s destiny What didn’t work? Laissez faire Social Darwinism Direct, purposeful human intervention in social and economic affairs was essential GOVT ACTION NEEDED! Progressives wanted MILD reforms. They were NOT RADICALS Antimonopoly Fear of concentrated power Urge to limit/disperse authority & wealth Social cohesion We are part of a great social web Each person’s welfare is dependent on the welfare of society as a whole Faith in Knowledge Applying the principles of natural and social sciences to society Knowledge can make society equitable and humane Modernized govt must play important role Crusading journalists Exposed scandal, corruption and injustice Targets: Trusts Political machines Factories Social Justice Justice for all of society Egalitarian society Support for the poor and oppressed ppl American Protestant movement Social justice and sacrifice should be foundation of society Salvation Army Fusion of religion and reform Charles Sheldon: In His Steps (1898); “What would Jesus do?” Walter Rauschenbusch: all ppl should work toward creating the Kingdom of God on Earth Father John A. Ryan: expand Catholic social welfare organizations Influence of the environment on the individual Crowded immigrant neighborhoods Staffed by educated middle class teaching middle class values Young college women Social work Enlightened experts should run govt and economy Scientists and engineers Thorstein Veblen New middle class emerges Industries: managers, technicians, accountants Cities: commercial, medical, legal, educational services New technology: scientists, engineers Requires schools and teachers to train them Education and individual accomplishments Women in the “helping” professions Created professional organizations Why? Set up standards to secure position Lend prestige to profession Keep #’s down to ensure high demand AMA (1901); medical schools Bar associations; law schools Chamber of Commerce (1912); schools of business 1. Vast majority of income-producing work outside of the home 2. Children going to school earlier & longer 3. Technological innovations impact the home 4. Families are smaller 5. Living longer 6. Some shun marriage 7. Divorce rates increase Women’s clubs First social but then concerned w/ social betterment Non-partisan (Remember, couldn’t vote) Middle to upper class women (clubs had $$) Allowed women to create a public space for themselves w/o threatening male dominated society Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL) (1903) Join unions, support strikes, picket lines, bail money African Americans excluded NY Women’s Trade Union League & Intl. Ladies Garment Workers Union 1909: 50 hour workweek, wage increases, preferential hiring for union members 1911: Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (NY) 146 female workers killed; avg age 19 Reformers, union leaders, women’s groups, politicians from Tammany Hall Machine politicians & progressive reformers Laws regulating fire safety, equipment, wages and hours for women and children 19th Amendment provides full suffrage to women in all the states, 1920. Radical idea: it was a “natural right” Led to a powerful anti-suffrage movement; a threat to the “natural order” Looseness, promiscuity, divorce, child neglect 20th Century National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) Justify suffrage in a “safer” way Not challenging the separate sphere Because they ARE mothers, wives and homemakers Bring special experiences and sensitivities to public life Would help temperance movement (largest supporter) Would help war become a thing of the past Conservative Argument If blacks, immigrants and other undesirables have the vote, then…educated “well-born” women should 1848: Seneca Falls 1890: Wyoming 1910: Washington 1911: CA 1913: IL (1st state east of Miss. River) 1919: 39 states 1920: 19th Amendment Alice Paul: Not enough; Equal Rights Amendment 1873: Women’s Christian Temperance Union Francis Willard 1890s: Anti-Saloon League Local level: isolate “wet” areas State level: Use of direct democracy 1913: Lobby for Amendment Impact of entry into WWI 1919: 18th Amendment Immigration polluting the nation’s racial stock Carnegie Foundation: turn eugenics into a method for altering human reproduction Races and ethnic groups graded Sterilization 1916: “The Passing of the Great Race” (Madison Grant) Dillingham Commission Muckrakers role Middle class blamed machine politicians saloon owners brothel keepers businessmen connected to political machines City Reforms City Commissioner Plan City Manager Plan Cities hired experts in different fields to run a single aspect of city government. For example, the sanitation commissioner would be in charge of garbage and sewage removal. A professional city manager is hired to run each department of the city and report directly to the city council. 1900: Galveston, TX tidal wave Commission Plan 1908: Staunton, VA City-Manager Plan Plans promotes efficiency/undermines patronage of machine Old system benefitted the working class; new ones were controlled by new professionals Non-partisan mayoral elections Mayoral elections moved to off-election years Ward (neighborhood) elections switched to citywide elections Hazen Pingree (Detroit): 1889-96 Samuel Jones (Toledo); 1897-1903 Tom Johnson (Cleveland); 1901-09 State Reforms Allows voters to petition to have an elected representative removed from office. Recall Initiative Referendum Allows voters to petition state legislatures in order to consider a bill desired by citizens. Allows voters to decide if a bill or proposed amendment should be passed. Secret Ballot Privacy at the ballot box ensures that citizens can cast votes without party bosses knowing how they voted. Direct Primary Ensures that voters select candidates to run for office, rather than party bosses. Wisconsin governor, Senator Direct primaries, initiatives and referendums Regulated RRs and utilities Workers’ compensation Inheritance tax Increased taxes on RRs and business Decline of party of influence Voter turnout decreases Why? Secret ballot Illiteracy among immigrants Interest groups 17th Amendment: Direct election of Senators Thomas Nast was the artist for Harper's Weekly in the late 1800s. Father of American Caricature." Nast's campaign against New York City's political boss William Tweed is legendary Nast's cartoons depicted Tweed as a sleazy criminal Tweed was known to say, "Stop them damn pictures. I don't care what the papers write about me. My constituents can't read. But, damn it, they can see the pictures." Contradiction b/w progressive rhetoric and their conscious discrimination Fearful of interracial alliance under populism 1890s south: Jim Crow, voter restrictions Mississippi Gov. James Vardaman Atlanta Compromise Self-improvement first Equality later By turn of century: challenge to Washington and structure of race relations Harvard grad 1903: Souls of Black Folk Trade school vs. university education Fight for civil rights; don’t wait for white to rescue them 1905: Niagara Movement 1909: NAACP NAACP attorneys 1915: Guinn v United States Grandfather clause unconstitutional 1917: Buchanan v Worley Residential segregation unconstitutional NAACP wanted federal law against lynching Ida Wells NACW Women’s Convention of the National Baptist Church Radical Reformers Radicalism: 1900-14 Socialist Party of America Eugene Debs Urban workers, intellectuals, tenant farmers 1,200 public offices; 79 mayors in 24 states Public ownership of utilities, 8 hr workday, pensions Need for basic structural changes in economy Differed in extent of those changes and the tactics necessary to achieve them Allow small-scale private enterprise but nationalize major industries Electoral politics vs. direct militant action Moderates dominated (workers’ comp and min. wage) Opposed WWI; hurt the PArty Industrial Workers of the World (1905) Utopian state run by workers Blacks, immigrants and women; unskilled labor Rejected political action; favored general strikes Uncompromising 1917 timber strike William “Big Bill” Haywood But most progressives believed capitalist system could be reformed from within Reformers pushed for the government to play an active role in planning and regulating economic life SUPERVISION, CONTROL and REGULATION Sept. 14, 1901 Republican Party leaders thought that the vice presidency would be a political dead end “The unscrupulous rich man who seeks to exploit and oppress those who are less well off is in spirit not opposed to, BUT IDENTITCAL WITH, the unscrupulous poor man who desires to plunder and oppress those who are better off.” A “Square Deal” Controlling corporations Consumer protection Conservation of natural resources Govt should have power to investigate the activities of corporations and publicize the results 1903: Dept of Commerce and Labor 1903: Elkins Act Illegal for RRs to give or shippers to receive rebates 1906: Hepburn Act Increased power of ICC Oversee RR rates Centralization was a fact of modern life “good” vs. “bad” trusts J.P. Morgan’s Northern Securities Company “Send your man to my man and they can fix it up.” 1904: Supreme Court decision 1902: Anthracite Coal Strike in PA (May through Oct.) 20% wage increase; 8 hour day, recognition of union TR supported workers; owners refused to compromise TR threatened to send in 10k fed. Troops to seize the mines and resume work. Workers got: 10% wage increase, 9 hour day BUT no union recognition 1906: Meat Inspection Act Federal inspection of meat The Jungle Pure Food and Drug Act Crime to sell adulterated food or medicine Correct and complete labeling of ingredients Used executives powers to restrict private development on govt land 1907: conservatives restricted his authority over public lands; he just seized all forests in public domain before bill became law Conservationist Promoted policies to protect land for careful MANGAGED DEVELOPMENT 1902: Newlands Act Naturalists John Muir and the Sierra Club Added to the National Park System Bank run and recession blamed on TR’s “mad” economic policy J.P. Morgan to the rescue US Steel purchased Tennessee Coal and Iron Co. TR promises to look the other way Crisis averted Republican conservatives couldn’t stand TR 1904 promise Taft: trusted ally of TR Progressives loved him Easily defeat Bryan in 1908 election Too lazy and introverted Status quo Lacked personality 90 lawsuits in 4 years Compared to TR’s 44 in 7.5 years 1911: Supreme Court breaks up Standard Oil 1911: Taft brings suit against US Steel for its purchase of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Co TR upset Tariff Progressives: deep cuts to the “Mother of Trusts” 1909: Payne-Aldrich Bill; betrayal Ballinger-Pinchot Dispute Taft replaces Sec. of Interior w/ corporate lawyer Ballinger Ballinger accused of turning over public coal land to company for personal profit Pinchot went to Taft; Taft said nothing wrong Pinchot goes public and gets fired Big business requires big government. Antitrust lawsuit against US Steel in Oct. 1911 Robert La Follette’s nervous breakdown in Feb 1912 Announces candidacy in Feb. 1912