Brinkley, Chapters 21-24

McClure’s Magazine
Lincoln Steffens/The Shames of the Cities
Ida Tarbell/History of Standard Oil
Social Gospel
Salvation Army
William Rauschenbusch
Pope Leo XIII/Rerum Novarum
Jacob Riis/How the Other Half Lives
Settlement House Movement
Jane Addams/Hull House
Thorstein Veblen/Theory of Leisure Class
American Medical Association
National Association of Manufacturers
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
The “New Woman”
Lillian Wald
Anna Howard Shaw
“Boston Marriages”
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
“mother’s pensions”
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Carrie Chapman Catt
National Amer. Woman Suffrage Assoc.
Florence Kelley
Nineteenth Amendment
Alice Paul
National Woman’s Party
Equal Rights Amendment
Commission plan
city manager plan
Tom Johnson
Initiative, referendum, recall, direct primary
Charles Evans Hughes
‘interest groups”
Robert M. La Follette
Tammany Hall
Triangle Shirtwaist Company
Robert F. Wagner
Alfred E. Smith
George Norris
William Borah
W. E. B. DuBois
“talented tenth”
Niagara Movement
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Frances Willard
Anti-Saloon League
Eighteenth Amendment
Madison Grant/Passing of the Great Race
Socialist Party of America
Eugene V. Debs
Industrial Workers of the World/”Wobblies”
William (“Big Bill”) Haywood
Louis D. Brandeis
Herbert Croly/Promise of American Life
Nineteenth Amendment
Walter Lippmann
Theodore Roosevelt
Dept. of Labor and Comm./Bureau of Corps.
Northern Securities Company
United Mine Workers Strike
The Square Deal
Interstate Commerce Act/ICC
Hepburn Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Upton Sinclair/The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act
Gifford Pinchot/National Forest Service
Old Guards
Newlands Act
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Margaret Sanger
Panic of 1907
J. P. Morgan
William Howard Taft
Payne Aldrich Tariff
Pinchot-Ballinger Dispute
“New Nationalism”
Progressive Party/”Bull Moose Party”
Woodrow Wilson
“New Freedom”
Underwood-Simmons Tariff
Sixteenth Amendment
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Trade Commission
Clayton Antitrust Act
Keating-Owen Act
Col. Edward M. House
“The Big Stick”
Open Door
Russo-Japanese War
California “Oriental School” Controversy
“Great White Fleet
Venezuelan Debt Affair
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine
Panama Canal
“Dollar Diplomacy”
“Moral Diplomacy”
Danish West Indies/Virgin Islands
Mexican Revolution
Pancho Villa
Anglo-German rivalry
“Total War”
Triple Entente/Allies
Triple Alliance/Central Powers
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
American Neutrality Proclamation
Sussex Pledge
Preparedness versus Pacifism
“Peace without victory”
”He kept us out of war”
“Too proud to fight”
Zimmermann Telegram
Bolshevik Revolution
American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
John J. Pershing
Meuse-Argonne Offensive
Liberty Bonds
Council of National Defense
War Industries Board/Bernard Baruch
Nat. War Labor Board
Ludlow Massacre
“Great Migration”
Peace Movement
Industrial Workers of the World
Com on Public Information/George Creel
Billy Sunday
Espionage Act
Sabotage Act
Sedition Act
“Liberty cabbage”
Fourteen Points
Paris Peace Conference
Big Four
Intervention in USSR
Treaty of Versailles
Mandate System
League of Nations
Ratification Battle
Henry Cabot Lodge
The Irreconciliables
Marcus Garvey
The Red Scare
Palmer Raids
Sacco and Vanzetti
The “Jazz Age”
“Roaring Twenties”
General Motors
Henry Ford
The Tin Lizzie
Welfare Capitalism
The “American Plan”
McNary-Haugen Bill
Sheppard-Towner Act
Charles Lindbergh
“The Lost Generation”
The Jazz Singer
H. L. Mencken
Sinclair Lewis
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
Harlem Renaissance
Langston Hughes
The Noble Experiment
Al Capone
New Klu Klux Klan
American Civil Liberties Union
Tennessee v. John T. Scopes
Warren G. Harding
“Return to Normalcy”
Calvin Coolidge
Teapot Dome
Lochner v. New York
The following are only suggestions of questions related to Chapters 21-24. Also consider
materials and questions from the McClellan text. The instructor reserves the right to select
other questions as well.
What were the factors that led the United States to enter World War I? What were
American goals once we entered the war? Were those goals accomplished? Explain fully.
How successful was Progressivism? Compare and contrast the programs and styles of
Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson. Be specific and cite examples. Which administration accomplished
the most and why?
What were the main goals of the Progressive movement? How well did they accomplish
these goals? Give specific examples to support your answer. Which areas were not handled well
and why?
How had life for the average American changed from 1880 to 1920? Discuss this from
social, economic, and cultural prospectives.
Several factors prompted U. S. entry into the war against Germany in 1917. Discuss
them fully. What do you consider to be the most important reason for intervention? Was
American entry inevitable? Explain your answer.
Compare and contrast Wilson’s plans for peace with the provisions of the peace treaty?
Why did the treaty fail to receive ratification from the Senate? How could permanent peace be
In what ways did the increasing popularity of the automobile contribute to economic
growth and social change in the United States during the 1920s? Be specific and cite examples
taken from your readings.
Characterize the nature of life in the United States politically, economically, socially, and
culturally during the 1920s. How was this a change from earlier periods, and why did Americans
act the way they did?