NAME ________________________
HANDOUT # _____
GOP: the Grand Old Party (name given to the Republicans c. 1900 for their Civil War leadership)
the “old guard”: conservative Republicans c. 1910 led by President Taft and House Speaker Joe Cannon
workmen’s compensation: insurance benefits for those injured at work
[Not mentioned in your text, but important: TR invited Booker T. Washington to dine at the White
House in 1901, which resulted in a great deal of criticism. The invitation wasn’t repeated.]
the general nature of progressivism
1) the “evils” that progressives opposed?
2) the progressives’ attitude toward government?
3) previous groups that influenced the progressives?
the work of the muckrakers [note TR’s definition, p. 658]:
4) Jacob Riis? [earlier, but in the muckraking tradition]
5) Lincoln Steffens, “The Shame of the Cities”?
6) Ida Tarbell, The History of the Standard Oil Company?
7) David Graham Phillips, “The Treason of the Senate”?
8) Ray Stannard Baker, Following the Color Line?
9) John Spargo, The Bitter Cry of the Children?
[Lewis Hine, not mentioned here, but famous for his photographs of immigrants and child labor]
the progressives and politics [note that the progressives were middle class and politically left of center]
10) the progressive attitude towards trusts? towards socialism?
11) progressive political reforms:
[direct primary elections allowed party members to vote on their party’s nominations for political office]
12) the initiative?
13) the referendum?
14) the recall?
15) the Australian (secret) ballot [note the progressive intent to make elections more honest]
16) the Seventeenth Amendment?
17) woman suffrage [not achieved nationally until 1920 with the 19th Amendment]
18) state and local progressivism
19) the city commission system?
20) the city manager system [elected council members appoint a manager to run the city government]
21) “Fighting Bob” LaFollette’s Wisconsin reforms?
22) the settlement house movement?
23) the impact of gender on progressive women’s activities?
24) Muller v. Oregon? [note the decision, the “Brandeis brief,” and on p. 663, the court’s reasoning}
25) Lochner v. New York?
26) the Triangle Fire? its impact on state laws?
27) the progressives and alcohol: the WCTU? the Anti-Saloon League? [note urban opposition here]
28) the 18th Amendment (1919)?
TR as a progressive president (1901-1909): the Square Deal [note quote, p. 656] and three C’s control of
29) the demands of the anthracite (hard coal) miners?
30) TR’s response?
31) the terms of the strike settlement?
32) how did the Elkins Act and the Hepburn Act strengthen the Interstate Commerce Act?
33) TR’s attitude toward trusts? [ note cartoon, p. 666]
34) the Northern Securities case?
consumer protection
35) Upton Sinclair’s intent in writing The Jungle? the impact of The Jungle on consumers?
36) the Meat Inspection Act? why did the largest meat packers support this bill?
37) the Pure Food and Drug Act?
conservation of natural resources
38) the Forest Reserve Act (pre-TR)?
39) the Newlands Act? [note that public attitudes towards damming streams have since changed
40) TR’s actions in regard to forests?
41) the Sierra Club (not a government organization)?
42) TR and Gifford Pinchot’s “middle position” (between business interests and “romantic
43) TR’s decision about a third term (announced after his election in 1904)?
44) the Panic of 1907?
45) the response of conservative financiers to the panic? TR’s response?
46) TR’s expectations for potential successor William Howard Taft? [text, p. 673 and cartoon, p. 674]
47) the results of the election of 1908? [note also the Socialist candidate and his vote total]
48) Roosevelt’s contributions as president?
William Howard Taft as president (1909-1913)
49) Taft’s political handicaps?
50) dollar diplomacy?
51) U.S. actions in Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua? [note map, p. 686]
52) Taft and the trusts? [note the TR comparison here]
53) the Supreme Court’s decision in the Standard Oil case (prosecution begun by TR)? the “rule of
54) Taft and TR split:
55) Taft’s prosecution of U.S. Steel?
56) the Payne-Aldrich Tariff?
57) the Pinchot-Ballinger dispute?
58) TR’s “new nationalism” speech at Osawatomie, Kansas?
59) the election of 1912
60) the leading member of the National Progressive Republican League?
61) TR’s new idea about third terms? [note cartoon, p. 677]
62) the Republican Party’s 1912 presidential nominee?