Progressives Study Guide Chapter 17 Define and explain the

Progressives Study Guide
Chapter 17
Define and explain the significance of the following names and terms.
Compulsory School Attendance
17th Amendment
Settlement Houses: Hull House
18th Amendment
Building Codes
19th Amendment
Illinois Factory Act (1893); Florence Kelley
Meat Inspection Act (1905)
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Upton Sinclair
Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)
Ida Tarbell
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906)
Lincoln Steffens
Robert LaFollette
Initiatives, Referendums, Recall
Be prepared to be able to answer the following questions:
What were the four (4) areas that Progressives sought reform.
List some specific examples of reforms that were made by the Progressives.
Define scientific management. Give an example of how it was used.
What is a muckraker? What did they contribute to the progressive movement?
Which president did the most to further the Progressive movement. List specific examples.
U.S. Imperialism Study Guide
Chapter 18
Define and explain the significance of the following names and terms.
Alfred T. Mahan
Panama Canal
Wm. McKinley
Jose Marti
Sanford B. Dole
Yellow journalism
William Randolph Hearst
Pearl Harbor
Puerto Rico
de Lome letter
George Dewey
Roosevelt Corollary
Valeriano Weyler
Theodore Roosevelt - Nobel Peace Prize
U.S.S. Maine
Platt Amendment
Rough Riders
Teller Amendment
Emilio Aguinaldo
Open Door Policy
Boxer Rebellion
Be prepared to be able to answer the following questions:
What is the definition of imperialism?
List the reasons that the U.S. participated in imperialism.
Identify the people, ideas or events that helped to ignite the Spanish-American War. Explain the role
they played.
Explain the reasoning behind John Hay’s Open Door Policy.
What is the Roosevelt Corollary?
Define the Foraker Act. Which country did it pertain to?
What did the U.S. gain from the Treaty of Paris?
Define the Platt Amendment