Page 1; MBUS626 – Information Systems COURSE NO. & TITLE: PROFESSOR: E-MAIL: DAYS, TIMES & ROOM: OFFICE: OFFICE HOURS: WebClass: REQUIRED TEXTS MBUS 626 (Summer 2013) Information Systems Theory and Practice Information Systems: Theory and Practice Dr. Jason Chen [note : gmail account] Virtual Classroom with Blackboard Technology Cyber Space Virtual Hours (Monday – Thursday noon, Pacific Time, via email) 1. (Main Text) Pearlson & Saunders, Managing and Using Information Systems, Wiley, 2010 (4th edition) ; ISBN 978-0-470-34381-4 2. A package of Harvard Business School Case Studies Instruction on ordering Case Study: To access your CoursePack, students will need to do the following: 1. Open or "Login/Register" Harvard Business Publishing page at: 2. Confirm your CoursePack Course title and Selection (e.g., of “Information Systems (mbus626-summer 2013)”) and complete the purchase and printing the cases, or, 3. Visit Coursepack link at Additional Readings and Cases: Class handouts as needed. Course Description and Goals This course is designed to provide the future managers with understanding and appreciation of the issues that are related to the organization’s information systems assets. The course is not to educate technical specialists, rather, it is to give students a managerial perspective on the use of, design of, and evaluations of information systems that exist in organizations today. The objective of this course is to prepare students to manage information services in both today’s and tomorrow’s environment with its managerial, social, political, ethical and global issues. Conduct of the Course All students are expected to read the assigned materials (text and HB case studies) before coming to the virtual class. Some days we will study the materials in the text book. You are also expected to be prepared to actively participate in the online discussion (Discussion Board), answering questions such as “What are the issues involved in ...?”, “What do the authors mean by ...?”, and “Give an example of...?” The second use of (virtual) class time will be the study of the selected cases from the case study package and turn in both report and powerpoint (assume that you will deliver the presentation on the virtual space) files. Each student should pose (and ask yourself) questions such as: ▪ What is the competitive situation in which the company finds itself? ▪ What issues are raised in the case? ▪ What is the nature of the problem or opportunity presented in the case? ▪ What do you think the company should do? ▪ What the group recommends. ▪ Update of the company’s situation and advances in technology discussed in the case. (Most of the companies discussed can be found on the WWW. Although you will seldom find "the answer" on the Web, you can find current information about the company.) Your grade will be assigned based on the report and powerpoint files. Page 2; MBUS626 – Information Systems QUIZZES: You will take a quiz for each chapter (main text) during a designated period. These quizzes will contain true-false and/or multiple choice questions. Each quiz normally has 11 questions (with 1 point bonus) and you should complete it within the time limit (usually 15 minutes; however, you should be able to complete it in less than 10 minutes if you read/prepare the chapter well) on midnight Sunday. There will be 9 quizzes this semester. Quizzes are available under ‘Tests & Quizzes’ button on the Bb. The rules of taking tests/quizzes are: (1) Students are NOT allowed to take this assessment multiple times. Therefore, you should use a computer with reliable/stable internet connection. To be fair to all students and with the nature of online quiz (and you have all control at your end), a zero point will be assigned if you lost Internet connection to the Blackboard for any reasons except the “System Crashed” from the Blackboard system. (2) Students must complete the assessment the first time it is launched (3) Time limit: 15 minutes for every quiz. (4) There will be 1 point off for every 15 seconds of exceeding specified time limit. E-mail Communication – All e-mail communications with me should bear the course and section number (viz: MBUS626) in the subject line, without which the e-mail is likely to be unread. Furthermore, you should include “Dr. Chen” and “your full name” at the beginning and end of the content of each email respectively. ASSIGNMENTS/PROJECTS Collaboration project is available on the Blackboard. You should follow the instruction to conduct the project and complete all requirements on the Bb (it means that you do not have to email the attachment to me). Assignments are available under ‘Assignments’ button on the Bb you should upload to the Bb when you finish the assignments. Virtual Office Hour and Online Help I will try to do my best to help you if you have questions. However, you are recommended (or required) to start your assignments (reading and homework) as early as possible, for example, every Monday. If you have any questions, you should email me no later than (every) Thursday noon, otherwise, you might not get response or help (it means that the “virtual office hour” is flexible and convenient for you but, only available from Monday – Thursday noon, Pacific Time). Therefore, it is student’s responsibility to follow the schedule and complete the homework assignments by the deadline. DREAM Students: If you are in the DREAM (Disability Resources, Education and Access) program, it is your responsibility to inform me one week in advance and contact DREM office for arranging EVERY test in their office or additional time via Bb if needed. Academic Honesty Policy: The academic honesty policy in the Gonzaga University’s student handbook (p. 145) states that dishonest activities such as cheating, fabrication and plagiarism carry penalties that could lead to severe penalties. Should you have any doubt regarding a course of conduct, don’t hesitate to inquire of me for guidance on addressing the situation. It is considered a violation of “Academic Honesty Policy” if you break the following rule: all class assignments (everything) you turned in must be “Original Work” for this class only” – it means that they are not from someone else or from your other class this semester or before and is considered a violation of “Honesty Policy”. Internet Resources: Class materials are available on the Blackboard ( It is the students’ responsibility to study and check the information on the Internet. Students are also required to participate the Discussion Board on the Blackboard before the deadline (i.e., midnight Sunday). Please note that it is part of your class performance. Page 3; MBUS626 – Information Systems CASE STUDY AND (VIRTUAL) PRESENTATION: Each student should write a case report in Word format and prepare a powerpoint file for the assigned case study and UPLOAD both files to the Bb by the deadline (i.e., midnight Sunday). The files should be named as follows: “MBUS626-Southwest Airlines-Lastname_Firstname.docx” and “MBUS626Southwest Airlines-Lastname-Firstname.pptx” respectively where “Southwest Airlines” is the case title and should be replaced by any other appropriate case title. EXAMS: There will be two (2) exams, midterm and final. This includes material from the textbook, software packages books, powerpoint files, videos and others -- all can appear on the exams. The type of exam will be left up to the instructor. It may be objective (T/F and M/C), essay, or a case problem. Your instructor will specify the format before the exam. No credit will be received if you miss an exam unless you have permission from the instructor or obtain a University-approved absence. They are available under ‘Tests & Quizzes’ button on the Bb. Same rule will be applied to the exams as stated on quizzes. Furthermore, there will be 20% off every time if you lost Internet connection or disconnected from taking quizzes or Exams for any reasons except the “System Problem” from the Blackboard system. COURSE ATTENDANCE Since this is an online class, the class time is very flexible. However, you should follow the course schedule to complete readings, discussion boards, quizzes, and tests etc. POLICY and GRADING on Group Projects All the group members will receive the same grade as you received on the report except those do not contribute their time and efforts on the team work. You will also be evaluated based on the survey from your team members at the end of the semester. The group leader or the majority of the group members should report the project progress to the instructor in case that there is (are) major problem(s) in your group. Grading Policy and Evaluation Your grade will depend on six factors: (NO late assignments will be accepted, consequently, you will be assigned a zero if you turn in late without the instructor’s permission) Blackboard participation in discussions and virtual attendance Quizzes (online) Collaboration Software Project Case Study – Report and Powerpoint (2@50) Mid-term exam Final exam: TOTAL 30 points 90 points 10 points 100 points 80 points 120 points 430 points Please note that NO incomplete grade will be assigned unless you obtain a permission from the instructor. GRADE RANGES: A BD+ 95% and above 82% 68% AC+ D 92% 79% 65% B+ C 89% 75% B C- 85% 71% Page 4; MBUS626 – Information Systems MBUS626 SCHEDULE (Tentative, 6-20-2013) [Week] Date (Chapter) Topics and Activities [1] July 1 – July 7 Part I: Intro. To the Course, Intro. To MIS, Why case study? Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Part II: IS and Strategy #I&1. The Information Systems Strategy Triangle #2. Strategic Use of Information Resources #3. Organizational Impacts of Information Systems Use Strategic IT Resources (1) (Four Actions Framework) #4. IT and the design of work #5 Information Technology and Changing Business Process Mid-Term Exam (1 ½ hr) #7 Information Systems Sourcing [2] July 8 – July 14 [3] July 15 – July 21 [4] July 22 – July 28 [5] July 29 – Aug. 4 [6] Aug. 5 – Aug. 9 (note: Friday) #8 Governance of the IS Organization #11 Project Management w/ Strategic IT Resources (2) #12. Knowledge Management Case; Technology Seminar Online Quiz and Discussion Board (DB) [Individual] Quiz &DB: 1 Harvard Cases and Others Due: Collaboration Software Project Study: SouthWest Airlines 2002 Quizzes &DB: 2&3 Due: SouthWest Airlines 2002 (both report and powerpoint files) Start download FTP and Quizzes &DB: 4&5 Study: Binnj on the Apple iPad (2011) Quiz &DB: 7 IT Service Agreement Due: Binnj on the Apple iPad (2011) (both report and powerpoint files) Quizzes &DB: 8&11 Quiz &DB: 12 FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive) (2 hrs) * Note that the number within the [ ] denotes the week number. Page 5; MBUS626 – Information Systems Case Study Report (What you have to turn in for each case study, including TWO parts listed below). Part I. Write a summary report with the following outline (but not limited to): 1) Executive Summary. 2) Draw and describe how can the Information Systems Strategy Triangle be employed in the case 3) What is your recommendation to the management team for improving the company’s competitive advantage? 4) What lesson(s) have you learned from the case? Part II. Answers the following questions (make sure you should list (repeat) the question follows by your answer) HBC-1: Southwest Airlines 1. How does this company make money even when other airlines don't? What are the most important contributors to its financial success? 2. How should management respond to the fact that Southwest Airlines has fallen to next-to-last place among major airlines in on-time performance as of September, 2002? 3. Once operations are fully stabilized, would you recommend to the management of the airline that it resume its historic growth rate of from 10% to 15% per year? Why? 4. What are the implications for Southwest of the actual or threatened bankruptcies of other major U.S. airlines? 5. Why is the profit of the Southwest Airlines dropped recently? (Hint: in year 2008). HBC-2: Binnj on the Apple iPad (2011) 1. What key enablers have allowed Binnj to engage in this “science experiment”? 2. Binnj seems to have embraced the “agile” development approach. In what circumstances might a firm choose to use the slower, more traditional “waterfall” approach to develop a new system? Also, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches. 3. Since the start of the Binnj science experiment, a plethora of new tablets have been announced (e.g., from companies such as Research in Motion, Samsung, and Hewlett Packard) has Binnj chosen the right platform? 4. How should Binnj establish a price for the LiveMenu service? 5. What other revenue opportunities might Binnj create through LiveMenu, in addition to the digital menu?