the digestive system

• C1 - analyze the functional
interrelationships of the structures of the
digestive system
Food – What’s in it for you?
Fig. 12.1
• Digestion is the process of breaking
down large molecules of food into a
form that can be absorbed and utilized
by cells of the body
• Consists of both physical and chemical
processes (What’s the difference?)
• Food is broken
down physically
by chewing
• Tongue tastes
food and aids in
• Salivary glands produce salivary
amylase (digests starch)
Passage for food and air
Separates into two separate passages
Swallowing occurs by reflex action
Epiglottis prevents food from entering
the trachea
Fig. 12.3
• Food is pushed along by muscular
contractions called peristalsis
• Cardiac (esophogeal) sphincter is a
muscular ring located between stomach
and esophagus
• Stores food
• Muscular action mixes food with gastric
• Gastric glands produce mucus, pepsin,
and HCl (pH 2)
• Begins digestion of proteins
• Chemical digestion of protein begins
Fig. 12.5
• Chyme (partly digested food + gastric
juice) leaves the stomach through the
pyloric sphincter
• First part of
the small
where food
enters after it
leaves the
• Sodium bicarbonate
neutralizes the pH
• Bile enters from the gall
bladder (emulsifies fats)
• Pancreatic enzymes
digest starch, protein
and fats
Small Intestine
• Most digestion and
absorption occur
• Length and large
surface area allow for
maximum absorption
of food
• Material is moved
along by peristalsis
• Blood vessels
surround the small
• Cells in intestinal wall
produces more
digestive enzymes
Intestinal Villi
• Walls contain villi
and microvilli to
increase surface
area for
absorption (these
contain blood and
lymph vessels)
• Sugars and amino
acids enter the
blood via
capillaries leading
to the hepatic
portal vein
• Fatty acids and
glycerol enter
lacteals (lymph
Large Intestine (Colon)
• No digestion
occurs here
• Consists of the
descending and
sigmoid colon
• Absorption of
water, salts and
some nutrients
• Anaerobic bacteria
break down indigestible
materials and produce
some vitamins (vitamin
K and B)
• Feces moves
along by
peristalsis, is
stored in the
rectum and exits
via anal sphincter
Animation and quiz
• List the structures that food passes
through in your body, from beginning to
• What happens at each location?
Accessory Organs
• Several organs
and glands
contribute to the
digestive process
even though food
does not pass
through them
• Cells in the pancreas
produce pancreatic
juice, which contains
sodium bicarbonate
and several enzymes
to digest
proteins and fats
• Pancreatic juice is
secreted into the
duodenum via the
pancreatic duct
• The pancreas also has an endocrine
function (hormone secreting)
• insulin is produced in the pancreas and
secreted into the blood when blood
glucose is high (after eating)
• stimulates body cells to take up glucose
(lowers and regulates blood sugar
• Another hormone, glucagon, is secreted
to increase blood sugar levels
• Is considered the “gatekeeper” to the
blood as it regulates blood composition
in several ways
• Blood leaving the
digestive tract first
goes to the liver
via the hepatic
portal vein
• Blood leaves the
liver via the
hepatic vein
Liver functions:
• Contributes to digestion by producing
bile (helps break down fats)
• Stores excess glucose as glycogen
• Converts glycogen to glucose when
• Stores iron and some vitamins
• Removes and breaks down toxins from
the blood
• Regulates blood cholesterol levels
• Synthesizes blood
• Produces urea from
amino acid breakdown
(which is later excreted
by the kidneys)
• Breaks down hemoglobin
from old red blood cells;
components of
hemoglobin breakdown
are excreted in bile,
giving it its green colour
Gall Bladder
• Attached to the liver
• Stores bile and secretes it into the
duodenum via the common bile duct
when fats are present
• Not really an accessory
organ since it has no
apparent digestive
• Found at the end of the
cecum (where the small
and large intestine join)
• Thought to have
functions associated
with the immune system