SBI3U – Animals: Structure and Function Unit Name: _____________________________ Digestive System Practice Quiz #1 - ANSWERS 1. Name the building blocks and one function for each of the following food molecules. Function Proteins Carboyhydrates Lipids (fats) Transport materials through membrane Structural component of cells Enzymes and chemical messaging (hormones) Short-term energy / Long-term energy Structural support Long-term energy / Insulation Cushioning of internal organs / Chemical messaging 3. Match structurewith with the letter form from the diagram 2. Match the the structure thecorrect correct letter the diagram. ______ H Anus C Esophagus ______ K ______ Gall bladder F Large intestine ______ J ______ Liver A Oral cavity ______ L ______ Pancreas B Pharynx ______ G Rectum ______ I ______ Salivary glands E ______ Small intestine D Stomach ______ D 3. What is the function for the following LETTERED structures? J E F Produces bile Regulates metabolism / detoxifies blood Digests and absorbs nutrients Absorbs water and some minerals Digestive System Activity #1 page 6 Building Blocks Amino acids Monosaccharides (glucose) 3 fatty acids and glycerol 4. What role do the following play in the digestive system? CCK Stimulates contraction of gall bladder to release bile into the duodenum Cholecystokinin pepsin Active form of an enzyme that breaks down proteins into short chain of aa In saliva and stomach; breaks down starch and other complex carbohydrates Amylase Softens food, kills bacteria and activates pepsinogen into pepsin HCl secretin A hormone that stimulates liver to make more bile Also stimulates the pancreas to produce HCO3-- rich pancreatic fluids in order to neutralize HCl from the stomach 5. What three parts (in order) make-up the small intestine? duodenum, jejunum and ileum