Physics 132 CRN 12589, Section 06, TuTh 9:15–10:30 pm, Room 3-2870 CSU Pomona, Winter 2012 Instructor: Dr. Julie J. Nazareth Office Hours: Tu W Th 10:45-11:30 am E-mail: Office: 8-212 Phone: 909-869-2893 (during office hours or for emergencies with follow up e-mail to instructor ASAP) Class Web Page: Text(s): Fundamentals of Physics, 9th edition, by Halliday, Resnick and Walker (Wiley) and Wiley Plus Access Code Prerequisites: MAT 114 or MAT 130 Co-requisites: PHY 131L, MAT 115 or MAT 131 Course Coverage: chapters 13-20. Specifically, the lectures will cover gravity, fluid mechanics, harmonic motion, waves, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics. Grading: Homework Quizzes Midterm Exam Final Exam 17% 13% 30% 40% This class will likely be graded on a “curve”. Your minimum grade is earned from straight percentages (90+% A range; 8089.9% B range; 70-79.9% C range; 60-69.9% D range; < 60% F). The curve will help (not hurt) your grade and may improve on that earned through straight percentages. Homework: Homework problems will be assigned, submitted, and graded via the WileyPLUS website. The class URL for WileyPLUS will be announced in class soon. A variety of problems will be assigned for each chapter (including extra credit problems). Due dates and times are included with the assignments on the Wiley PLUS website. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your homework – computers, internet connections, and websites are known to go down when you can least afford it. Make sure you complete every part of every question – you do not get partial credit on the parts of a question unless you submit an answer for every part. Complete every assignment - it is an opportunity for you to practice what you have learned and discover what you do not know or fully understand. Come to office hours or send e-mail if you have any questions. Ask right away if you are confused, because each lecture will build on previously covered material. Quizzes: A variety of short quizzes will be administered in this course. They provide an opportunity to test your understanding of the course material, highlight areas that require more study, and to give examples of exam-type questions. Possible quiz formats are: small group problem solving, individual short answer or multiple choice tests (concepts/theory and/or numerical problems), and individual problem solving through the Wiley PLUS website. Quiz subject matter may include material covered in the current or previous lectures, and/or reading assignments. The problem-solving type quizzes are open book/notes and the multiple choice concept type tests are closed book/notes. Make-up quizzes will not be given, but a quiz may be waived for an illness or a serious and compelling reason (documentation may be required). Be sure to contact the instructor via e-mail right away. Exams: There will be one midterm exam (2/09/2012), and a comprehensive final exam (9:10 am–11:10 am, 3/13/12). The exams consist of problems similar to homework/quiz problems that will be graded for partial credit, some multiple-choice numerical problems (no partial credit), and some multiple-choice concept/theory questions (no partial credit). Exams are closed book, but you may use a scientific calculator and a handwritten formula sheet (one side of one 8½ x 11 inch sheet of paper for the midterm exam, and one side of three 8½ x 11 inch sheets of paper for the final exam). Typed or photocopied formula sheets are not allowed (if you have special documented needs, see the instructor well in advance of the exam). Make-up exams will not be given, except in the case of serious illness or other serious and convincing reason. Notify the instructor as soon as possible and be prepared to provide documentation. Documentation will be required if the final exam is missed. Academic Integrity: Cheating in any form is not tolerated and may result in a failing grade for the class. Students are expected to be familiar with the university policy on academic integrity.