Loan Approval Authority Regulation

Loan Approval
Loan approval authority criteria
2. Operating Guideline
for approval authority limit of
corporate loan
Approval authority limit
Definition of Term
Operating Principle
Determination on Loan
Application of Single Borrower Limit
General Operating Guideline
Restricted Operating Guideline
Special Operating Guideline
Change in Condition
Exceptional Operation of Approval
Authority Limit in Overseas Loan
Range of Regular Review
Notification of Review Schedule
Request for Approval
Notification for Approval
Drawing Simple Review Table
3. Operating Guideline for
Approval Authority Limit of
Household Loan
4.Regular Review &
Simple Review Table
1. Loan Approval Authority Criteria
(1) Approval Authority Limit
Corporate loan
approval limit
Retail SME
approval limit
Household loan
approval limit
(2) Definition of Term
○ Loan : All transactions that may bring about loss to our bank and overseas local corporation of our bank due to insolvency of the
other party of transaction. Fund operation (investment securities) with purpose of acquiring capital gain rather than general fund
operation (marketable securities)
○ Single Borrower : Unit of natural person or corporation. Although it may be natural person and corporation with independency and
juridical personality in formation, it is the relevant natural person and corporation dominated by single borrower
○ New : Handling of new loan or substitution on already handled loan. Change in debtor. Increase in loan.
○ Renewal : Extension in stipulation period within the range allowed by the regulation on already handled loan (including the extension
and renewal in transaction period of revolving loan within limit)
○ Amendment in Condition : Change in transaction condition except the change in amount, period and debtor of already approved
○ Credit Risk : Ratio differentiated for each loan type based on size of credit risk the loan has
○ SavingsㆍInstallment Saving, etc. of Our Bank : SavingsㆍInstallment Savings, Certificate of Deposit, Cover Bill, Bank Debenture and
Right of Beneficiary for Money Trust of our bank
○ Realization Value of Collateral : [appraisal value × collateral recognition ratio] – senior claims
○ Collateral Recognition Ratio : Recognition rate for each collateral type applied when calculating the limit of net credit loan
○ Total credit : Total of all loans
○ Net unsecured credit : Realization value of collateral deducted from loan amount times loan risk
○ Total Credit Limit : Discretionary limit calculated deducting the single borrower limit from total loan
○ Net Unsecured Credit Limit : Discretionary limit calculated deducting the realization value of collateral from the loan amount excluded
of single borrower limit from total loan times credit risk
○ Allowance Loan : Loan processed with increase after regular review
○ Retail SME loan : Loan to small & medium enterprise in Korea with total loan of under 1 billion won with our bank that can be
classified as retail loan by BagelⅡ condition (detailed standard is as prescribed by the chief of credit planning department)
(3) Operating principle
① Standard for Single Borrower
/ Application of corporate loan + Retail SME loan
+ Household loan in sum
② Loan balance after processing the new, extension and
change in condition based on (revolving loan within limit –
Revolving loan limit)
③ Loan approval on foreign financial institution: Standard for
credit exposure limit setting
(4) Determination on Loan
Determination on Loan
with Request for Approval
-Total credit limit, net unsecured credit limit and loan limit for each loan category (loan amount
in case of individual loan)
- Possible to disregard the application of regular review exempted debtor
- Loan for fund operating department → Approval with loan limit for each operating
department rather than loan limit for each loan category
Loan Approval
Approval by head of marketing support: No
officerGeneral manager of Branch/loan officer
Loan Approval Period
For Regular Review
Operation of discretionary limit including overseas loan, etc
- Company with credit rating of 1∼5(0) → Within 1 year
- Credit rating of lower than 5(-) → Within 6 months
- However,, company with credit rating of 5(-)∼6(0) and credit evaluation exemption
→ Operation within 1 year by person with discretionary powers considering the credit
status of transaction
Credit Rating of
Lower than 6(-)
- Within realization value of collateral or no trouble in preservation of bond
→ Operation within 1 year with approval of person with discretionary power
Higher than Review Sub-Committee
Company with
Credit Rating of
Higher than 3
- Extension of regular review approval period is available for 1 time
(In case within approved amount at recent regular review and without lowering of credit rating)
2. Operating Standard for Discretionary Limit for Corporate Loan
(1) Application of single borrower limit
Highest rank with discretionary powers among person with discretionary powers for
total credit limit, net unsecured credit limit to single borrower.
(2) General Operating Standard
Debtor = Overseas Local
Approval of lower rank with discretionary powers within 10% of total loan limit and net credit
loan limit to single borrower based on credit rating of parent company in Korea.
(Discretionary limit of low rank with discretionary power is within allowance loan limit)
※ In case credit rating of holding company in Korea is 1~3 or there is full guarantee by parent company in Korea
Approval Period for
Individual Loan
Prescribed within same period as approval period of regular review.
(Except the cases approved by the person with discretionary powers in
(3) Restricted Operating Standard
Credit Exposure Limit
Setting for Overseas
Financial Institutions
Approval of Senior Loan Officer’s Committee or higher
* Approval of Loan Officer’s Committee in each one of following item
① Domestic and foreign financial institution with total loan limit of under 1 billion won
② Trade finance transaction with overseas financial institutions with total loan limit of
under 5 billion won
Debtor and Company under
Guidance with Credit
Rating of Under 8
Application of discretionary limit for credit rating of under 6(-)
(Minimum discretionary powers for company under guidance : approval by Strategic Loan
Officer’s Committee or higher)
D/A Negotiation
Debtor Falling under
each One of Following Item
Processed as new and extended for loan exceeding total period of notes of over
360 days (180 days for transaction between main branches)
→ Approval by Review Sub-Committee of Higher
-Debtor possessing the loan processed at branch and fund operating department
-Debtor possessing domestic and overseas loans
-Debtor of foreign corporation in domestic branch – debtor whom was under special
management for damage to our bank but concluded of special management with
normalization at present→ Approval by Review Sub-Committee or Higher
(4) Special Operating Guideline
Loan renewal for
Regular Review
Exempted Debtor
Senior Loan Officer’s Committee as highest rank with approval authority
-Less than USD 5 million per transaction : General manager of branch.
Issuance of Domestic Payment
(In case of prior-confirmation by head of FI Division)
Guarantee based on Request of
Foreign Currency Transaction Bank - Others : Head of Credit Approval Division
- New and Extension within range of total credit limit, net unsecured credit limit and limit for
each loan category for debtor approved in regular review
Discretion of general manager of (Debtor who is judged “no permission” by the simple review table -> re-approval in regular
Branch or head of division review)
- In case of sight L/C open payment guarantee and trade finance that excess processing is
in each One
unavailable temporarily for within 5% of approval amount (based on limit)
of following Item
- Individual loan processing within range of stipulation period and limit amount of revolving limit
Loan Excluding the Discretion of
General manager of Branch or head of division
/ Single Borrower Limit
- Loan processed within realization value of collateral with savings and savings deposit of our bank as collateral and guarantee
process after full reserve of deposit.
- Loan processed within realization value of collateral with government and public bonds (same currency with loan) as collateral
-Loan processed within realization value of collateral with guarantee (including Stand By L/C confirmed of exposure limit by
chief of department in charge or Letter of Guarantee) as special collateral
- Loan equivalent to loan guarantee of the small business administration guarantee by branch in US
- Overseas loan to foreign official residence for support of real estate purchase fund (including the cost including the design
cost, landscape construction cost, real estate for work, etc) reflected in the appropriation budget of government
- Loan within USD 5 million and range of same condition with MASTER L/C (fulfillment of conditions including amount, shipping
date, expiration date, product, payment condition, fare condition, etc) processed by setting MASTER L/C that meets the
purchase requirement before collection with letter of credit issued or confirmed by the foreign currency exchange bank of our
bank as unofficial collateral and opening the L/C that meets requirement for appropriation of direct payment after the completion
the Nego of Master L/C (Purchase of normal export bills, Exchange of INVOICE from shipping documents arrived at our bank)
without finance for payment when shipping document arrives
-Opening of L/C with request of other bank based on stipulation relevant to L/C re-issuance and arbitration concluded with
other foreign currency exchange bank in Korea, confirmation and takeover of L/C based on request of overseas currency
transaction bank confirmed of exposure limit regarding the commissioning financial institutions from chief of department in
charge and purchase after acceptance of non-recourse export bills confirmed of exposure limit regarding the commissioning
financial institution from chief of department in charge (including the transaction where export bill purchased with recourse is
converted into non-recourse at the point of acceptance)
-Loan processed within realization value of collateral with Stand by L/C issued by our bank as special collateral
(5) Change in Condition
Change in Category after Approval of
Regular Review among Change in Conditions
Highest Rank with Discretionary Powers :
Senior Loan Officer’s Committee
Credit Risk resulting from Change in Condition
Necessity for Approval of Person with
Discretionary Powers with increase in amount
(6) Operation of Discretionary Limit in Overseas Loan for Exception
Restricted operation in「Loan Procedure」
or special regulation for each region
Discretionary Limit of Corporate Loan for
Overseas Local Company
3. Operating Standard of Approval Authority Limit of Household Loan
Discretionary limit for each classification of overseas household loan
Operating standard abides by Ⅱ-1. discretionary limit of company loan
Single Borrower
Limit for each
Net Credit Loan
General manager of Branch
US$ 20,000(¥2 million)
Total Loan Limit
US$ 300,000(¥30 million)
Loan Officer’s Committee or
Application of discretionary
limit with rating of under 6(-)
for corporate loan
Note 1) In case of setting housing as collateral within realization value of collateral, additional processing of
Us$ 200,000 (¥20 million) is available
Note 2) Amount indicated in ¥ is for general manager of branch in Japan
4.Regular Review & Simple Review Table
(1) Range of Regular Review
Appropriateness of total credit limit, net unsecured credit limit and limit for each category of individual loan for each
debtor, appropriateness of internally managed credit extension limit in case of target debtor
for internally managed credit extension limit prescribed in「Loan Procedure」
Loan operating guidelines of approval period of regular review
Review on new loan or loan for increase
Review on amendment in terms and conditions
Yearly review on long-term loan exceeding approval period of over 1 year
Contents of change including the important credit status of the company
(affiliated company)
< Classification of regular review and individual loan review >
of Review
Regular Review
Classification of Transaction
Review Period
Pre-approved loan
possessing transaction
Regular integrated review
more than 1 time a year
New transaction
Loan Review
In case additional loan processing
before execution of regular review
With loan generation
Additional loan after approval
of regular review
(including change in condition)
※ Even in case of individual loan, next regular review date shall be designated
(2) Notification of Review Schedule
Regular review schedule for debt possessing discretionary loan
of Loan Officer’s Committee or higher
Decision of schedule by
Loan approval division in charge
Notification to loan approval division in charge
and fund operating division
2 months before approval period of regular review
Notified loan approval division in charge
and fund operating division notifies
for the branch to request for regular review
(3) Request for Approval
Request of branch and
fund operating division
for approval at regular review
Until 45 days before the approval period of previous regular review
- Target : all loan to single borrower
Approval request target
and unit
(Including the request for in-advance approval of new loan, loan for
increase, change in condition, additional loan to be exposed in future)
- Unit : Loan transaction branch
Request by overseas subsidiary
of our bank
Request according to “in-advance consultation” process based on
approval system
<Review and Examination on Approval Requesting Branch>
•Regular Review = To review not only net credit loan limit and total loan limit of debtor but also the base
individual loan (including the new loan estimated for processing in future)
•Namely, review on individual loan is carried out first and review on net credit loan limit and total loan limit
are carried out on the foundation
•Therefore, 1st processing branch shall execute review and examination on appropriate limit for each
category of individual loan including the scale of operating fund to be consumed, facility fund examination
table (in case of processing facility fee), etc, propriety in use of fund for each loan category, probability
for collection of loan, etc.
•Also, in case of new, extended and category changed loan process with discretion of vice-chief after
approval of regular review, same review and examination shall be conducted in the branch
(4) Notification for Approval
Detailed Contents
of Notification
○ Net unsecured credit limit and total credit limit
○ Internally managed credit extension limit (Limited to debtor prescribed in「Loan Procedure」)
○ Category of Loan
○ Limit for each Category of Loan
○ Approval Period for Regular Review
○ Others : Approval conditions, approval limit for each fund operating department when necessary and
loan operating guidelines until next regular review, etc.
(5) Regular Review Exemption
○ Debtor under special management
○ Retail SME Debtor
○ Household Debtor
○ Debtor only possessing the discretionary loan of lower than general manager of branch
○ Foreign company (including financial institutions) debtor only possessing overseas loan classified substandard or
worse soundness level
○ Debtor possessing credit card bond except the corporation credit card limit
○ Debtor possessing the real-estate development finance, investment banking loan considering the traits of
transaction and short-term loan with installment payment whom was approved of regular review exemption by
person with discretionary powers of higher than Loan Officer’s Committee in initial loan approval with determination
to have no trouble in bank’s security interest.
(6) Drawing Simple Review Table
Necessity for drawing
simple review table
○ New and extension within range of total credit limit, net unsecured credit limit, internally managed
credit extension limit and limit for each category of loan of loan approved in regular review
○ In case of processing allowance loan with discretion of general manager of branch
→ In case outcome of review is “no permission”, approval of person with discretionary powers of
loan is required in case of allowance loan for each of branch
○ “Simple review table” shall be drawn for transaction of loan processing branch and it includes
the same natural person or corporation doing transaction with other branch
○ Regular review shall be carried out in each one of following item and approved by the person
with approval authorities
1. Arrival of approval period of regular review
2. In case outcome of review by “simple review table” is ‘no processing’
3. With generation of cause falling under review item of “simple review table” during approval
period of regular review
4. In case loan officers in charge determines early regular review was necessary
5. In case it is prescribed separately in other loan relevant regulations
Simple Review Table
Name of Company:
Execution of Recent Regular Review
Date of Approval
Approval Period
Person with Approval Right
Approved total loan limit and net credit loan limit Total loan limit
Net credit loan limit
Contents of Processing
Classification of Processing
Total loan limit and
net credit loan limit after processing
Processing within approval limit of regular review(
Total loan limit(
Allowance loan(
Net credit loan limit(
Review Items
Review Items
Lowering of credit rating after date of regular review (“Y” with more than 1 corresponding item)
– lowering of credit rating to under 5(0)
– lowering of credit rating from 5(0) to 5(-)
– Lowering of more than 2 credit ratings
New selection of company under guidance or company under cautious observation
after regular review
Registration of debtor or guarantee as transaction with risk or restricted transaction
Change in credit rating of our bank to 6(-) or lower after the date of regular review
Company possessing the loan lower than cautious after date of regular review
Company possessing the overdue loan or guarantee advance payments
– no application when suspended bills bought is classified as overdue loan and
notification of overdue to reviewers in charge within 2 business days after processing
– Reviewers shall notify branch the result after examining the early execution of regular review,
follow-up services, etc regarding notified overdue
•Management standard of overdue loan of suspended bill bought is as separately prescribed
•in regulation
Company not performing the approval condition of previously approved loan
(except the case where performance period of approval condition has not been arrived)
After date of regular review – A) Company with 1st non-payment in overdraft transaction
B) Company with overdue principal or advance for more than 1 month
C) Company with more than 2 month of overdue interest
Company where internal credit exposure limit previously approved exceeds the appropriate
credit exposure limit for each transaction with reduction of appropriate credit exposure limit
for each transaction with cause including the increase in other bank loan
after date of regular review
of Review
) No-Permission(
) Date of Review
in Charge
* In case of more than 1 “Y” among review items, outcome of review shall be “no processing”.
* Send a copy of contents to reviewers in charge of processing allowance loan
Name of loan officer
in Charge
Date of Sending