Name: Ancient Greece Stations Journal Due March 31, 2015 Our

Name: _________________________________________
Ancient Greece Stations Journal
Due March 31, 2015
Our Stations activity will take place beginning on Monday March 16th and end Tuesday March 31st. During this time, you
will utilize class time and homework time to complete the required stations. Each station has a point value and the total
of all materials is equal to a project/ test grade.
Each category is worth 10 points except #6, which is worth 50 points
1. Date: Timelines. Students will create an accurate timeline of classical ancient Greece (any range of dates within the
time period we discussed, see text or powerpoint from class). You must include a key and a minimum of 10 events
important to Greek history. Use a variety of class TEXT resources for this station, including our class library and your
textbook. 8 ½ x 11 and matted.
2. Illustrate: Mapping (Create a physical map of ancient Greece). Include a key and scale of distance. Use a variety of
class TEXT resources for this station, including our class library and your textbook. 8 ½ x 11 paper and matted.
3. Watch: Edpuzzle: Alexander the Great (Companion piece: 10 point Cornell on Chapter 30 in text) View the Edpuzzle
piece and answer questions in video. Use chapter 30 in your textbook and create a Cornell page of key points, terms and
summary. Use TEXTBOOK AND CHROMEBOOK for this station.
4. Write: Look to Chapter 31 in your TEXTBOOK (The Legacy of Ancient Greece). Select a single contribution to human
society (Literature, Government, Medicine etc.) Read that section and create a summary including key points. Next turn
to your online sources and add to this piece by finding other examples in the same field. In other words, elaborate on
your summary narrative by adding either any additional Greek contributions in that selected field or examples of
modern day connections. The finished product should be approximately two paragraphs and can include pictures.
5. Explore: Artifact creation and write up. Explore both TEXT AND ONLINE sources and draw/ recreate an ancient Greek
Artifact and address the “History, Materials, Function, Construction and Design” (Historically speaking, not as you just
created it) Describe the original artifact and its detail. Look to your “What is an Artifact” page in your binder for
definitions of artifact categories. This should be done on 8 ½ x 11 paper, matted and can be bullet pointed (not in
paragraph form)
6. Research: There are TWO OPTIONS
God Face Mythology Facebook Page
God Face. The Social Network of ancient Greek mythology.
Ancient Greece and the 21st century United States… Ever wonder what our two worlds would be like if they collided?
What would Zeus’s Facebook page look like? Would Aphrodite have Apple products? What kind of music would Hades
listen to?
For this piece, you will design a poster (singular wall) of a Greek Mythical figure’s Facebook page. The concept is the
mixed blend of a cultural “clash of the Titans” (so to speak). You must incorporate elements of ancient Greek culture and
modern times but make logical connections… (Ex. Zeus would probably be very chummy with Presidents, Kings, Leaders
and Superstars and not your “everyday Joe”. Hades would probably be found working a funeral home or headlining at
Ozzfest, probably not sitting on the couch watching Titanic and cranking up the Celine Dion).
Your poster must be colorful, neat, completed on 8.5” x 14” paper, matted and must contain the following… (Similar to
Picture of your God, Goddess, Creature or Hero
Their profile (information about them, status, likes and dislikes, powers/ god(dess) of what?, any additional
information) This section should include a minimum of 7-10 entries.
Minimum of 5 Friends (Include family and friends – both rooted in ancient mythology and crossing into modern
culture) these should have smaller pictures, comments and dialogue.
Your Myth(s) summary information. Located across the bottom should be a myth that you researched and want
to incorporate. This should include the title, a summary and your thoughts or comparisons (if applicable)
Greek God Advertising:
Create an advertisement for anything related to ancient Greek culture (resorts, destinations, products, transportation,
etc.) and have the God/dess as the pitch person. (Approval of God/dess before you begin- see databases or class library
for list/ books of Major God/desses)
This advertisement must be detailed and explain the product in detail, include drawings, pictures and graphics. (Think of
those really cheesy ads for products on TV and how they make their product appear like the greatest thing on
earth…”The Sham-woooooow! Only 19.95, it cleans, it polishes… it does your taxes!”)
There should be a connection between the product and the God/dess… for example: Hades would probably be a
pitchman for products related to the underworld… darkness… cold… death, not flowers, joy, sunshine, rainbows and
These ads must be colorful, neat, matted and on paper 8.5” x 14”
How to submit…
Your stations 1-5 should all be the same size once complete. Staple those in order and then either paperclip or binder
clip your #6 (advertisement or godface) to the back of the journal.