Pervasive Computing Model in a Cloud based Environment Priya Bhusari, Nagpur, India Abstract— In this paper the research on pervasive automated model as a service based on cloud computing is put forth considering the example of Home automation. The cloud computing in home automation as a service assists in shrinking residential computing workload and hence making home automation more convenient, flexible, energy efficient and less expensive. The cloud based home automation as a service would readily allow users ability to remotely control and monitor their home automation system from anywhere via internet. Keywords— Cloud Computing, Pervasive Computing, Home Automation, OpenRemote, cloud services I. INTRODUCTION Home Automation is a specific term used to describe the specific automation techniques in our home for enhanced convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security of the residents. Home automation can comprise of control of home entertainment systems, plant watering, pet feeding, changing the ambiance, illumination control, heating and ventilation control, control of doors and window shutters, security surveillance systems etc. In terms of lighting control, it is possible to save energy when installing various products. Simple functions such as motion sensors and detectors integrated into a relatively simple home automation system can save hours of wasted energy in both residential and commercial applications. Pervasive automated model as a service can be referred as an umbrella term to describe the use of specific automation techniques in different areas where pervasive computing is boon for use. There are different prevalent techniques which can be consolidated in one pervasive computing application such as Home Automation, Healthcare Services etc. In Pervasive computing we can use microchips, as microchips and computing power get cheaper it will become easier to build technology into everyday life. Advances in cloud computing, coupled with embedded technologies, will lead to novel user experiences and possibilities for Human Computer Interaction. Categories of Pervasive Automated applications: 1) 2) Applications which can be required to use by many homes/offices: Eg: These applications include Home Automation, Home Security, Childcare/Baby Monitoring, Elderly Remote Monitoring, Healthcare and immunization etc. Applications created for specific purpose, whose architecture is designed for that purpose only.Eg: These applications include Traffic Monitoring, Military operations assistance, environment, and industrial business related applications. The applications which comes under first category, can be used on cloud and thus reduces the setup and maintenance cost by eliminating the need of a specialized gateway and web server in each household or offices. II. PERVASIVE COMPUTING HOME AUTOMATION MODEL Fig 1: Daily Life things can be automated in home automation. III. HOME AUTOMATION SOFTWARES: There are different home automation softwares available in the market such as OpenRemote, Freedomotic etc. A. OpenRemote : “OpenRemote” is the open source Software Integration Platform provided by Apache Software Foundation (ASF). OpenRemote develops and distributes a standard based platform that is extensible and flexible with applications to Home Automation, Energy Management and Healthcare. There are two components of OpenRemote: 1. OpenRemote Designer: OpenRemote Designer is an online software application designed to rapidly and easily create touch-driven control panels. You can create multiple user profiles and customize user 2. interfaces for each one: each user profile can have its individual preferences, branding, favorites and individual set of controls and tailored for panel hardware capabilities. OpenRemote Controller: Is deployed on customer site and autonomously manages intelligence in the building. Reacting to schedules, sensor events and user actions, it handles the overall runtime performance after initial design has been created. OpenRemote Controller also provides the device and protocol integration capabilities in the OpenRemote platform. 3) Application management: The SaaS provider is responsible for managing the computing environment. 4) Application upgrade: The SaaS provider can upgrade the application or release new features seamlessly, in contrast to the traditional and costly software upgrade. As Shown in fig 2 all the layers are maintained by Vendor B. FreeDomotic: Freedomotic is an open, flexible, scalable and mashups oriented software that can interact with well known standard building automation protocols as long as with "do it yourself" solutions. It treats the web, social networks and frontends just like any other sensor or actuator in your automation system. C. HomeOS: HomeOS is the working title of a home automation operating system under development by Microsoft Research. Microsoft Research announced the project in 2010. D. Indigo Perceptive Automation: Indigo is an intelligent home control server that integrates an assortment of home control hardware modules to provide unprecedented control of your home. Indigo's built-in Web server and client/server architecture give you control and access to your home remotely from other Macs, PCs, internet tablets, PDAs, and mobile phones. Fig 2: SaaS Architecture Home Automation using OpenRemote: You can design home automated application using OpenRemote as described in below steps: 1) Install & Configure OpenRemote Controller. 2) Install OpenRemote On your phone (Android or iOS phone). 3) Design the Home automation package using OpenRemote Modeler. 4) Run the application IV. CLOUD SERVICES A. Software as a service: SaaS "delivers software as a service over the Internet, eliminating the need to install and run the application on the customer's own computer and simplifying maintenance and support. The key concepts of SaaS: 1) Tenancy: The same environment can be shared among many customers or users. 2) Payment method: The SaaS is normally modeled as pay-as-you-go, which is different from traditional licensed applications. B. Platform As A Service: PaaS "delivers a computing platform and/or solution stack as a service, often consuming cloud infrastructure and sustaining cloud applications. It facilitates deployment of applications without the cost and complexity of buying and managing the underlying hardware and software layers'. PaaS distribution model permits the customer to rent virtualized servers and accompanying services to run application software or develop and evaluate new applications As Shown in fig 3, in PaaS Application and Data layers are managed by customer and remaining all are managed by Vendor. Fig 4: Infrastructure as A Service architecture Fig 3: Platform as service architecture C. Infrastructure As A service: . IaaS "delivers computer infrastructure, typically a platform virtualization environment, as a service." IaaS is a delivery model in which a business or institute leases the tools used to undertake certain tasks, including computer hardware, data storage, networking hardware and network bandwidth. The vendor possesses the equipment and is responsible for operation and maintenance. As Shown in fig 4, in IaaS Architecture application, Data, Runtime, Middleware and OS layers are managed by customer where as remaining all are managed by Vendor. V. PERVASIVE AUTOMATED APPLICATION AS A SERVICE: Home Automation as service refers to the cloud services provided over the Internet together with the household appliances that are automated through those services. We can create HAaaS as a development of PaaS, where computer hardware, operating systems, data storage and network bandwidth are outsourced, while application and data are managed by the HAaaS provider. HAaaS users are in control of their automated home appliances and systems by using the cloud services. As described in fig 5, Home Automation can be provided by appending one more top layer on PaaS architecture. To realize the use of pervasive computing in a cloud based environment there should be a bridge to link cloud services with home automation systems which needs to be effective. Fig 5: Pervasive Automated App as a service VI. PREREQUISITES FOR PROVIDING SERVICES IN A CLOUD Before providing services into a cloud computing environment, you need to make some decisions on a number of requirements that need to be in place if you are to take advantage of cloud computing. Most of these items are just extensions of what you have with SOA, so if you have already implemented SOA, most of the decisions have already been made. For example, to provide Software as a Service requires tools for creating new software services, and these will already be in place. 1) Virtualization of your current IT environment so that services can be run in the most cost-effective place. This relates to the horizontal view of services in SOA across the organization. Cloud just extends that definition beyond a single organization. Virtualization in the cloud lets you take services off the local server, helping to cut costs and balance workload. 2) Reusability support so that multiple people can use the service at the same time. A consistent deployment methodology makes sure each service does not have to be treated individually. 3) Governance and management of services. This is a SOA-related requirement to provide improved governance and management of services within a cloud environment where they may not be under direct control. 4) Security and access control. Along with consistent deployment, there is the requirement for well-defined security and access control policies provided. 5) Chargeback and pricing for services. This important cloud requirement is also a key SOA focus area: chargeback and pricing for services developed using an industry standard process like the SOA Governance and Management Method. VII. USE OF PERVASIVE DEVICES IN CLOUD BASED Fig 6: Benefits of Cloud Architecture over Non Cloud Architecture: VIII. CONCLUSION The use of cloud services in pervasive automated applications including home automation derives many benefits extending from cost reduction to value added services. In cloud environment computer hardware, operating systems, data storage and network bandwidth are outsourced, while application and data can be managed by pervasive automated model as a service provider. The usage of configured OpenRemote application in form of a virtual image in a cloud based environment provides time efficient, reusable, ready to create instance asset, which can remain expandable to user, and can later be modified with the help of OpenRemote. ENVIRONMENT Pervasive computing enables enterprises, telephone service providers, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), and Application Service Providers (ASPs) to leverage all of their data assets regardless of disparate protocols, language, and formats. Ebusiness content can now be delivered effectively, efficiently, and economically to anywhere, and to any device. The Pervasive automated application in a cloud based environment derives many benefits from cost reduction to value added services. The home automation includes usage of household electrical appliances and, numerous data and multiple controls across the protocols, and each protocol is configured according to the electrical appliance and commands used. This entire configuration can be provided in the form of an image asset in cloud. This will leverage the use of already configured home automation system, which will remain adaptable to more changes and functionalities user wants to add. The benefits of cloud architecture over non cloud architecture is shown in fig.6 with the help of WLAN access, using applications are executed on a remote server over a communication network. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] Home Automation as a service, Anindya Maiti, School of Computing Science & Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India. [4] Pervasive Computing, Technology and Architecture of Mobile Internet Applications- by Jochen Burkhardt, Horst Henn, Stefan Hepper, Klaus Rindtorff, Thomas Schaeck [5] A Generic Network Management Architecture Targeted To Support Home Automation Networks And Home Internet Connectivity- Evangelos Topalis, George Orphanos, Stavros Koubias, and George Papadopoulos, Applied Electronics Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Patras, 26500 Patras, Greece [6] OpenRemote, home of digital home