GOOD AFTERNOON “Welcome to Our Presentation” Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 SURYA DEWI ARI WIDIASTINI DARMA YUDA OKTA WARDANI WITATRISNASARI RISKA DITA MITA DEWI SAINUR RAHMAN RISNA DYAH PRADYA DEWI ARY MUDIARTA SINTYA DEWI WIRA ADNYANA EKA PRANATA Definition Fracture is a break of continuity of bone tissue and or cartilage which is generally caused by involuntary. Trauma causing broken bones can be direct trauma, such as impact on the forearm that caused the fracture radius and ulna, and may be an indirect trauma, such as falling resting on the hand causing the clavicle bone or distal radius fracture. As a result of trauma to the bone depends on the type of trauma, strength, and direction. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Identity Name Age Gender Civil State Occupation Education Patient : : : : : : Next Of Kin KR MM 65 years old 46years old Female Male Married Married Farmer Teacher Elementary Bachelor School Religion : Hindu Hindu Nationality : Indonesia Indonesia Address : Br. Batan Buah Kaja Ds. Braban Kediri, Tabanan Register Number : 246453 Hospitalitation Date: 19 June 2009 Disease Medical History Patients said on June 19, 2009 at 10:00 pm fell in his yard since stumbling stone, then by the family, the patient was taken to Tabanan Hospital and accepted in the ER (Accident and Emergency). Then the examination of vital signs with the results of blood presure: 140/90 mmHg, Temperature: 36 º C, Pulse: 88x/mnt, Respiration Rate: 20x/mnt, installation IVFD RL 28 drop/ minute, giving therapy mexparin 1 ml, cefotaxime 1 g, and the view of the results of the examination GDS 266 mg / dl and a complete blood count. From the results of radiological examinations of patients diagnosed Close Fractures Femur 1/3 Middle dextra. By doctors advised patients hospitalized in the Bougenville ward for further treatment prior approval by a physician orthopedic surgery. On June 23, 2009, the patient was scheduled for surgery, but from the doctor visit and inspection the result GDS dated June 22, 2009 at 21:30 pm with the results of 221 mg / dl, the operation was canceled by GDS stable results. By physicians, patients are given therapy B1 1900 cal diet, 3x8 actrapid ui (1-1-1). On June 25, 2009, from the results of the GDS with the results of 190 mg / dl, and by looking at the patient's general condition is good and normal vital signs are blood presure: 120/70 mmHg, pulse: 82 times/ minute, Respiration Rate: 20 x/min, Temperature: 36 º C patients approved by physicians surgery. Then do the preparation for surgery in these patients signing informed consent, patients were fasted, pubic shaving and giving Rapim 2 gr. Patients go to the operating room at 12:00 pm. Investigations Laboratory: In laboratory tests fracture to know: Hb, hematocrit is often low due to hemorrhage, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) increases when the soft tissue damage is extensive. During the healing Ca and P binding in the blood. Radiology: X-Ray image can be seen fractures, deformities and metalikment. Venogram / anterogram describe vascularisasi flow. CT scan to detect the structure of complex fractures. Patient Assessment 1. Observation Subjective data : • The patient said feel pain like slice by a knife • The patient said the scale of pain is 5 from 10 scale that given. • Patient said the pain will increase when move the body and dicrease when the patient immobilate. • The patient said the location of the pain on the right femur. • The patient said the pain caused by post operation fractures Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8 • Objective data : • The patient looks cry • The patient looks pale • Found wound Free Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Conclusion… • The patient suffer pain. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Thank’s For Your Attention GOOD BYE….!!! Free Powerpoint Templates Page 11