American Literature, Beginnings to 1865: Syllabus & Policies



American Literature, Beginnings to 1865: Syllabus & Policies

Instructor: Sarah Sillin Email:

Office: 2116F Tawes Hall

Fall 2011, TTh 12:30-1:45 Office Hours: Th. 2-3pm & by appt.

Texts : The Norton Anthology of American Literature Shorter Seventh Edition Vol. 2 1865-

Present; ISBN: 978-0-393-93055-9

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1) Demonstrate familiarity and facility with fundamental terminology and concepts associated with the analysis of nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature.

2) Demonstrate critical thinking in the evaluation of sources and arguments in scholarly works, or in the evaluation of those literary approaches and techniques common to literary movements such as realism, modernism, and postmodernism.

3) Describe how nineteenth- and twentieth-century writers’ use of language is related to contemporary ways of thinking, cultural heritage, and cultural values.

4) Demonstrate the ability to formulate a thesis related to American literature and to support the thesis with evidence and argumentation.

Course Description : This course is a survey in American literature since 1865. The syllabus is therefore designed to introduce you to a variety of different writers—such as Mark Twain, Willa

Cather, T.S. Eliot, and Toni Morrison—and help you develop a sense of different literary movements, including Realism, Modernism(s), Postmodernism, and Postcolonialism. We will focus on a few key issues that recur throughout the texts we’re reading, including America’s relationship to the past and tradition, the variety of cultural and ethnic groups that comprise

America, and images of American landscapes and homes. Through these themes, we will discuss broader questions such as to what extent the texts celebrate and critique specific aspects of

American culture. In order to develop your readings of texts, you will hone your understanding of different forms and genres and develop your skills in close reading by attending to stylistic aspects of the texts, such as diction, imagery, meter, irony, dialogue, and metaphor.


Grade Distribution :

1 st

Paper (2 pages) – 10%

2 nd

Paper (3 pages) – 25%

3 rd

Paper (5 pages) – 25%

Reading Quizzes – 10%

Class Participation - 10%

Final Exam – 20%

Essays : The purpose of the writing assignments will be for you to develop your own interpretations of our texts and to support your arguments with close reading, i.e. the careful analysis of how the details of a text’s language and form shape its meaning. I will provide specific assignment sheets for each essay.

Quizzes : There will be weekly reading quizzes, which you will take online through Quizzes will be posted by 5pm each Monday evening and must be completed before the start of Tuesday’s class.

These will be closed book, and you will have 10 minutes to complete each quiz. They will assess whether or not you have completed the reading.

In Class Work : I expect that you come to class prepared to participate in small and large group discussions. If you have any concerns about participating, please see me immediately. Please be respectful of everyone’s opinions, presence, and person in this course. A primary purpose of our discussions is to give you the opportunity to practice developing interpretations of the texts. While you are encouraged to offer differing interpretations, you should do so in a thoughtful manner.

Final Exam : The final exam will be cumulative, providing you with an opportunity to demonstrate the breadth of knowledge you have gained over the semester. The format will include quote identification and a comparative essay. This will require you to show your familiarity with the form and style of different writers and periods, as well as to make thematic connections across the periods we have studied.


Website : This class will use elms to take weekly reading quizzes, to post readings not included in the books you have purchased for this class, and to post the syllabus and essay assignment sheets. Please make sure you can access it, as your first quiz will be due before class on Tuesday,

September 6 th


Absences : Should you have an excused absence (for a serious illness or a death in the family), you may make up participation credit by meeting with me briefly to discuss that day’s reading.

You should contact me as soon as possible, and make the work up within a week, as well as providing a self-signed note stating the reason for your absence. You should also try to borrow notes from a classmate. In the case of an unexcused absence, you may not make up any credit, though you should still see me with any questions about the material. If you need to miss multiple classes for medical reasons, you will need official documentation, and you should contact me as soon as you know this in order to establish a plan for how you will make up the missed work and class time. Please see the university website for more details on the appropriate documentation to provide for medically necessitated absences:


Technology : Make sure to turn off cell-phones and other electronic devices prior to coming to class.

Texting, using laptops for purposes other than note-taking, and other misuses of technology during class time will adversely affect your participation grade. You should check your email regularly, as I may send out announcements. In the case of an extended campus closure, I will communicate with you over email about how we will adjust the readings and assignments. I will also answer questions over email, although you should allow 24 hours for a response; depending on the question, I may recommend that we discuss it in person.

Submitting work : All work for this course should be submitted in hard-copy form, not by email. All papers should be submitted on time. In case of an emergency preventing you from arriving at class to submit your paper on time, you may email it to me and then bring a hard copy as soon as possible.

For every day a paper is late, your grade will be lowered one third of a letter grade, and papers that are more than a week late will receive an F. In case of a serious emergency preventing your timely completion of an assignment, contact me as soon as possible.

Academic Dishonesty : Please remember that academic dishonesty is a violation of the

University’s code of Academic Integrity and will result in automatic failure for this course. This includes cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, and plagiarism (which involves presenting the words or ideas of another person as though they are your own). Before the next class, you should review the definitions and consequences of dishonesty provided on the university’s website:


Outside help : I strongly encourage you to make use of my office hours to discuss our reading and the writing assignments. I also recommend that you visit the Writing Center on the first floor of Tawes Hall; you can make an appointment online at .

Special needs : If you have a registered disability that will require accommodation, please see me within the first two days of class so we can provide the resources you need. If you have a disability and have not yet registered it with Disability Support Services, you should do so immediately. The office can be reached by phone at 301.314.7682.

Grading Questions : The weight distribution for your grades is described above. If, at any point this semester, you do not understand why you’ve received a particular grade, you may make an appointment to see me. I want you to understand how your work is evaluated and how you can strengthen it. However, I only conduct these meetings in person.

Reading Schedule

Readings should be completed by the day on which they are listed. This syllabus may also be subject to change during the semester. I will announce any changes via email.

*Asterisks mark major grading events –any medically excused absences on these days require official documentation from a health care provider verifying that you are unable to meet your academic responsibilities for this date.

1865 - 1899 & Realism

Th. Sept. 1 - Introductions: What is Close Reading? What is American Literature?

Tu. Sept. 6-Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (pg101-149); “Introduction” on

American Literature 1865-1914 (pg 1-13)

Th. Sept. 8 - Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (pg149-201)

Tu. Sept. 13 - Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (pg201-242)

Th. Sept. 15- Mark Twain The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (pg242-287)

Tu. Sept. 20 - Emily Dickinson poems 122, 236, 269, 409, 764 (pgs 77-93; only read the listed poems)

Th. Sept. 22 - Emily Dickinsonpoems 260, 320, 339, 519, 1577 (pgs 77-93; only read the listed poems)

*Tu. Sept. 27 - Charles W. Chesnutt “The Wife of His Youth” (pg 462-472); Frederick Jackson

Turner “The Significance of the Frontier in American History” (pg 676-681);

Paper 1 due at start of class

Th. Sept. 29 - Henry James Daisy Miller (pg 315-335)

Tu. Oct. 4 - Henry James Daisy Miller (pg 335-356)

Modernism & The Harlem Renaissance

Th. Oct. 6 - Robert Frost “Mending Wall” “The Road Not Taken” “Desert Places” (pg 775-791; only read the listed poems)

Tu. Oct. 11 - Willa Cather “NeighbourRosicky” and “The Sculptor’s Funeral” (pg 725-756);

“Introduction” on American Literature 1914-1945 (pg 705-718)

Th. Oct. 13 - T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (pg 869-881)

Tu. Oct. 18 - reread T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (pg 869-881)

Th. Oct. 20 - William Faulkner's “A Rose for Emily”(pg 1040-1048); H.D. poems (pg 849-854)

Tu. Oct. 25 - Ernest Hemingway “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”(pg 1065-1083)

Th. Oct. 27 - Langston Hughes poems (pg 1087-1096)

*Tu. Nov. 1 - Countee Cullen poems (pg 1107-1111);

Paper 2 due at start of class

Th. Nov. 3 - Katherine Anne Porter “Flowering Judas”(pg 971-981)

Tu. Nov. 8 - Jean Toomer “Georgia Dusk” “Fern” and “Portrait in Georgia”(pg 1003-1008)

Th. Nov. 10 - F. Scott Fitzgerald “Winter Dreams” and “Babylon Revisited”(pg 1008-1040)

Postmodernism &Postcolonialism

Tu. Nov. 15 - Elizabeth Bishop “The Fish,” “In the Waiting Room” and “One Art”(pg 1222-

1231; only read the listed poems); Gwendolyn Brooks poems (pg 1363-

1365);“Introduction” on American Literature since 1945 (pg 1129-1138)

Th. Nov. 17 - Toni Morrison “Recitatif”(pg1461-1475); Maxine Hong Kingston “No Name

Woman” (pg 1567-1577)

Tu. Nov. 21 - Reading Day

Th. Nov. 23 - Thanksgiving Break

*Tu. Nov. 29 - Billy Collins poems (pg 1577-1580);

Paper 3 due at start of class

Th. Dec. 1 - Philip Roth “Defender of the Faith” (pg 1493-1515); Thomas Pynchon “Entropy”


Tu. Dec. 6 - Joy Harjopoems (pg 1629-1633); Sherman Alexie“A Navajo Monument Valley

Tribal School,” “Crow Testament,” and “Do Not Go Gentle”(pg 1675-1681)

Th. Dec. 8 - JhumpaLahiri “Sexy”(pg 1681-1698)

Tu. Dec. 13 - Exam Review

*Final Exam: Tuesday, Dec. 20th 1:30-3:30 pm (in our normal classroom)
