LABORATORY SYLLABUS Life/Earth Science GNSC 1104 DATE LAB # Aug. 27 1. Introduction to the Microscope Sept. 3 2. Labor Day Sept. 10 3. Geography – Reading Topographic Maps* Sept. 17 4. Minerals, Rocks* Sept. 24 5. Invertebrate Paleontology* Oct. 1 6. Invertebrate Paleontology and Review* Oct. 8 LAB MIDTERM Oct. 15 7. Diffusion and Osmosis Oct. 22 8. Invertebrate Animals; Squid Dissection* Oct. 29 9. Vertebrate Animals* Nov. 5 10. Population Demographics and Sampling* Nov. 12 11. Plants* Nov. 19 THANKSGIVING NO LAB Nov. 26 12. Review* Dec. 3 LAB FINAL *quizzes occur on lab days with asterisk and are based on material from previous lab CLASSROOM AND ATTENDANCE POLICIES: Attendance is required; be on time/do not leave early. Students with 3 or more unexcused absences may be dropped from the course. Excused absences must be communicated to lab instructor, before or within one day of absence. Get your lab instructor’s email during the first lab session. Students should refer to the MSU Student Handbook for university policies related to student responsibilities, rights, and activities. GRADING POLICY: Lab grade is 25% of the course grade. Lab grade consists of a midterm and a final, each worth 35%, lab exercises, which are worth 10%, and quiz grades, which are worth 20%. LABORATORY OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the laboratory is to introduce students to earth materials and features, and to acquaint them with the diversity of extinct and extant life on earth.