Module 26 Notes How We Learn and Classical Conditioning Learning – the process of acquiring new and relatively enduring information or behaviors We “learn” habits – repeat acts that bring rewards and avoid acts that bring unwanted results (Operant Conditioning) We learn by observing events and watching others, and by using language we learn things we have never observed or experienced. Perspectives on Learning: Western Cultures: Learning = understanding essentials of a topic & developing expertise A good teacher arouses student interest, explains clearly, uses effective instruction, organizes activities well Eastern Cultures: Learn to perfect themselves morally and socially, contribute to society. Develop virtues of diligence, perseverance, and concentration, respect authority A good teacher has deep knowledge, can readily answer questions and is a good moral model. Associative Learning - We learn by association – connecting events that occur in sequence (Applies to all types of conditioning…classical or operant) 2 stimuli or a response and consequence Many associations operate subtly (red pen to grade papers vs black) Learned associations can lead to habits if repeated regularly o 66 Days for a behavior to become a habit Habituation = an organism’s decreasing response to a stimulus based on repeated exposure. Once habituation occurs sensitivity is reduced even if stimulus changes Sensory Adaptation = continuous, unchanging stimulus. If stimulus changes then our sensitivity changes. (Relates entirely to our sensory response) Stimulus = Any event or situation that evokes a response Cognitive Learning = acquisition of mental information by observing events, watching others, or language Overarching ways we learn: 1. Conditioning: a. Classical b. Operant 2. Cognitive: Social Learning / Observational Learning Classical Conditioning: Learning to associate 2 or more different stimuli. Behavior is shaped/created by this link KEY TERMS: Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) – Stimulus that elicits an automatic response (without any effort or intervention) Food causes salivation Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – Neutral stimulus after it has been paired with a UCS. Will elicit the same response has the UCS Unconditioned Response (UCR) – Natural response to the presentation of a UCS Conditioned Response (CR) – Usually the exact same response as the UCS but in this case in response to CS rather than UCS Neutral Stimulus (NS) - Random stimulus completely unassociated with the response or behavior in questions. Elicits no response when presented. Becomes CS after link has been forged Acquisition: the initial stage in classical conditioning where one links a NS and an US in order to trigger a CR. Initial learing of a stimulus-response relationship. Acquisition is best done if NS (CS) is presented slightly before (.5 – 1 Second) the US Types of Classical Conditioning: o Delayed – CS first but there is brief overlap with US (IDEAL) o Trace – CS precedes US and there is no overlap (More difficult) o Simultaneous – CS and US are presented at the same time (Poor conditioning, difficult to discriminate between the 2) o Backward – US first followed by CS – No conditioning unless response is biologically predisposed Extinction: the diminishing of a CR. Occurs when US does not follow a CS (or when response is no longer reinforced – Operant) Spontaneous Recovery = the reappearance of a previously extinguished CR Generalization = tendency to respond similarly to similar stimuli after conditioning has occurred Fear of cars becomes fear of trucks and motorcycles also Abuse victims (angry faces) Response to strangers based on appearance similarities to people we like/don’t like Discrimination = The ability to detect differences between the CS and other irrelevant stimulus. Only responded to the CS not others. One type of dog, one specific sound, etc… Why Did Pavlov Matter: 1. His finding applied to all organisms (not just dogs). Classical conditioning is one way the living thing LEARN to ADAPT to their environment 2. Demonstrated that a process like learning can be objectively and scientifically studied and measured. Applications: Pavlov’s principles are still used to influence and improve human life Drug addiction / recovery Immune system and responses to drugs Influenced Watson to apply concept to behaviors and human emotions Can we use conditioning strategies to extinquish behaviors or to create new/better responses? Watson was kicked out of John’s Hopkins University for having an affair with his partner in the “Little Albert” study (he later married her). He turned to advertising instead.