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Welcome to Analysis

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M R S . D A N I E L L E H O L S E Y

2 1 5 - 9 4 4 - 1 3 4 6 d h o l s e y @ c r s d . o r g

What is Analysis?

 Review of Algebra & Advanced Algebra Topics

 Trigonometry

 Probability, Sequences, & Series

My Teaching Philosophy

 As your child’s teacher, I feel my most important role is to provide him or her with positive feedback and encouragement. I doing so, my ultimate goal is to give your child the self confidence necessary to be successful.

 I am very enthusiastic about math. It is my sincere hope that some of this enthusiasm will be passed on to your child.

Keys to Success

 Warm Ups

 Notes

 Homework (checked just about everyday)

 Checking answers in the back of the book, on HAC, or on my website is an integral part of the homework process.

 Studying

 Asking for Help


 Total Points

 Homework = 2-4 points per assignment

 Quizzes = 50 points per quiz, usually one per section

 Tests = 100 points, usually one per chapter

 Midterm & Final Exam = 25% of the 2 grades, respectively nd and 4 th marking period

 Extra credit assignments are rarely given and are not worth a substantial amount of points.

My Website

 Announcements and solutions to assignments are updated frequently.

 www.crsd.org

 Choose CRHS North

 Faculty

 Holsey, Danielle

Return of Assessments Policy

 All assessments are graded and returned in a timely fashion.

 I go over the assessments with the class, touching upon common difficulties.

 Students are then given the opportunity to ask questions regarding the assessment.

 I collect the tests and keep them in my filing cabinet. Each student has a file folder.

 This folder can be taken home upon request.

 Scores are published to “HAC” prior to the assessments being returned.

 District assessments, i.e. midterms and finals, are not returned.

What Comes Next?

 College Level Pre-Calculus

 For serious math students who earn an A in this course.

 Trigonometry and Statistics

 For students who would like to learn more about Trigonometry and have an interest in learning about Statistics.

 Accelerated Statistics

 For serious math students who earn an A in this course.
