Muscular System Warm-up: • What are some functions of the muscular system? Be prepared to explain each function (You must come up with 2 functions) • Hint: types of muscle include: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth Warm-up: • Skeletal: • Cardiac • Smooth: Types of Muscle ●Skeletal – striated & voluntary ●Skeletal and smooth muscle cells are elongated (muscle cell = muscle fiber) The word “striated” means striped. Skeletal muscle appears striped under a microscope. Types of Muscle Skeletal: • Most are attached by tendons to bones • Cells are multinucleate The word “striated” means striped. Skeletal muscle appears striped under a microscope. Types of Muscle • Contraction of muscles is due to the movement of microfilaments • All muscles share some terminology Prefixes myo and mys refer to “muscle” Prefix sarco refers to “flesh” Types of Muscle ●Smooth – involuntary - Lacks striations -Spindle-shaped cells -Single nucleus The word “striated” means striped. Skeletal muscle appears striped under a microscope. Types of Muscle ●Cardiac – heart -Striations -Usually has a single nucleus -Branching cells The word “striated” means striped. Skeletal muscle appears striped under a microscope. Types of Muscle ●Cardiac – heart -Joined to another muscle cell at an intercalated disc Muscles and Muscle Fiber Structure Muscles are composed of many FIBERS that are arranged in bundles called FASCICLES Individual muscles are separated by FASCIA, which also forms tendons -Connective tissue, mainly collagen EPIMYSIUM = outermost layer, surrounds entire muscle. PERIMYSIUM = separates and surrounds fascicles (bundles of muscle fibers) ENDOMYSIUM = surrounds each individual muscle fiber This model of the muscles uses straws to represent fibers. Green = endomysium Yellow = perimysium Blue = epimysium Muscle Layers Muscle Fiber Endomysium Perimysium Epimysium Epimysium Perimysium Endomysium 1. Threshold Stimulus Minimal strength required to cause a contraction Motor neuron releases enough acetylcholine to reach threshold 2. All-or-None Response Fibers do not contract partially, they either do or don't Threshold Stimulus Virtual Lab .html Microscopic Anatomy of Muscle Fiber Muscles / Cells Sarcolemma = Sarcoplasm = Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Myofibrils = Nucleus Sarcolemma Mitochondrion Sarcoplasm Myofibril Microscopic Anatomy of Muscle Fiber Myofibrils are made of ACTIN = MYOSIN = Myofilaments ACTIN (thin) and MYOSIN (thick) -- form dark and light bands A band = dArk • thick (myosin) I band = lIght • thIn (actin) Sarcomere: Components of Sarcomere: M-line: Z-line: Components of Sarcomere: H-zone: It is important to remember the hierarchy fasicles myofibrils myofilaments actin myosin