Unit 3 Vocabulary quiz cell and answers

Transport Vocabulary
A. endocytosis
B. cytolysis
C. exocytosis
D. Plasmolysis
E. Passive transport
G. Diffusion
H. Osmosis
I. Hypotonic
J. Cell
L. Hypertonic
M. Solvent
N. Active transport
O. Solute
P. Isotonic
Q. Lipid bilayer
R. Turgor Pressure
S. Facilitated diffusion
_____1. A membrane-bound organelle that is the basic unit of life.
_____2. The process used for molecules that cannot diffuse rapidly through proteins in the cell membrane.
_____3. This word means “above strength”. The concentration of the dissolved substances is higher outside the
cell and lower inside the cell.
_____4. The shrinking of the cell.
_____5. The solution doing the dissolving.
_____6. The energy storing molecule that acts as fuel for active transport.
_____7. The movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration.
_____8. This word means “below strength”. The concentration of the dissolved substances is lower outside the
cell than inside the cell.
_____9. The swelling of the cell.
_____10. The process by which cells remove fluids, macromolecules, and large particles.
_____11. The pressure inside of a cell.
_____12. The two layers of the cell membrane.
_____13. The movement of water from an area of low concentration to high across a selectively permeable
_____14. The molecules being dissolved.
_____15. This word means “equal to”; the concentration of dissolved substances outside the cell is the same as
the inside of the cell.
_____16. This type of transport requires energy.
_____17. The process by which cells take in external fluid, macromolecules, and large particles.
_____18. This type of transport does not require energy.
Microscope Vocabulary
A. High power objective
B. Low power objective
C. Nosepiece
D. Ocular
E. Stage
F. Base
G. Arm
H. Body tube
I. Diaphragm
J. Coarse adjustment
K. Fine adjustment
_____19. The platform upon which to mount
the slide.
_____24. This regulates the amount of light
entering through the stage.
_____20. This is used for first focusing.
_____25. This is used for final focusing.
_____21. This is the rotating piece that holds
the objective lens.
_____26. This is also known as the eyepiece.
_____22. The holds the tube and stage, and
attaches them to the base.
_____23. This holds the eyepiece lens at top
and the objective lens at the bottom.
_____27. The lens that allows for greater
_____28. The microscope rests on this.
_____29. You carry a microscope with one
hand under the base and one hand on the ___.
Organelle Vocabulary
A. Nucleus
B. Nucleolus
C. Cell wall
D. Mitochondria
E. Organelle
F. Lysosome
G. Centriole
H. Vacuole
I. Chromatin
J. Nuclear Membrane
M. Golgi
N. Cytoplasm
O. Cell/Plasma Membrane
K. Chloroplast L. ER
P. Ribosomes
This rigid structure is for support and is only found in plant cells.
This structure is described as a phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded.
This organelle changes light into sugar.
This organelle is for packaging for storage or export from the cell.
Living matter in the cell, site of most chemical reactions.
Round organelle that contains digestive enzymes.
This organelle makes ribosomes .
This organelle is used only in animal cell reproduction.
This organelle is for transport of materials in the cell.
Round, contains food, water, wastes or enzymes.
This surrounds the nucleus.
This organelle changes food/sugar into energy.
This organelle makes proteins.
This organelle is in charge of the cell.
Long tangles of DNA.
This word means a membrane bound structure that performs a specific purpose in the cell.
1. J
2. S
3. L
4. D
5. M
6. F
7. G
8. I
9. B
10. C
11. R
12. Q
13. H
14. O
15. P
16. N
17. A
18. E
19. E
20. J
21. C
22. G
23. H
24. I
25. K
26. D
27. A
28. F
29. G
30. C
31. O
32. K
33. M
34. N
35. F
35. B
36. G
37. L
38. H
39. J
40. D
41. P
42. A
43. I
44. E