Teaching and Learning Activities Learning Objectives: To explore some of the different ways in which Hindus understand and approach the One Ultimate Reality, Brahman : jnana, karma, bhakti, or raja yoga. Attainment Level: AT1: To be able to discuss Hindu pluralism and this approach to the Ultimate Reality, understanding technical terms (Level 5) Resources: Learning styles questionnaire Coloured ribbons/card: 90 pieces each of 3 different colours OR coloured pens Hindu Spirituality Video Pathways grid or Pathways circling sheet – one each Pathways quiz for homework Citizenship/Numeracy/Literacy/I CT Opportunities Homework can be on PC Differentiation Use Pathways circling sheet instead of grid for L/A Future Assessment To reach level 6: Analyse the most significant aspects of the four pathways, explaining how they relate to each other and to the idea of pluralism. Homework Make up a multiple-choice questionnaire (5-10 questions). Each question has four possible answers, each answer relating to a different Hindu pathway. E.g. If you were to hear a story about a Hindu god would you: a) read more about it (jnana) b) pray to the god (bhakti) c) try and help others, just as the god did (karma) d) meditate to gain a clearer understanding of the story (raja) (Can use ‘Pathways Quiz’ frame) Starter: Learning styles questionnaire o Introduce the activity as ‘an exploration of what type of person you are and how you learn best’. o Teacher reads out questions o Students have to collect a piece of coloured ribbon/card from one of three places around the room when they answer each question. The colour they collect depends on their answer (e.g. a= pink, b=blue, c=purple). o Alternative method: students draw a large square in the back of their books and make a tick in a different coloured pen depending on their answers to the questions (e.g. answer a= tick in blue pen, b= tick in black and c= tick in pencil) o End of activity discussion: What type of learning style do you think the different colours represent? o Students count up which colour card/ribbon/tick they have the most of and share with a partner their most popular learning style. o Shelve activity and explain the meaning behind doing this should become clear during the rest of the lesson. Main Activity 1 – What do Hindu’s say about God? o Introduce learning objective – students write in books. o Class brainstorm initial responses to questions related to the learning objective: What you know about Hinduism? Who or what do Hindus say that God is? How do Hindus approach God? o Watch resource clip: ‘Hindus expressing their views about Hinduism and about God’ o Compare class brainstorm with the responses in the clip o Students write a definition of the key word ‘pluralism’ Main Activity 2 - The Four Hindu Pathways to God o o o o Explain ‘Pathways grid’ or ‘Pathways circling sheet’: either can be used whilst watching the section of the resource ‘The Four Pathways to God’. Work in pairs, but write on own individual worksheet. Pause after each section to give students time to fill in sheets and to share evaluations with partners. Class feedback: draw a symbol to represent each pathway in books. Plenary – 3 Questions for Pair/class discussion o o o Link back to the starter. Why did we do this? Explain analogy between different styles of learning/ paths to God. Personal reflection: Knowing what you are like as a person, what would be the most natural pathway for you to take? Why? Relate the pathways to other religions: which paths are similar to which religions? How? Lesson objectives: to know about different ways in which Hindus understand and approach God/Ultimate Reality to evaluate this approach to Ultimate Reality Learning outcomes: to be able to discuss Hindu pluralism and this approach to Ultimate Reality, understanding technical terms (Level 5) (I can talk/write about what is significant about the four pathways. I can talk/write about what is significant about Hindu pluralism. I can do this giving reasons and putting forward other points of view) to be able to analyse Hindu pluralism and this approach to Ultimate Reality, understanding technical terms (Level 6) (I can pick out the most significant aspects of the four pathways. I can then explain how they relate to each other and to the idea of pluralism) (I can explain comparisons between the four pathways and describe the difference this makes to being a Hindu (Level 5) I can give reasons for different points of view about these ways of being a Hindu (Level 6)