Meeting#5 - Guelph-Humber Student Association

Meeting #4
October 17th, 2010
Members Present:
Ben Davis
Steven McInnis
Sanjeeta Balla
Erin Cochrane
Dan Birch
Tristan Gerrie
Iulia Negutoiu
Reanna Tarafder
Elton Wong
Meaghan Declerq
Gilles Pansin
Ryan Zyman
Luke Park
Christian Mangar
Danielle Gallowitz
Members Absent:
Nora Ahmad
Samantha Diaram
1. Call to Order:
Motion to call the meeting to order at 6:39
Motioned: Erin
Seconded: Ben
Approve: All
2. Approval of Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda
Motioned: Ryan
Seconded: Tristan
Approve: All
3. Approval of Minutes:
Motion to approve the October 3rd, 2011 meeting minutes
Motioned: Ryan
Christian Mangar
Minute Taker:
Danielle Gallowitz
Seconded: Luke
Approve: 7
Abstain: 5
4. Business:
a) Bi-Elections Update
-Congratulations to newly elected members
-CEO/AEO presentation for next meeting to determine honorarium payment
-Website update (GHSA and Guelph-Humber) on bi-elections
b) GHSA Training for New Members
-Finding a common time for training new members
-Mandatory for all members, new and returning
-Some previous members will facilitate sessions during the training
c) Open House/Town Hall With John Walsh
-Wednesday October 19th, 2011. 4-7PM in T-Building
d) Budget Report
-Spent roughly $2000 of full budget, with projection of further spending
-Reps should spend roughly $250 before end of semester
-Failure to do so may result in reallocation of funds
-Additionally, can show where money will be spent in Winter
-Updated budget to the extent of all cheque requisitions that were submitted
5. Executive Report:
a) President:
-Leadership Conference in Alberta
-Application through Student Life
-Open to all student leaders on campus
-Application can be found online
-Establish a goal for the 2011-2012 year
-ToR changes and recommendations to take place before October 31st, 2011
Dan enters at 7:02
b) Vice President of Academics:
-Working on ToR changes with Ercole
-Updated changes will be presented next week
c) Vice President of Activities:
-Looking for subcommittee assistance
-Meeting with DJ on site Thursday
-Need to finalize bus and security
-All other details are ready
-Promotions need to continue heavily
-Keep promotions for first years, cheaper suggestions for future
-Incentives may draw more sales. Think about early bird again.
-GHSA should purchase tickets by next meetings
-Halloween Event
-Taking place on October 31st, 2011
Motion for $100 from the All Activities Program Budget (301) for Halloween Event
Motion: Danielle
Seconded: Meaghan
Approve: All
Erin leaves at 7:32 and returns at 7:34
d) Vice President of Communications:
-Suggestion that communications should be in charge of all social media
-Bi-weekly emails continuing to go out to the students
-Suggestion to have a full review board of social media
-Remembering to keep a neutral tone in all communications updates
e) Vice President of Finance:
-Sweatshirt sales are current 55 sold
-Putting the table outside the office for promotions
f) Vice President of Operations:
-Internal Complaint System
-Setting up a form for members to discuss personal conflicts
-Let’s Get Lied In The Atrium next week
-Leigh’s, mocktails and music
-Used to promote Gala
Motion for $125 from the swag and promotions budget for the Let’s Get Lied in the Atrium
Motion: Tristan
Seconded: Iuilia
Approve: 11
Oppose: 2
Abstain: 1
5. Program Representative Report:
a) Business: no update
b) Early Childhood:
-Go Purple Event Update
-Made $700 from the event
-Idea to do event for two days to involve students on placement
-Brainstorming ideas for next event
c) Family and Community Social Services:
-Memorial service on Thursday at noon
-Agenda draft for event
-Need volunteers to assist at 10am to move the art for the event
d) Justice Studies:
-Flag Football
-Postponing to winter semester
-Tristan will forward contact information to run event
e) Kinesiology: no update
f) Media Studies:
-Rick Mercer Report
-All the tickets have been given to students
-Portfolio Workshop
-Press Passes
-Waiting for Jerry to send out mass email
-Students want to start many subcommittees
-Ideas are Image Arts clubs and Media Club
-Online radio station Jerry wants to run for GH students
g) Psychology:
-Meet and Greet event (two weeks ago) was low
-Less than 10 students attending
-Students that did come out were very supportive
-Receipts are being given to Ryan to reimbursement
Erin leaves at 7:58 and returns at 8:01
6. Academic Management and Program (AMAP)
-10th Anniversary Update
-October 18th, 2012 and October 20th, 2012 (next year)
-Dinner and open house celebration
-Leah Murdoch is working on promotions for this
-Grad Week
-Event on October 20th for Grad Fair
-14 institutions present at this event for grads
-Workshops for grads
Reanna leaves at 8:05
7. Board of Directors (BoD)
8. Guelph Senate
9. Other Business
a) Clubs
-Reminder that other clubs on campus should not overlap GHSA
-As elected members, we are responsible for the academic logistics
-Clubs should not impend on GHSA initiatives
b) Volunteers
-Volunteer appreciation and welcome event
-Before we officially begin delegating duties
-This will help students get involved around campus
c) GH Olympics
-Looking for an event for programs to compete against each other
-Ryan suggested this, and will be involved
-Great way to promote school spirit on campus
-SWAG is being ordered in stages
-Mistake on shipment, and looking to reapprove order
10. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:13
Motioned: Ryan
Seconded: Meaghan
Approve: All