YORK MEMORIAL COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Toronto District School Board Revised August 2010 by G. Surlan Experiential Learning Department Curriculum Leader: C. Sciortino Financial Accounting Fundamentals Grade 11; BAF3M1; 1 credit Prerequisite: None. Overall curriculum expectations: Reference: The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 11 & 12, Business Studies, 2006 revised. By the end of this course, students will: Unit 1: Introduction to Accounting for a Service Business apply the basic procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a service business; demonstrate an understanding of how accounting information is used in decision making; describe the discipline of accounting and its importance for business; describe professional accounting designations and career opportunities. Unit 2: Accounting for a Merchandising Business analyse the similarities and differences in the accounting procedures and principles for a service business, a merchandising business, and a manufacturing business; apply the basic procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a merchandising business; Unit 3: Business Structures and Accounting Implications distinguish between the different types of business structures: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation; Unit 4: Ethical Practices in Accounting demonstrate an understanding of the regulatory and ethical framework of accounting; demonstrate an understanding of the importance of proper internal control systems to the financial management of a business; Unit 5: Technology and Financial Statement Analysis assess the impact of technology on the accounting functions in business. evaluate the financial situation of a business by analysing performance measures and financial statements; is used in decision making. Enrichment: RUSH students will be provided with enrichment activities, both in terms of the depth and breadth of approach to the curriculum requirements, and in terms of Pre-AP skills and strategies. Pre-AP is designed to prepare students for success in the Advanced Placement courses offered in the school at the grade 12 level. It consists of a three year planned program introducing and reinforcing, skills and learning strategies that are necessary for Advanced Placement courses and will enable student planning to take AP courses to begin these university level courses already prepared to learn at that level. Learning Skills and Work Habits: Learning skills of Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative and Selfregulation play a critical role in the achievement of the curriculum objectives and student success. Opportunity to practice and improve each of these will be included in classroom activities, in assignments, and work assigned as homework. Homework is assigned to reinforce classroom learning and to promote academic independence; it is expected that students will complete homework in order to be successful. Attendance and punctuality are also essential for student success. Students who know in advance that they will miss class must notify their teacher in advance. Tests, quizzes, and assignments due on days that are missed are the responsibility of the student to complete or hand in and a note from a parent/guardian is required stating the parent was aware of the assignment or test that would be missed by the absence. All assigned work is expected on the due date. Once the final acceptable due date is past, assignments may not be accepted, especially if the remaining assignments or tests have been marked and returned. Only work that was generated by the student will be evaluated in order to assess student progress. Ideas or words that have been taken from another source, used as is, or changed slightly, constitute plagiarism, and are a serious breach of academic honesty. Plagiarists can expect to receive no marks for work which was not their own. Teaching/Assessment and Evaluation Strategies A wide variety of teaching strategies will be employed to ensure maximum opportunity for many learning styles. Current events relating to the subject will be discussed using media resources available in the classroom. Frequently used assessment and evaluation strategies include classroom participation, oral presentations, written assignments, tests, and in-class writing assignments. Formative assessments of students’ progress will be conducted regularly in order to give guidance and assess areas of learning which need reinforcement. Formative assessments also prepare students for unit-ending tests by introducing in quizzes the types and depth of questions which will be found in the final tests. Summative evaluation activities are planned to evaluate student progress in the expectations of the course. Evaluation criteria will be provided at the outset of all assignments/tests to provide a clear understanding of expectations being targeted. Marks are designed to reflect student progress, not any relative importance of a particular test or assignment. The course work (exclusive of final culminating activities) will be evaluated with the following weightings: Knowledge & Understanding Thinking & Inquiry 25% 25% Application Communication 25% 25% Course Evaluation Plan for (BAF3M) 30% Final Evaluations Task Examination Achievement Chart Focus All categories Weighting 30% 70% Course Work - * Summative Evaluation Unit 1: Introduction to Accounting for a Service Business Task Achievement Chart Focus September: Ch. 1 Accounting & Business All categories (KTCA) *Career ISU Ch. 2 The Balance Sheet All categories *Chapter 2 Mini-Test October: Ch. 3 Analyzing Changes in Financial Position All categories November: *Chapter 1-3 TEST All categories *Transaction Analysis Assignment Ch. 4 The Simple Ledger All categories *Chapter 4 TEST December: Ch. 5 Revenue, Expenses & Drawings All categories Ch. 6 The Journal & Source Documents All categories *Chapter 5 & 6 TEST *GAAP Poster January: Ch. 7 Posting & Computer Software All categories Ch. 8 Worksheet & Financial Statements Ch. 9 Completing the Accounting Cycle *Ch. 8 & 9 TEST February: School Accounting Modules (SAM): Witness Fitness All categories Centre (An accounting simulation) Unit 2: Accounting for a Merchandising Business Task Ch. 11 Merchandising Business March: Ch. 12 Modifying Accounting Systems *Chapter 11 & 12 TEST April: Due Date Week 1-2 Week 2 Week 3-4 Week 4 Week 5-9 Week 10 Week 10 Week 10-11 Week 11 Week 12-14 Week 14-16 Week 16 Week 16 Week 17-18 Week 18-20 Week 18-21 Week 18-21 Week 21-23 Achievement Chart Focus All categories (KTCA) Due Date All categories Week 26-27 Week 27 Week 24-25 Ch. 14 Payroll Accounting Ch. 10 Cash Control & Banking *Chapter 14 & 10 TEST Income Tax Unit #6 All categories All categories Unit 3: Business Structures and Accounting Implications Task Achievement Chart Focus All categories (KTCA) May: Ch. 13 Business Organizations & Decision Making *Chapter 13 Assignment EXAM REVIEW Unit 4: Ethical Practices in Accounting Task Case Studies GAAPs Analysis + GAAP Poster Assignment Unit 5: Technology and Financial Analysis Task Quickbooks Microsoft Excel Simply Accounting *Subject to change Week 28-29 Week 30-31 Week 32 Week 33-34 Due Date Week 35-36 Week 37 Achievement Chart Focus All categories (KTCA) Due Date Achievement Chart Focus All categories (KTCA) Due Date Taught throughout each chapter of the course Covered in Unit 1 Taught throughout each chapter of the course