Faith Lutheran Church Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 6, 2015 13, 2012 FaithMay Lutheran Church 931 East Main Street Kent, Ohio 44240 330-673-6633 Mission Statement We are called to the glory of God and to reveal the love and Good News of Jesus Christ. ANNOUNCEMENTS This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! (Psalm 118:24) WELCOME TO ALL! If you are a first-time visitor, please fill out a Pink Visitor’s Card and make sure you introduce yourself to Pastor Bergen. Thank you for coming and please come again! If you have a prayer request, please fill out a Yellow Prayer Card and give it to the usher. FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR are given to the glory of God by Rob and Jeanie Dinehart in thankfulness for all of God’s Blessings. INTERIM PASTOR ~ Pastor Ronald L. Bergen is serving as our Interim Pastor. He will serve in all pastoral functions on a part-time basis including preaching, hospital visits, pastoral care of the home bound (shut-ins), classes, some of the scheduled meetings, and counseling. He will be at Faith in the Church Office on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 12 noon. Pastor Bergen will be with us every Sunday, except one Sunday per month (after all he is “part-time” and “retired”!). If you need to contact him, please call him on his cell phone (330) 612-7284. His email address is “” Pastor Bergen served as the regular pastor of Faith from 1979 to 1996. From 1996 to 2006 he served as President of the Ohio District LCMS. Retiring in 2006, he has been preaching in various congregations in northeast Ohio three or four Sundays per month. THE CHURCH OFFICE will be closed this Monday, September 7, in observance of Labor Day. THE PROPERTIES COMMITTEE will have a work day this Saturday, September 12, 9:00 a.m-12:00 p.m. We will finish the outside wall by the parking lot and work on the new area for the storage shed. Your help will be greatly appreciated. If you have questions, please see Guy Russ. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! Yes this is long overdue, but I need to thank each and every one of you who said prayers, sent cards, and gave words of encouragement when I had my stroke. That was way back on April 23rd of this year. I have come a long way from not being able to stand on my legs, imbalance, dizzy, and ability to see clearly. The thought was, will I ever recover? Well, I am happy to say it is only four months and I am doing well! Yes, I can walk and do most everything. Thanks to all for your support. Lois Hintz THOSE WHO SERVED TODAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2015 Altar Guild Jeanie Dinehart Acolyte 10:45 Darrin Parks Chancel 8:15 Ferlito Family 10:45 Greeters 8:15 Ferlito Family 10:45 Karen Parks Readers 8:15 Linda Ferlito 10:45 Rob Dinehart Teller Guy Russ Ushers 8:15 Sandy Davis, Rob Dinehart 10:45 Jack Burns, Rick Stumm __________________________________________________________ THOSE TO SERVE NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 Altar Guild Jeanie Dinehart Acolyte 10:45 Thomas Kiglics Greeters 8:15 Sandy Davis 10:45 Cindy Reich Readers 8:15 Nena Hankins 10:45 KSU Student Tellers Jack and Carol Lotzgeselle Ushers 8:15 Mike Bartley 10:45 Darrin Parks, Guy Russ _____________________________________________________________ SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 Lesson I –Isaiah 50:4-10 Lesson II – James 3:1-12 Gospel –Mark 9:14-29 Search the Scriptures–September 13–Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Matthew 6:24 “You cannot serve God and money.” In today’s Gospel Jesus gives the first and last word about our stewardship – well, you have to go back a few verses to verse 19 to get the whole thing: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Read Matthew 5:19-34 again this week at home and consider your generosity to the Lord’s work in light of what Jesus says. Faith Lutheran Church 931 East Main Street, Kent, Ohio 44240 (330) 673-6633 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Worship 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Education Hour 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion is celebrated on the first, third, and fifth Sundays of each month. Children are encouraged to attend worship services with their families. A supervised nursery is available off the narthex. Staff Ronald L. Bergen, Interim Pastor (330) 612-7284 John ‘‘JJ’’ Voelker, Campus Missionary Pastor (330) 808-1244 Helen M. Knoch, Office Secretary, Financial Secretary Jennie Stumm, Organist; Jesse Lange, Choir Director; Wanda Sobieska, Bell Choir Director Congregational Leadership Rob Dinehart, President Rick Stumm, Vice-President John E. Heinl, Treasurer Richard Ruch, Secretary Board Directors and Contact People Education – Linda Ferlito, Tammy Voelker Fellowship – Jeanie Dinehart Lay Ministry – John Ferlito Outreach – Nancy Schubert Properties – Guy Russ Stewardship – Worship – Jennie Stumm Youth LCMK Rep – Rob Dinehart E-mail: Website: Webmaster: Additional parking is available across Luther Avenue at DuBois Bookstore or across Main Street in the White Hall parking lot. Large print bulletins are available from an usher. Handicap Accessible