7th Anniversary Bulletin May 17, 2014 A Message From The Pastor

7th Anniversary Bulletin
May 17, 2014
Salem Spirit of Life Church
“A Welcoming Community”
Rev Don Eck—Pastor
Church Phone: 503-689-1436
1775 32nd Place NE Suite G
Salem, OR 97301
Sunday Worship 10:00AM
Sunday School 9:45AM
Email: spiritoflife76@gmail.com
A Message
From The Pastor
Web: www.salemspiritoflife.org
Dear Friends,
I would like to thank everybody who helped us make our 7th
Church Anniversary a wonderfully blessed occasion.
I would like to share with you some of the things going on here at
Salem Spirit of Life Church.
Of course our Sunday Worship service is at 10:00AM each week,
Sunday School is available and begins at 9:45AM. If you would like
to have a child in the program please see Regina or Carolyn.
The third week of each month:
Tuesday's we open our doors to the HIV Alliance to meet with their
clients to share time and a meal.
Friday's we have our Pot Luck and Movie night beginning at
If you are interested in attending one of our Bible Classes please let
the Pastor know and we will let you know the dates and times our
classes will be held.
Each week a team of five meet to train for leadership roles in the
Celebrate Recovery Program. Our plan is to begin a Celebrate
Recovery Program in September of this year.
As funds are available we support Emanuel Orphanage in Menlo,
Uganda. The Orphanage is under the direction of Pastor Robert,
John and Sarah. They care for 400 orphans at this time. They are
always in need of food and clothing.
"God Is Good All The Time"
Come Gather All
by Paul Berchtold, September, 2011
Come gather all, from great to least,
Come celebrate this special feast.
This is the day, by God's own choice,
Our church was born. Let us rejoice!
May God be praised! May God be blest!
May He find here His place of rest.
We honor those who built with care,
His throne on earth, this house of prayer.
May all who come, find truth and light,
Receive new hope of future bright.
God fill us with abundant grace.
May angels guard this holy place.
We thank you, Lord, for what you've done
Here in this place through your dear Son.
Abide with us, your Spirit show,
As rivers may your blessings flow.
Out main purpose is to help any and all who ask to find their
spiritual truth, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation
background or other church affiliations. We believe in God, and
respect the power of Prayer. Everything we do is for the glory and
praise of God.
From The Humor Corner:
Father O'Malley answers the phone. "Hello, is this Father
"It is"
"This is the IRS. Can you help us?"
"I can"
"Do you know a Ted Houlihan?"
"I do"
"Is he a member of your congregation?"
"He is"
"Did he donate $10,000 to the church?"
"He will".
There are two ways that you can help support our
1. Sign up your Fred Meyer Rewards Card for their
community support program.
2. When searching on the internet use Good Search.
There are flyers on the entry table to show you how
to use these two organizations to help us.