Will's First Play Ever: Sneetches at Work

Will’s First Play Ever: Sneetches at Work
Carolyn – Boss Sneetch (star-belly)
Wynn – Receptionist Sneetch (star-belly)
Jeff – Applicant Sneetch (plain-belly)
Jeff Sneetch walks into the lobby room of a business, holding his coat and covering his
belly. Wynn Sneetch is at a desk reading a book.
Wynn Sneetch looks up and sees Jeff Sneetch. She smiles, stands up (we see her star),
and starts to greet him…
Do come in. How can I….
Jeff lowers his coat, and there is no star on his belly. Wynn sits back down and goes
back to reading her book.
Hi, I’m here for a job interview… I have an appointment.
You, an appointment. There must be some mistake…
Wynn stands up and goes into the next room, and talks to Carolyn Sneetch.
Someone is here for an interview.
Send him in.
He doesn’t have a star… He says he has an appointment – I can send him away.
No, there’s that new “Be Fair” law. Send him in
Wynn steps back out.
The boss will see you
Thank you.
Jeff goes in, extends his had to shake Carolyn’s hand. She just stayed seated and stares.
Jeff lowers his hand, and stands awkwardly. After a moment, he looks around, finds a
chair and brings it up to the desk.
Can I sit down.
It’s a free country.
Jeff Sits. Carolyn has a newspaper.
Why are you interested in this job?
Well, I just moved here with my family.
Carolyn ( looks up)
So you’re new here.
…Yes… I worked in Chumbamatics in my old Neighborhood. I was the vice president in
production. I have a resume right here with my old partners recommend…
Carolyn, disinterested, shakes her hand beckoning him to hand it to her. He does, and she
starts halfheartedly looking at it.
Carolyn tosses the resume back on the desk towards Jeff. She hasn’t even glanced at the
second page.
Yup, well things run a little differently here… Looks like you are not quite qualified.
Good day to you sir.
But – aren’t you going to ask me any questions?.... You didn’t even look over all of it….
I assure you I am capable…
Good day to you.
Jeff gets up and leaves. He is so distraught that he leaves his coat. After he passes
Wynn – who was watching the whole time from the door, Wynn goes in. Jeff is about to
leave the lobby, when he realizes he left his coat, he turns to go get it, and stops at the
door when he hears them talking about him.
I can’t believe how overrun we are getting with no good no stars. Lousy cheats. Good
for nothing bums. Vice president my eye. He was lying through his teeth.
Good you got rid of him fast, sir. Oh, he left his coat.
Hand that too me, I’ll dispose of it properly.
Wynn grabs the coat carefully, as if it has some kind of disease. She hands it to Carolyn,
who pulls out a trash can.
Marty’s coming by later today to dump the trash. Good thing, too. I don’t want this in
here long, stinking up the place…
Jeff knocks over Wynn’s book. Wynn and Carolyn look.
Carolyn (irritated)
Can I help you?
Jeff takes a step in and extends his arm for the coat.
I came back for my…
Carolyn still holds it over the garbage.
Your what?
Oh, nothing…
He turns and leaves, Carolyn drops the coat in the trash.