Economic History Timeline

Economic History Timeline
Directions: Identify the event and its significance for each date on the timelines. As a
group, try to state at least one generalization or one trend over time.
 1882
 1907
 1921
 1924
 1952
 1965
 1986
 2001
Chinese Exclusion
Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan
Emergency Quota Act
National Origins Act
McCarren Security Bill
Immigration Act
Immigration Reform and Control Act
Patriot Act
Business Enterprise in America
 1791 1st BUS
 1816 Clay’s American System
 1828 Tariff Abominations
 1832 BUS Controversy
 Civil War
Lincoln pro-business
 1877 Munn v. Illinois
 1886 Wabash v. Illinois
 1887 ICC
 1890 Sherman Anti-trust Act
 1902 TR Intervention in anthracite coal strike
 1903 Elkins Act
 1906 Hepburn Act and Pure Food and Drug Act
 1913 Federal Reserve Act
 1914 Clayton Anti-trust Act and FCC organized
 1930 Hawley Smoot tariff
 1932 RFC
 1939 Fair Labor Standards Act
 1970s Stagflation
 1980s Reaganomics
 2000 Corporate fraud
Agriculture in American history
 1919 1st black indentured servants at Jamestown
 1793 cotton gin
 1834 McCormick reaper
 1862 Homestead and Morrill Acts
1867 Grange organized
1877 Munn v. Illinois
1878 Bland Allison Act
1886 Wabash v. Illinois
1887 Interstate Commerce Act
1890 Sherman Silver Purchase Act
1892 Populist organized
WWI high point of prosperity for American farmers
1920s falling sales after WWI with resulting depression for farmers including the
failure of the McNary Haugen Bill
1833 Agriculture Adjustment Act
Labor in American history
 1869 Knights of labor organized
 1886 Haymarket riot
 1892 Homestead Strike
 1894 Pullman Strike
 1902 Anthracite coal strike
 1914 Clayton Anti-trust Act
 1935 Wagner Act
 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act
 1947 Taft-Hartley Act