Fall 2011: Intermediate Japanese 01:565: 201.02 Instructor: E-mail: Office: Class Meeting: Office Hour: Mariko Narasaki narasaki@rci.rutgers.edu (in English) marikonj@gmail.com (in Japanese) Department Office: SC #330 732-932-7605 Instructor’s Office: SC #232 Tues. Thurs. & Fri. 9:50 – 11:10 @CA-A2 Tues. 1:30 – 3:30 Course Objectives: Japanese 201 is a continuation of Japanese 102, designed for students who have acquired elementary level of Japanese. In addition to developing four skills (speaking, listening, writing, reading), this course focuses on communication skills with aspects of socio-cultural knowledge. The goals of the course are: 1) learn intermediate level of structural patterns and vocabulary, and put them into practical use. 2) further develop speaking and listening skills in various social situations. 3) develop the ability to read authentic Japanese materials and to express your thoughts by writing in Japanese. To this end, you will master a total of 286 kanji. 4) become more acquainted with Japanese culture that relate to the lesson concepts. The primary language of this course is Japanese. Although explanation of new grammar and vocabulary may be conducted in English, classroom instructions will be in Japanese and it is expected that when you have questions, you will ask them in Japanese. Also, when speaking to your fellow classmates, try to use Japanese as much as possible. Required books (available at RU Bookstore): Textook; Workbook; An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Genki げんき II, The Japan Times, 1999. An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Genki げんき Workbook II, The Japan Times, 2000. Recommended Material; Oxford Starter Japanese Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 2002. Useful Link ˂http://genki.japantimes.co.jp/index.en.html˃ Evaluation: Attendance Homework Assignments 10% Active attendance is crucial to language learning. If you are late (or leaving early) three times, for more than 15 minutes, it counts as one absence. 15% Assignments are mostly from workbook, but there may be additional assignments from time to time. Assignments are due at the beginning of a class. Please put your assignments on the instructor’s desk when you enter the classroom. Do not work on Class participation 3% Mini Quizzes Lesson Tests* 15% 20% Midterm Exam* Skit Presentation 15% 2% Final Exam 20% your homework during the class. Each assignment will be given 10 pts when you acquire 100-90%: 9 pts for 89-80%, 8 pts for 7970%, 7 pts for 69-60%, 6 pts for 59-50%, and 2 pts less than 49%. You will have the option to resubmit that assignment to improve your grade at the next class meeting. Since the average of the two scores is counted as a final grade, the original assignment should be attached to the revised one. Late assignments will be accepted only within two weeks with 10% deduction. Prior to each lesson (see the attached schedule), you must read the textbook, memorize the vocabulary, and practice by using the listening tapes. On dialogue days, you are required to read lines fluently. 16 mini quizzes (i.e. vocabulary, kanji) will be given periodically. 6 Lesson tests will be given in the semester. The worst score of your tests will be dropped at the time of final grade calculation. The midterm exam is scheduled on 10/20. Students are expected to make your own script, memorize your lines, and act out in class. The final exam (2% oral and 18% written) is scheduled on 12/23. *Make-up lesson tests and the midterm exam are allowed only if (1) students have emergency, which they must prove by providing a relevant document and (2) students ask the instructor for permission in advance. Without a document, you will be allowed to make up them with 20% deduction. No tests and the midterm exam may be taken before the scheduled time/date but should be taken within a week. NO MAKE-UP IS ALLOWED FOR THE FINAL EXAM. Fall 2011: Intermediate Japanese 201.02 Course Schedule (Tentative) Date 9/1 9/2 9/6 9/9 9/13 9/15 9/16 9/20 9/22 9/23 9/27 9/29 9/30 10/4 10/6 10/7 10/11 10/13 10/14 Class Work R F T F T R F T R F T R F T R F T R F Introduction L15 Vocab, Grammar L15 Grammar L15 Grammar, Dialogue L15 Lesson Test L15 Kanji, Reading L16 Vocab, Grammar L16 Grammar L16 Grammar, Dialogue L16 Lesson Test L16 Kanji, Reading L17 Vocab, Grammar L17 Grammar L17 Grammar, Dialogue L17 Lesson Test L17 Kanji, Reading L18 Vocab, Grammar L18 Grammar L18 Grammar, Dialogue Quiz Assignments to submit L15 Vocab Volitional form WB p. 27-28 WB p. 29-30 WB p. 31-32(L) L15 Kanji WB p. 105-106 WB p. 33-34 WB p. 35-36 WB p. 37-40(L) L16 Vocab L16 Kanji L17 Vocab L17 Kanji L18 Vocab WB p. 107-108 WB p. 41-42 WB p. 43-44 WB p. 45-46(L) WB p. 109-110 WB p. 47-48 WB p. 49-50 10/18 10/20 10/21 10/25 10/27 10/28 11/1 11/3 11/4 11/8 11/10 11/11 11/15 11/17 11/18 11/22 11/24 11/25 11/29 12/1 12/2 12/6 12/8 12/9 12/13 12/23 T R F T R F T R F T R F T R F T R F T R F T R F T F Review Midterm Exam L18 Kanji, Reading L19 Vocab, Grammar L19 Grammar L19 Grammar L19 Grammar, Dialogue L19 Lesson Test L19 Kanji, Reading L20 Vocab, Grammar L20 Grammar L20 Grammar L20 Grammar, Dialogue L20 Lesson Test L20 Kanji, Reading L21 Vocab, Grammar Thanksgiving Recess Thanksgiving Recess L21 Grammar L21 Grammar, Dialogue L21 Lesson Test L21 Kanji, Reading Review Skit presentation Oral examination Final Exam 8:00-11:00AM WB p. 51-54(L) L18 Kanji L19 Vocab L19 Kanji WB p. 111-112 WB p. 55-56 WB p. 57-58 WB p. 59-60 WB p. 61-62(L) L20 Vocab WB p. 113-114 WB P. 63-64 WB p. 65-66 WB p. 67-68 WB p. 69-70(L) L20 Kanji WB p. 115-116 L21 Vocab Passive form WB p. 71-72 WB p. 73-74 WB p. 75-78(L) L21 Kanji WB p. 117-118 *(L) needs listening materials at the language lab or on https://sakai.rutgers.edu. All of your work has to be your original. IF YOU GIVE ANSWERS TO OTHER STUDENTS OR RECEIVE THEM FROM OTHER STUDENTS ON HOMEWORK, QUIZZES, AND EXAMS, YOU WILL NOT GET ANY CREDIT. Please turn off your cellar phone in class. Eating food and chewing gum are not allowed in class. If you ever feel that you are falling behind, talk to the instructor as soon as possible.