Adventures in Japanese 4 Chapter 6 Name___________________ でんとうてき てんじかい 伝統的な日本文化の展示会を開こう! In this unit we have explored different aspects of traditional Japanese culture. Now it is time for you to become the class resident expert on a topic that you find especially interesting. You will share your expertise with your classmates and other guests at a special 日本文化の展示会 (Japanese Traditional Culture Exhibition). Process: 1. Select an area of traditional Japanese culture to study in-depth. ぼんさい にほんけんちく とうげい Suggested topics:茶道、盆栽、生け花、日本庭園、日本建築、陶芸、 しょどう 書道 Useful website: 2. Research your topic in English and Japanese. 3. Obtain/create an effective visual or artifact related to your topic to be displayed at the exhibit. 4. Type a report in Japanese that will accompany your visual or artifact at the exhibit. 5. Prepare a shorter spoken version of your report to present to exhibit guests. Memorize this so that you can deliver it smoothly. Also, be prepared to answer questions from visitors. 6. Day of the TENJIKAI: Our classroom will be transformed into an exhibit hall. Your visual/artifact will be displayed with your report. You will deliver your explanation to small, rotating groups of classmates and guests. 7. You will also visit your classmates’ exhibits and complete a datacollection sheet regarding their displays and presentations. JAPANESE REPORT RUBRIC がんばって! 0-3 よくやった! 4-5 すばらしい!! 6-7 Provides thoughtful, detailed and accurate information about the subject and includes the use of at least 3 grammar points from CH 6; 400-600 characters Variety of words/expressions (old & new); used effectively and correctly Variety of sentence structures (old and new) used correctly and appropriately; very minor errors that do not interfere with comprehension Shows mastery in written language, spelling, and use of kanji, punctuation. No mixing of plain and polite forms. Easy and interesting to read. Content Provides little information or inaccurate information; no detail; less than 300 characters Provides accurate information about the subject; some detail; 1-2 grammar points from CH 6; 300-400 characters Vocabulary Limited range; frequent errors in choice and usage Adequate range; occasional errors of word usage and choice Language Frequent use of incorrect grammar which interfered with comprehension Mostly correct use of old and new sentence structures with some errors interfering with comprehension Mechanics Frequent errors in Occasional errors in spelling, kanji, and spelling, kanji, and punctuation. Frequent punctuation. Some mixing of plain and polite mixing of plain and polite forms. forms. Difficult to read; Requires more effort on demonstrates minimal the part of the reader; awareness of audience poor transitions, and task repetitious VISUAL/ARTIFACT RUBRIC Overall がんばって! 0-4 Visuals/artifacts are small and fail to engage the visitor よくやった! 5-7 Display is appropriate and helpful to understanding the topic すばらしい!! 8-10 Multiple and/or large photos, illustrations or artifacts that represent the topic very well. Creates a strong visual impression for the visitors ORAL REPORT RUBRIC がんばって! 0-1 よくやった! 4-5 すばらしい!! 6-7 Content Provides little information or inaccurate information; no detail Provides accurate information about the subject; some detail; 1-2 grammar points from CH 6 Provides thoughtful, detailed and accurate information about the subject and includes the use of at least 3 grammar points from CH 6 Vocabulary Limited range; frequent errors in choice and usage Adequate range; occasional errors of word usage and choice Language Frequent use of incorrect grammar which interfered with comprehension Mostly correct use of old and new sentence structures with some errors interfering with comprehension Fluency Significant hesitation; very irregular intonation Difficult to listen to Little hesitation; some unnatural intonation Requires more effort on the part of the listener Variety of words/expressions (old & new); used effectively and correctly Variety of sentence structures (old and new) used correctly and appropriately; very minor errors that do not interfere with comprehension Very minor hesitation; natural intonation Easy and interesting to listen to. Overall DATA COLLECTION SHEET Presenter Topic What did you learn? Comments for presenter