WEBSITE UNIT PLAN TEMPLATE UNIT: Year 10 Japanese Term 1 - Where’s Wally? UNIT OVERVIEW: On completion of this unit students will have learnt basic location and giving direction vocabulary and structures and how to use them effectively both when comprehending and composing. ASSESSMENT: Listening, Writing and Speaking Exams UNIT DETAILS: No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Learning Goal Success Criteria (I Know I’ve got it when I can …) Describe the location of objects I know the meaning of location words and can construct a location phrase Construct (compose) and understand (comprehend) location sentences to describe the location of objects I can write and understand sentences describing the location of things. List vocabulary and kanji I know the vocab and kanji Synthesise language and grammar to converse effectively to describe the location of objects Analyse and intepret listening passages I can ask and answer regarding the location of objects Synthesise language to improve writing skills I can write a description of a room including location phrases and adjectives Interpret katakana symbols I can understand spoken conversations I know katakana List vocabulary for giving directions I have learnt the vocab Analyse and interpret written directions I understood this passage Apply knowledge to comprehend spoken directions I could follow these verbal directions and ended up in the right place Compose written directions I can write directions in Japanese Compose spoken directions I can tell others directions in Japanese