Experiment 2 Network Laws John Nosek ENEE 206 Section 101 Lab Report 2 2/24/04 ● Objective To study electrical network laws including Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law, Kirchhoff’s Current Law, Node Voltages, and Mesh Currents. ● Equipment - DC Power Supply - Digital Multimeter - Breadboard - 500 Ω Resistor - 1 kΩ Resistor - 2 x 2 kΩ Resistors ● Schematics Fig. 1 R2 c d I R1 R3 e b V6 V12 a R1 = 500 Ω R2 = 1 kΩ R3 = 2 kΩ V12 = 12 V DC V6 = 6 V DC Fig. 2 R4 I6 R1 R3 A C B I5 R1 = 500 Ω R2 = 1 kΩ R3 = 2 kΩ R4 = 2 kΩ V12 = 12 V DC V6 = 6 V DC I4 I1 I3 R2 I2 V12 V6 D Fig. 3 R1 R3 I Ia R1 = 500 Ω R2 = 1 kΩ R3 = 2 kΩ V12 = 12 V DC V6 = 6 V DC Ib R2 V12 V6 ● Procedure For Part A, the circuit in Fig. 1 was constructed and each resistor was measured with a multimeter to determine its actual value. The multimeter was then used to measure the voltages Vab, Vbc, Vcd, Vde, and Vea across the designated points on the circuit schematic. Also, the current I around the circuit loop was measured. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law was then used to verify the voltages around the loop abcdea. Voltages Vca, Vdb, and Vce were then measured with the multimeter and compared with the calculated values obtained by taking two different paths around the circuit loop using the five previous voltage measurements. Part B involved constructing the circuit in Fig. 2 and measuring each branch current. Kirchhoff’s Current Law was then verified at each node A, B, C, and D using the branch currents I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, and I6. Mesh currents were explored in Part C by constructing the circuit in Fig. 3. First, the voltages across the voltage sources V6 and V12 were measured. Then the current loops Ia and Ib were measured along with the branch current I. Using the Mesh Current Method and the measured values of V6, V12, R1, R2, and R3, the values of Ia, Ib, and I were calculated and compared with the measured values. ● Results Part A 1) R1 = 507.1 Ω R2 = 982 Ω R3 = 2036 Ω 2) Vab = 12.00 V Vbc = -2.591 V Vcd = -5.015 V Vde = -10.39 V Vea = 6.00 V I = -5.10 mA 3) KVL V12 IR1 IR2 IR3 V6 0 12 I (507.1) I (982) I (2036) 6 0 I (507.1 982 2036) 18 I .00510 I = 5.1 mA 4) Vca = -9.41 V Vdb = 7.60 V Vce = -15.40 V 5) Vca = -9.41 Path 1 Vca IR2 IR3 V6 0 Vca (.0051)(982) (.0051)( 2036) 6 0 Vca 9.3918 0 Vca 9.3918 Path 2 V6 IR3 IR2 Vca 0 6 (.0051)( 2036) (.0051)(982) Vca 0 9.3918 Vca 0 Vca 9.3918 Both values are very to close. Vdb = 7.60 Path 1 Vdb IR3 V6 V12 0 Vdb (.0051)( 2036) 6 12 0 Vdb 7.6164 0 Vdb 7.6164 Path 2 V12 V6 IR3 Vdb 0 12 6 (.0051)( 2036) Vdb 0 7.6164 Vdb 0 Vdb 7.6164 Both values are extremely close. Vce = -15.40 Path 1 V6 V12 IR1 Vce 0 6 12 (.0051)(507.1) Vce 0 15.41379 Vce 0 Vce 15.41379 Path 2 IR1 V6 V12 Vce 0 (.0051)(507.1) 6 12 Vce 0 15.41379 Vce 0 Vce 15.41379 Both values are extremely close Part B 2) I1 = 11.62 mA I2 = -7.78 mA I3 = -3.83 mA I4 = -0.80 mA I5 = -8.58 mA I6 = 3.05 mA 3) Node A I1 I 5 I 6 11.62 8.58 3.05 3.04 3.05 KCL Verified Node B I2 I4 I5 7.78 0.80 8.58 8.58 8.58 KCL Verified Node C I3 I6 I4 3.83 3.05 0.80 0.78 0.80 KCL Verified Node D 0 I1 I 2 I 3 0 11.62 7.78 3.83 0 0.01 KCL Verified Part C 2) V12 = 12.00 V V6 = 6.00 V 3) Ia = 8.60 mA Ib = 0.81 mA I = 7.79 mA 4) Loop 1 V12 I a R1 ( I a I b ) R2 12 I a (507.1) I a (982) I b (982) 12 I a (1489.1) I b (982) Loop 2 V6 ( I b I a ) R2 I b R3 6 I b (982) I a (982) I b (2036) 6 I b (3018) I a (982) Solving for Ia in terms of Ib 12 I b (982) I a (1489.1) I a .008 I b (.66) Solving for Ib 6 I b (3018) (.008 I b (.66))(982) 6 I b (3018) 7.856 I b (648.12) 1.856 I b (3666.12) I b 5.06 10 4 Ib = .506 mA Solving for Ia 12 I a (1489.1) (5.06 10 4 )(982) 12.49 I a (1489.1) I a .0084 Ia = 8.40 mA Solving for I Ia Ib I 8.40 .506 I I 7.89 I = 7.89 mA The calculated values come close to the measured values enough to prove the Mesh Current Analysis Method but are not very exact. There is some slight mathematical error and measurement error for the measure values. ● Conclusion Each circuit setup in the experiment clearly showed Kirchhoff’s Laws in a physical example. By taking measurements of values and computing the same values, it was easy to see how Kirchhoff’s Laws relate to the circuits. Each example also used extensively the Node Voltage and Mesh Current Analysis Methods to help see the laws in action and how these analyzing methods are seen and utilized in a physical circuit. Although for some examples the measured values and computed values were slightly different, because of measurement and mathematical errors, it was easy to see the relationship between the circuit model and the law being tested. The experiments gave good experience is setting up different kinds of circuits and how to properly take voltage and amperage measurements in them. Also, use of the circuit analysis methods was reinforced in the lab. Finally, the relationship between voltage, amperage, and resistance was explored even further by analyzing all three in an electrical network.