Managerial Economics (管理經濟學) 企研所/國企所 康信鴻老師 Feb, 2010 Lectures: Tue 3:10PM~6:00 PM(週二 7-9 節) Textbooks: 1. Managerial Economics: Application, Strategy and Tactics, 10 th Edition by James R. Macguigan, R. Charles Moyer, and Frederick H. deB. Harris ,2004 華泰文化事業股份有限公司,TEL02-2377-3877 2. Managerial Economics and Business Strategy, 4 th Edition by Michael R. Baye, McGraw-HILL International Editions, 2003 雙葉書廊有限公司,TEL02-23684198 Note: Additional readings will be assigned as the course processes. Grading: 1. Class attendance and oral presentation: 40% 2. Final Exam and research paper:60% Course Objectives: 1. Managerial economics is concerned with resource-allocation, strategic, and tactical decisions that are made by analysts, managers, and consultants in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors of the economy. Managerial economic techniques seek to achieve the objectives of the organization in the most efficient manner, while considering both explicit and implicit constraints on achieving the objective(s). The major emphasis is to provide the analytical tools and managerial insights essential to the analysis and solution of those problems that have significant economic consequences, both for the firm and society at large. 2. It refers to the application of economic theory and statistical analysis to solve the management problems. 3. We will emphasize the “intuition” behind the concepts and analysis of the managerial economics. Lecture Outlines: The brief lecture outlines will be introduced in the first lecture. However, these brief lecture outlines will be modified as the course progresses. Note:本課程將採”英語授課”