
If you like hot guys that are in the army and death read this if not I would be more than happy if
you left right about now .I was at the dock and Liam he knocked over my bag and as he was running of
the dock Kevin dived in to get my bag in the ocean where we usually go to hang out.
“Hey, hey, hey dude I was about to get that “yelled Liam
See at the time Liam was the guy that was hoping to date but we were just friends. I knew that Kevin
heard him but he was too focused on me I didn’t want to pay attention to Liam. I could tell by the way
Liam was getting frustrated he was jealous that me and Kevin were staining each other directly in the
eyes and as I saw his bright green eye I wanted to know more about him.
“Hey you’re a solider “Liam obviously notice his ring
“Yeah “said Kevin
“Yeah thanks for the bag dude “said Liam frustrated
I could tell by then that Liam hated him by the way he looked at me. He was about 6’1 with dirty blonde
hair. As we walked up the dock I thanked him for getting my bag and I invited him back to our beach
house we were have a camp fire. As he got his surf board I knew he was brave.
“So what branch are you in and what’s your name”
“I’m in the marine oh and my name is Kevin Horan“said Kevin with his deep voice
As he agreed to come to the party I couldn’t wait to find out more about him. As we were at the party
Liam was watching our every move making sure nothing happened. We were by the fire and it was
dimming down and then I saw him start a fire with his own hands.
“Wow that’s pretty impressive” I said sarcastically
And right before he could reply David my family friend’s kid he was autistic and he never talk to anyone
but his dad, sometimes me and squirrels he had buck teeth and bright orange hair
“Hey Dave “I said enthusiastically
I knew David was special because he would always talk about squirrels and could never focus on
one thing I knew that since his mom died his dad had been telling him his mom on a vacation I explained
it to Kevin and for some reason he couldn’t get over the fact that Dave’s mom died. I didn’t know much
about Kevin but I could sense that he had nobody in his life.
“So where does your family live?”
“Well my dad and I live about a mile away I usually walk down to the beach”
“What about your mom?” I said curiously hoping he wouldn’t mind
“Well she died when I was about 6 “Kevin said with this look on his face
I could tell by then that he was sad when he saw Dave because may have just reminded him of his life.
He might of thought of the hard times has going through and it might remind him of how it David must
“Kevin so how did your mom die if you don’t mind telling me?”
“Well on her way back home she had to stop by the town square, well then”
He stopped talk I obviously knew he was talking about when they dropped bombs on us I knew it was
hard for him to say she got crushed by the debris of the towers so I didn’t say anything until he said.
”But that’s the main reason I’m in the army trying to protect me,
Family, friends, and everyone else in the world.”
I was thankful he was the one who got my bag because I could learn more about how hard some
people’s lives are.
“So when I can I meet your dad” I said
“Well tomorrow we are having pasta if you want to stop by but I got to go its getting late”
“I never got your name “said Kevin
“Its Bella, Bella Boyd” I said with my cheek soon turning red at the minute
That night I stayed up and thought about if I was going to go to his house tomorrow if I went I would
maybe make thinks more awkward between his dad and that can be bad for their relationship.
…….Oct 1.1990…….
The day was here it was Sunday I still didn’t know if I was going over his house it was hot out
And I wanted to dress nice so I put on my pink lace dress with long sleeves and under dress that I got
From Caruso-Caruso. As I was walking down to his house I saw Keith driving he offered me a ride on his
Old rusty pickup truck I denied the offer hoping it wouldn’t get any hotter than it was now with the sun
beating down on my with no shade. As I arrived at Kevin’s house it was about 3 his house was white with
vines up the side and a shed in the back lat looked like it was rusting. As I walked up the steps I could
here each one of them squeaks and as I went up to the door and before I could knock on it his dad was
At door his dad screamed
“Kevin you got a visitor” his dad said with not the nice voice
“Dad just let her in she gonna have dinner with us” Kevin said.
As I walked in I saw boxes and boxes of coins then I knew his dad had a thing with coins. When Kevin
walked in it almost eliminated the awkward silence between us. He showed me to the kitchen there
was a sink with a missing handle and the refrigerator was on top of a stack of wood panels I knew then
that they weren’t that fourchinit. As I sat down at the oak table I was hoping his dad wouldn’t think iwas
trying to take Kevin away from him Kevin told me the day before he was going back tomorrow so I was
planning on going to say goodbye with his dad .As we finished dinner I finally had enough courage to say
to Kevin’s dad
“So what gave you the interest in coins” with my voice cracking with fear I was asking too much
of his dad
“Well Kevin gave me the interest”
As he said that I saw Kevin’s face slowly turning red and as Kevin’s dad said want see some his
face was like a fresh rose as we walked over to the massive table with tons and tons of coins from many
places like India, China, Ireland, everywhere in the u.k and many other places he showed me one of the
coolest coins it was the messed up one with a whole threw it. He told me he use to take Kevin to coin
shows every month and they use to love them. I saw Kevin in the other room cleaning the dishes I
thanked Kevin’s dad for teaching me some stuff about coins and I told him I would come back to learn
more. I then went into the other room and asked Kevin why his dad was the way he is so quite he then
told me that his dad was like David autistic every thing got silent in till Kevin said to his dad that he was
gonna take me to the beach. As we left the house I couldn’t help but feel bad about leaving his dad
there alone in that empty house I then planed to visit his house every week Kevin’s gone . We stopped
by my house so I could change into me yellow skirt with blue flowers on it and my blue sugar lips and
whit sweater with lace on the back and then we drove in his truck into town there was a carnival going
on so we got really excited.
As we were walking through town a guy said
“Kevin you know you don’t belong here” said the guy with his old growling voice
“Steve it’s been three years since I’ve done anything calm down” said Kevin in a suspicious voice
As we walked through I wondered what he did that made him not wanted here did he get into a fight
wondered. We walked around till we reached the elephant ear booth, they were my favorite so he got
us one to share with a little bit of powdered sugar on it. As he was about to eat it I swiftly shoved it in his
mouth we started to laugh when he soon flicked the sugar onto my face and I did the same to him as the
sugar was on his eye lashes it made his bright green eyes shine more then ever.
“So are how long are you going to be gone” I asked
“I think a year” Kevin said with his face dimming down
He probably would forget about me so I thought I would start forgetting about him in till he said
“ill write you every day but it will probably take longer to get to you so don’t worry” said Kevin
hoping I would be happy
“ ok only if you promise to tell me every thing you can” I said starting to blush
As he agreed it started to get dark and he had to go home and get ready to leave tomorrow as he drove
me home I could think of not seeing him for a month so I knew I had to go say goodbye to him
………..Oct.2.1990 …………
It was 6 am and I convinced my mom to drive me to the airport. When we arrived I noticed
Kevin hugging his dad and everyone else was boarding the plane as I ran to the door I saw him and gave
him a hug I told him my mom and dad were gonna force me to go back to new York for a month he
suddenly got quiet and the he said that we could still be friends if I only wanted that I replyed I didn’t
and then he soon walked away.
………………. The day I got his letter……………..
Oct.5.1990 Dear, Bella
I haven’t talked to you in a while its no that I was mad but I just didn’t
understand why you would tell me that the day I was leaving. I can’t tell you
where I am but I can tell you it makes me miss where I live. The towns people
are nice that made us a seashell necklaces. In a few weeks we will be deporting
somewhere else. The letters will take a while to get but don’t worry ill be fine.
As I read that letter I knew it wasn’t my fault he was sad it was just he had a lot going on at the
time. As I was reading the letter in the middle of photography class Liam we leaning over as I could see
from the corner of my eye he was trying to see what I was reading. I would fold my paper down every
once and a while so it would look like I was paying attention that day I wrote to him
……….The day he read my letter………..
Oct.19.1990 Dear, Kevin
I visited your dad before I left I had dinner with him and he showed me
his favorite coin. It was one that had a half circle pressed on it I asked what the
story was but he just got all silent I think that you should talk to him more.
other then that I have just enrolled to be a autistic teacher. I also had david
come to my horse barn he has a special connection with horses so I am planning
on having a summer camp for special needs kids there I think they have has a
connection of trust with horses. Kevin since you promised me to tell me
everything what’s the story behind the coin.
P.s I got my parents to get a home bye the beach
and I will be staying there for a while and I’m finally 22
That day he was lucky enough to be able to call me he wanted me to check on his dad he said he
had a bad feeling about it. As I told him goodbye I soon got worried. I didn’t know if he was safe or if he
was hurt. I drove over to his house in the car my parents got my for my 22 birthday a couple of weeks
ago. As I arrived at his house I was pleased to see his dad at his coin table cleaning his coins.i talked to
him for a while about how he felt all alone he told me he wish that Kevin would come back safely and I
thought like wise. I wrote to him on the beach.
Dear, Kevin
Your dad was fine but since then I will start checking up on him weekly
and he said I could have dinner with him on Sunday I think that means I have
made a good empresstion. I graduated collage and I have applied for a job at
our county news paper. My plan for the camp hasn’t been working out but
David‘s dad has gotten cancer so I have been helping him.
…….. Oct 30.1990………..
I got Kevin’s letter he explained to me the coin story
Dear, Bella
The story of the coin is when I was 8 years old I bought ice cream from a
ice cream truck and I got my money back and that was one of the coins. When
I got home my dad noticed it and he said it could be worth way more then a
quarter so we went to this coin shop they said it wasn’t worth much. My dad
has that trust thing like David so we went to a different shop they guy said it
wasn’t worth a lot but he said it would be worth more in the future so we held
on to it from then my dad was hooked on coins and as I started to get older I
stopped liking coins and started to get mad at my dad for spending so much
money on coins so we then just stopped talking because we had nothing to talk
As I read that I could help thinking about how kevin’s dad has really know one to talk to. As the
letters went on and then he wrote me one that I think was the saddest of all it months later
……….Dec. 13.1990………..
Dear, bella
My general has had us go to Vietnam. I will be back in town for a day at the
end of may. So that means I will be here for a longer time and it will take even
longer to send or get these letters. The place we are stay makes me miss where
we were before.
As I read this letter I dint know what to say I was mad because he promised he would be back in
a year. as I went on with my life I forgot about him and I stopped writing to him. I soon heard at work I
was doing a article in the paper about the death of Kevin’s dad he died for a stroke. The last time I saw
him was last month ago. I felt that it was my fault that he had a stroke the neighbors checked in him and
he was sitting in his chair holding that one coin I was crying while I was writing it on the computer. If I
checked on him more he could of survived it the neighbors told Kevin and he was coming in to have a
small funeral with me him his close family friends and he had him buried at the towns grave yard.i saw
Kevin and he said hi and soon left I didn’t know if he was mad or just sad we had stopped talking. I
didn’t thought that I should stop talking to him since he was mad we could just move on.
Dear, Kevin
I haven’t wrote you in a while. Thought you were mad or sad because of your
loss. So as I came up with enough courage to write this letter you can be mad.
As the months went by I had I got engaged and married .as I cry about having
to write this I think you deserve to know because I don’t want you to have to
hold on to me any longer. You might hate me write now but I still want to be
friends. David’s dad has gotten sicker then he usually is and has know hope
but a really expensive medicine doctors are working on. Im sorry again and I
think if I can move on you can move on.
That day I was crying I just wasn’t able to tell him yet that I married davids dad only so I can take care of
him. I didn’t hear from Kevin for a year soon to find out that he got shot by his good friend Zayn he was
going into a ware house that was abandoned them people said they heard gun shots. Zayn told me that
he was in rehabilitation so get better he got shot in the rib he had hard time breathing and could talk for
weeks and will soon coming home if hes ok. A few months later I heard from zany with trajeck news ,
Kevin died from heart failure he wasn’t getting enough oxegen and wasn’t able to get through it. Zayn
said that he could bring him back and have the funeral there. Kevin didn’t have a will set out so all his
family on his mom side came over, Harry Styles his cousin that’s 18, Niall Higgins, Niall’s dad Paul Higgins
and Harry’s wife Louisa they said who ever knows him best should get half of the will and his will also
included his dads will so I would get half of both I didn’t know if was proper of me to take his familys
money because of what I told him in my letter. If I took the money from him I knew what he would want
me to do he would want me to use the money for the camp so I can afford the money for the horses and
barn. I thought of also moving to new York to persue my career and explore life and I did.
…….. Years after……………..
After that dayi got the summer camp running and many kids became more safe and confident.Davids
dad and him died soon after because of a car crash and I soon became a mother of a blackand white
yorkie. I became the head of the new York times and became very succseful in life. I still think of Kevin
to this dad and everything he taught me like how to just be more outgoing and fun I think that has
helped me a lot in life and I can thank him for that.