New Journal Request Form To submit your journal for Pepperdine Digital Commons’ hosting service, please answer the following questions about your journal (or proposed journal) and submit to Kevin Miller, Digital Collections Coordinator, at the email below or through interoffice mail (Payson Library). Thank you for your interest. Kevin C. Miller, Journal Title Subject Area/Discipline Brief description of journal Publisher Is the journal currently online? If yes, provide url Do you have cover art/logo? What type of content? (Articles, book reviews, images, videos, etc.) Frequency of publication (volumes, issues, etc.) Are there restrictions on who can submit? Language of submission Is this an Open Access journal?* Do you anticipate any embargoes on content? Is the journal peer reviewed? Does copyright remain with authors? Average article length (word count) Total number of existing issues Number of existing issues in electronic format (Word doc, PDF, etc.) Number of existing issues in physical format only (please describe) Desired launch date *Open Access refers to unrestricted access to journal articles via the Internet