April 10th School Council

Aldergrove School Council Minutes
April 10th, 2014
Meeting was called to order and began at 6.20pm.
Staff Present included VP Kevin Merkley and Principal Jeewan Chanicka .
Over 40 parents in attendance.
1. Parent Symposium Overview presented by parent council members
1st workshop attended focused on student with special needs
2 tiers 1. Earing or Vision impaired
2. tier autism
2nd workshop attended focused on how to communicate with your child
Main points: Need to play games with child/interaction with child is very important
Website for family counseling from workshop given to group
2. Additional points presented by VP Kevin
having high expectations
talking about school
attitudes and work habits
reading together
Summer Institute Update
Summer school –Mandarin and Tamil will be part of summer program at Milliken
Busing will be provided from Aldergrove
4. School Decor Updates presented by Mr. Chanicka
Mural painted on school walls
Doors painted
New Mascot-the Phoenix
5. Kevin updated library now open for parents to come and read with their child
6. Uniforms overview and process presented by Principal Jeewan Chanicka
Faculty and parents are in favour
Idea has to be presented to school council
50% has to approve then bring to a vote to parent community with 80% approval
After approval vote it would then be initiated the next school year
Goal is to fast forward for the September 2014 school year
Options to reduce costs eg buying bottoms and plain tops accepted without crest
-Page 27. On line twitter feed presented by IT staff Pam Riley
Direct access to events at school
8. Upcoming events presented by Pia-the community liason consultant
Kite festival Friday June 13th-need for volunteers
Also $15.00 to rent out parking lot spaces for sale items
9. Asset Mapping with Helen Ou-Hingwan
The act or process of making a map
Used to promote community involvement
Poll taken to determine places in the community that students enjoy .
These areas included:
Community Centre
Goal is to partner with St Benedict and the Town of Markham to create more engaging programs.
Also to continue to build partnership with School Council
Suggestion: Think about how we can work together as parents, school April 10th, 2014
and as a community.
10. Update from Amanda
Character Traits
Seven Teachings
Draft statement for vision and mission
What values will look like and any ideas we might have to go forward
11. Letter drafted by parent council members to show appreciation of Kevin and Mr Chanaika.
Letter was circulated for signature from parents in attendance.
Meeting adjourned at 7.25pm.