Condition and Performance of Domestic Banks Third Quarter 2006 Summary of Condition and Performance Key Trend In the third quarter of 2006, although the declining oil The net revenues other than interest including the credit price and improving international market conditions, Taiwan card provisions showed a sharp decrease compared with the was still plagued by the domestic political dispute, resulting first nine months of 2005. Higher provisions against unsecured in an adverse effect to the domestic economy. In addition, consumer loans apparently hit profits. The major income the private consumption caused by the negative impact of components are tabulated as follows. credit card and cash cards’ insolvency dragged the real domestic demand. Nevertheless, the Major income components continuous NT$ billion Jan.-Sep Jan.-Sep. % Change 2005 2006 economic expansion in key export markets helped to boost Taiwan’s export-oriented economy. Fueled by the strong international demand in consumer electronics, Taiwan’s domestic economy still remained stable. Moreover, supported by the falling unemployment and firmer price index, there would not be obvious deterioration in consumption. According to the statistics of Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, the preliminary real GDP growth rate was Income Net interest income Net revenues other than interest Expense Loan loss provision Other expense Net income 300.1 145.4 287.3 64.4 -4.3 -55.7 126.1 196.3 123.1 119.1 197.6 35.1 -5.6 0.7 -71.5 Net Interest Margin(NIM) decreasing 5.02﹪in third quarter , increasing by 0.78 percentage points compared with the year-earlier period. Due to the continuing write-offs and stable economic conditions, the delinquencies of the unsecured consumer loan The NIM was NT$92.2 billion during this quarter, decreasing by NT$1.2 billion(-1.3%) compared with the previous quarter due to a shrinking card lending market and lower interest rates on restructured loans.(chart 1) have declined. Moreover, most banks have adequate capital buffers to cover write-offs. The average ratio of NPLs was 2.40﹪, 0.01 percentage points up from 2.39﹪as of the end of previous quarter. The average provision coverage ratio was 43.93 ﹪ , 2.82 percentage points up from 41.11 ﹪ at the chart 1 Net Interest Margin previous quarter’s end. Generally speaking, the domestic banks under a stable outlook still need to further enhance their risk management to keep pace with future expansion into new in NTD b illio n 120. 0 110. 0 100. 0 geographic and product markets. The annual growth rate of 90. 0 deposits, loans and investments went up continuously. 80. 0 70. 0 00 01 02 All data were on the quarter base 03 04 05 chart 2 Deposits increased slightly Total deposits as of the third quarter’s end of 2006 were NT$20,060.2 billion, increasing by NT$229.8 billion (1.16%) Deposits in NTD billion 22, 000 21, 000 20, 000 19, 000 18, 000 compared with the preceding quarter. The slight increase was 17, 000 mainly due to the increase in net foreign capital inflows. The 15, 000 annual growth rate of total deposits at this quarter was 6.03 %, 13, 000 16, 000 14, 000 01 0.99 percentage points down from 7.02% a year earlier. 02 03 04 05 All data as of month-end (Chart 2) Loans grew slightly chart 3 Loans The total loans were NT$ 16,873.0 billion at this quarter’s end, increasing by NT$36.1 billion (0.21%) compared with preceding quarter. The slower growth rate in NTD billion 20, 000 19, 000 18, 000 17, 000 was mainly due to the shrinkage of consumer loan demand 16, 000 from the private sector. The annual growth rate of this 15, 000 quarter was 5.51%, 1.05 percentage points down from 13, 000 6.56% as of the previous year. (Chart 3) Investments decreased slightly 14, 000 12, 000 01 02 03 04 05 All data as of month-end The investments were classified to be in line with new norms since the beginning of 2006 according to the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards No.34 “Financial instruments : Recognition and Measurement” issued by the Accounting Research and Development Foundation of the R.O.C. The total investments amounted to chart 4 Investments in NTD billion 5, 000 4, 500 4, 000 3, 500 3, 000 NT$3,741.9 billion, decreasing by NT$38.3 billion (-1.01 %) 2, 500 compared with the previous quarter. However, the annual 2, 000 00 01 02 03 04 05 growth rate of investment was 9.31%, increasing sharply by All data as of month-end 8.17 percentage points from 1.14% as of the third quarter’s end at previous year owing to the ample liquidity. (Chart 4) Asset quality remained stable chart5 Several banks had stung by the rising unsecured consumer loan delinquencies. The average ratio of non-performing loans at this quarter went by 0.01 NPL ratio % 16. 0 14. 0 12. 0 percentage points up to 2.40 %. Nevertheless, most of banks 10. 0 have adequate capital buffers to cover write-offs. Therefore, 6. 0 8. 0 4. 0 the average provision coverage ratio was 43.93%, 2.82 percentage points increased from 41.11% as of previous quarter, reaching the required target. (Chart 5) 2. 0 01 02 all data as of month-end 03 04 05 chart 6 Provision-to-loan ratio on a slight rising trend Provision-to-loan ratio % 2. 50 The provision-to-loan ratio was 1.17﹪, slightly up from 2. 30 1.13 ﹪ at the end of preceding quarter. The increased 2. 10 1. 90 1. 70 provision-to-loan ratio was mainly due to the increase of 1. 50 1. 30 loan loss provisions. It showed the prudential trend of credit 1. 10 policies. (Chart 6) 0. 90 0. 70 0. 50 00 01 02 03 04 05 All data as of month-end Liquidity Ratio increasing slightly The liquidity ratios of all domestic banks were over the statutory minimum ratio (7%) in September 2006. The average liquidity ratio was 19.26%, increasing by 1.01 chart 7 percentage points from 18.25 % in June 2006. As a whole, the 22. 0 domestic banking sector has satisfactory liquidity levels. (Chart 7) Average Capital Adequate Ratio decreased Liquidity Ratio % 21. 0 20. 0 19. 0 18. 0 17. 0 16. 0 15. 0 14. 0 13. 0 12. 0 11. 0 10. 0 00 01 02 03 04 05 The average BIS capital adequacy ratio was 9.91% as of the end of September 2006, decreasing by 0.42 percentage All data were in terms of the average of the last month of quarters. points from 10.33% at the end of June 2006. Taken as a whole, most of the domestic banks have adequate capitalization. The average BIS capital adequacy ratio will be chart 8 Capital Adequacy Ratio % disclosed quarterly since the third quarter of this year. The 12.50 data disclosed at each first quarter and third quarter’s end were based on unaudited basis. (Chart 7) 12.00 11.50 11.00 10.50 10.00 9.50 9.00 99 00 All data as of month-end 01 02 03 04 05 錯誤! 連結 無效。