MARTON PUBLIC SCHOOL School Plan 2012 -2014 CREATING THE CHANGE…MAKING A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE. SCHOOL PLAN 2012 ‐2014 SCHOOL CONTEXT Marton Public School provides students with rich educational experiences catering for individuals needs in a community oriented learning environment. Staff are organised in Stage Teams with support from Executive members. Parental expectations are high and striving for excellence forms part of the school ethos. All Staff members are committed to providing a quality learning environment where students are happy and feel valued. The Staff maintains a standard of excellence through ongoing Professional Learning and by providing sequential, challenging and innovative teaching and learning programs. A wide range of extra-curricular activities is offered to all students and the school has a high reputation in the wider community for its strong academic results and achievements in sporting and creative arts endeavours. The school also focuses on environmental initiatives and aims towards continuous improvement in sustainability targets. SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY AREA/S INTENDED OUTCOME/S Increased levels of Literacy and Numeracy achievement for every student in line with State and Regional targets. Literacy and Numeracy Best Start data will provide guidance for improved planning in the yearly years. Strengthened teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy. Appropriate and innovative assessment and reporting practices are embedded in all teaching and learning programs and practices. Enhanced teacher capacity to provide quality teaching and learning through the integration of ICT. Curriculum and Assessment Clear alignment between the implementation of curriculum, professional learning and students learning needs. Strengthened Leadership and Management and team building capacity of all School Staff, Executive, aspiring leaders and Principal to strategically drive school improvement. Leadership and Management TARGETS To improve student learning outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy through quality teaching and learning strategies. Increase performance in writing with a focus on punctuation and grammar, paragraphing and elaborating. Our target is to move students in our school from the middle bands to higher bands by 5% in 2012; 15% in 2013 and 18% in 2014. Increase performance in reading with a focus on inferential and applied comprehension. Our target is to move students in our school from the middle bands to higher bands by 5% in 2012; 15% in 2013 and 18% in 2014. Increase the number of Year 3 students in Numeracy bands 5 and 6 from an average of 11.5% in 2011 to 13.5% in 2012, 16% in 2013 and 19% in 2014 with an emphasis on improvement in the areas of Working Mathematically, 2D and 3D shapes, Fractions and Patterns and Algebra. Increase the number of Year 5 students in Numeracy band 8 from 9% in 2011 to 11% in 2012, 13% in 2013 and 15% in 2014 with an emphasis on improvement in the areas of Working Mathematically, 2D and 3D shapes, Fractions and Patterns and Algebra. Cohesive staff teams engaged in strengthening differentiation in teaching and learning practices to meet the needs of all learners. Evidence based best practice in feedback and assessment is reflected in all teaching programs and practices. Teaching and learning programs and practices reflect the integration of ICT to enhance learning. The Leadership Team develop leadership capacity as educational leaders through professional dialogue sessions, focussed professional learning, mentoring, supervision and team building. Educational Leaders who demonstrate an enhanced understanding and expertise to lead and manage curriculum change. PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE: SED ENDORSEMENT: DATE: Increased levels of Literacy achievement for every student in line with State and Regional targets. Best Start data will provide guidance for improved planning in the early years. Strengthened teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes in Literacy. STRATEGIES To improve student learning outcomes in Literacy through quality teaching and learning strategies. TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - LITERACY Increase performance in writing with a focus on punctuation and grammar, paragraphing and elaborating. Our target is to move students in our school from the middle bands to higher bands by 5% in 2012; 15% in 2013 and 18% in 2014. Increase performance in reading with a focus on inferential and applied comprehension. Our target is to move students in our school from the middle bands to higher bands by 5% in 2012; 15% in 2013 and 18% in 2014. INDICATORS Pre and post testing of students in paragraph writing. Collection of work samples. Comparison of work samples with rubrics based on NAPLAN Writing marking guide. Focus group which evaluates progress each term (years 2-6 provide work samples each term). Smart data analysis by all staff. Programs guided by smart data and suggested strategies. Rubrics developed and utilised at all stages of the learning cycle by all teachers. Designing and implementing new scope and continuum for Grammar and Punctuation based on the National Curriculum. Continuum developed, trialled and implemented consistently by Staff. Implement the Best Start Assessment Program (K-2) to identify literacy learning and use this information to plan and deliver quality early years literacy teaching. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 RESPONSIBILITY 2014 Literacy Team All Staff Focus Group Executive Parents and pupils trained in understanding rubrics. Teachers effectively employing the strategies from SMART to cater for the needs of all students in their classroom. Professional dialogue at team meetings and program reviews. Best Start data is collected and analysed using the Literacy Continuum. Literacy Planning and Programming is explicitly informed by Best Start assessment and analysis. Best Start strategies are evident in programs and practice K-2. Literacy Team All Staff Early Learning Team K-2 Team K-6 Team T4 2012 Implementation of a program where staff are trained in the teaching of grammar and punctuation; paragraphing and elaborating; and inferential and applied comprehension. This program will consist of a minimum of 10 hours of training each year in staff, stage and team planning meetings. Smart data analysis. Teachers explicitly teaching grammar, punctuation and cognitive and metacognitive comprehension strategies. Implement a series of parent workshops on reading in Year K-6 including comprehension strategies and how to support their children at home. Parents report a greater awareness of how to support their child at home with reading. Use whole school and team planning processes to identify aspects of literacy underperformance and enrichment for particular student cohorts and for individual students. All teachers trained in the use and analysis of student data to cater to students needs (DASA). Develop consistent practices to engage high performing students. TPL for curriculum differentiation. All staff develop a shared understanding of NAPLAN data and its consistent use across all stages to identify and meet the need of individual students and groups of students to inform teaching and learning programs and strategies. 2013 2014 All Staff P.L. Team STLA & DSTLA Literacy Team Leader All Staff Literacy Team PL Team IEP’s developed for low performing students (At risk students or those who achieve in the lowest two bands in NAPLAN). Teachers participating in professional dialogue to develop shared understanding of the curriculum differentiation. Staff programs and practices reflect clear differentiation of learning activities for all pupils. Stage Teams Continued implementation of Focus on Reading. Teachers assess students using comprehension learning sequence and track progress on the continuum. 2012 2013 2014 All Staff Literacy Team All Staff Executive Team Teacher programs and practices reflect use of comprehension strategies in modelled, guided and independent reading Purchase high interest authentic literacy resources. Book boxes Teachers utilise authentic texts in their literacy programs. National English curriculum implemented in line with DEC and Regional expectations. Training and support provided for teachers in the understanding and use of the Curriculum. All Staff Increased levels of Numeracy achievement for every student in line with State and Regional targets. Best Start data will provide guidance for improved planning in the early years. Strengthened teacher capacity to improve student learning outcomes in Numeracy. STRATEGIES Increase the number of Year 3 students in Numeracy bands 5 and 6 from an average of 11.5 % in 2011 to 13.5% in 2012, 16% in 2013 and 19% in 2014 with an emphasis on improvement in the areas of Working Mathematically, 2D and 3D shapes, Fractions and Patterns and Algebra. Increase the number Year 5 students in Numeracy Band 8 from 9% in 2011 to 11% in 2012, 13% in 2013 and 15% in 2014 with an emphasis on improvement in the areas of Working Mathematically, 2D and 3D shapes, Fractions and Patterns and Algebra. INDICATORS Structure a professional Learning plan for teachers to improve the richness and depth of their numeracy teaching and assessment: To improve student learning outcomes in Numeracy through quality teaching and learning strategies. TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - NUMERACY Build capacity by staff undertaking relevant stage based professional mathematics learning projects; Early Stage 1 to Stage 2 on the Count Me in Too project, Stage 2 and 3 on the Come to TOWN – Taking Off With Numeracy and Counting On in the Middle Years Students assessed using the Schedule for Early Number Assessment (SENA) and Counting On Assessment Schedule and teachers are delivering integrated lessons with CMIT and against the K-10 Mathematics Continuum. TIMEFRAME 2012 2013 RESPONSIBILITY 2014 MEASURED/MONITORED BY: Teachers’ active participation in correct stage based mathematics professional learning projects and activities including CMIT, CO, TOWN and the Mathematics Scope and Continuum (North Coast). Teaching and assessment activities include NAPLAN style questions as a teaching focus in their classroom. Hold meetings to share resources and discuss progress towards the project’s goals. Implement the Mathematics Scope and Continuum (North Coast) as the programming structure for the whole school ensuring that quality teaching principles are embedded and evident in teaching, learning and assessment. Consistent mathematical language is used across the school. Teachers are using the Mathematics Scope and Continuum (North Coast) as their mathematics teaching program. Teacher engagement in Mathematics reflection and sharing sessions in school professional learning and stage meetings. Data from Schedule for Early Number Assessment (SENA) and Counting On Assessment Schedule kept on school staff share and student progress monitored by class teacher and stage supervisor. Teaching and Learning programs to include a Working Mathematically focus across the strands including strategy instruction to facilitate question interpretation and error analysis eg Newman’s Error Analysis. Use whole school and team planning processes to evaluate the quality of numeracy teaching. Implement professional learning programs that will increase teacher’s capacity to identify and address student’s numeracy learning needs. Use whole school and team planning processes to identify aspects of numeracy underperformance and enrichment for particular student cohorts and for individual students. Teachers K-6 trained in WM teaching strategies such as those used in Newman’s analysis. Evidence of explicit Working Mathematically strategies in programs and practice. Increased proportion of lowest performing students meeting minimum standards in accordance with regional and state plan targets. All staff develop a shared knowledge and understanding of NAPLAN data and its consistent use across all stages to identify and meet the need of individual students and groups of students to inform teaching and learning programs and strategies. 2012 2013 2014 MEASURED/MONITORED BY: Numeracy Team All Staff PL Team PL Team Numeracy Team All Staff IEP’s developed for low performing students (At risk students or those who achieve in the lowest two bands in NAPLAN). Develop consistent practices to enrich high performing students. Maths Consultant TPL for curriculum differentiation. Teachers participating in professional dialogue to develop shared understanding of the curriculum differentiation. Best Start is collected and analysed using the Early Numeracy Continuum. Best Start Consultant Implement the Best Start Assessment Program (K-2) to identify numeracy learning and use this information to plan and deliver quality early years numeracy teaching. Numeracy Planning and Programming is explicitly informed by Best Start assessment and analysis. Purchase quality numeracy resources. Classrooms maths resources boxes created and maintained. Mathletics used effectively in class and for homework. 2012 2013 2014 MEASURED/MONITORED BY: Best Start Team K-2 Staff Numeracy Team Appropriate and innovative assessment and reporting practices are embedded in all teaching and learning programs and practices. Enhanced teacher capacity to provide quality teaching and learning through the integration of ICT. Clear alignment between the implementation of curriculum, professional learning and students learning needs. STRATEGIES Embed a rigorous and continuous school evaluation process into the school policy. Develop, implement and evaluate whole school K-6 quality assessment policy, processes and practices utilising the English and Maths Syllabus, Literacy and Numeracy continuum. TARGET/S OUTCOME/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - CURRICULUM & ASSESSMENT Cohesive staff teams engaged in strengthening differentiation in teaching and learning practices to meet the needs of all learners. Teaching and learning programs and practices reflect the integration of ICT to enhance learning. Evidence based best practice in feedback and assessment is reflected in all teaching programs and practices. INDICATORS Whole school decisions informed by data analysis and school evaluation. Teachers plan assessments that: Use backward mapping to explicitly identify assessment criteria. Contain a variety of strategies including summative and formative tasks. Incorporate higher order knowledge, skills and understanding. TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILITY 2012 2013 2014 Principal Executive & Leadership Team Executive All Staff Conduct an audit of ICT professional learning needs. Staff to update their ICT learning plans on CLAS. Students utilise a variety of ICTs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Implement personalised learning plans which will be supported through planned fortnightly staff development sessions. ICT tasks are integrated across all Key Learning Areas. All classes to participate in virtual excursions. All teachers to be registered with Connect/DART. Develop specific enriched tasks for units of work. Increase awareness of available resources through use of TALE, Weekly Staff Bulletin, Wikis etc. Develop a culture of sharing resources through Wikis and SENTRAL. Purchase of peripheral devices such as digital microscopes, webcams and cameras (both video and still). Professional learning meetings dedicated to unpacking the alignment of NSW content with the National Curriculum. 2012 2013 2014 Executive ICT Team Principal All Staff A school policy and rich tasks to support teaching units exist for each stage. Connected classroom technology is utilised by all teachers. Teachers demonstrate knowledge and use of ICTs when developing Teaching and Learning programs. Staff and students have access to appropriate ICT resources. Staff demonstrate and understanding of the new syllabuses and can confidently implement them. PL Team All Staff Principal Principal Executive Stage Teams Staff utilising rubrics that have been collaboratively developed by Stage Teams in all Key Learning Areas. Assessment practices drive teaching and learning practices to meet all student needs. Stage team collaborate to create quality opened assessment tasks. Informative and authentic K-6 reporting. Teams establish a framework for moderation discussions which include work samples to ensure Consistent Teacher Judgement (CTJ). Established data base of open-ended quality assessment tasks. Stage meetings reflect procedures to ensure CTJ. OUTCOME/S Strengthened Leadership and Management and Team Building capacity of all School Staff, Executive, aspiring leaders and Principal to strategically drive school improvement. STRATEGIES Implement the MPS Leadership Program. Executive TPL meetings (2 per Term) Provision of research material and readings. Professional dialogue sessions. Lesson observations and professional feedback. Formal program feedback meetings. Allocation of time for professional dialogue in Team Meetings. All Staff to participate in personal and team goal setting. TPL is closely linked to school targets, as well as team and personal goals. TARGET/S SCHOOL IDENTIFIED PRIORITY - LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT The Leadership Team develop leadership capacity as educational leaders through professional dialogue sessions, focussed professional learning, mentoring, supervision and team building. Educational Leaders who demonstrate an enhanced understanding and expertise to lead and manage curriculum change. INDICATORS Consistent team leadership practices to support focused TPL and TARS process. Evidence of team leaders demonstrating an understanding of school targets, team needs, school priorities and active leadership and acting on these to elicit change. Evidence of active teacher reflection and responsive teaching practice. Teachers refer to and update Professional Learning Plans (PLPs). Executive staff refer to and use Professional Learning Plans to support team and individual dialogue and TPL. External TPL allocation aligned to PLPs and staff goals. PLPs and Goals are used as a part of the TARS and EARS process. TIMEFRAME RESPONSIBILITY 2012 2013 2014 Principal Executive Team Stage Teams Team Leader Principal Executive Team All Staff 2012 Clarify executive leadership roles through the use of newly developed executive role statement, aligned with the leadership capability framework and leading and managing the school documents. Develop a formal induction process for all new staff including early career teachers (ECT) to familiarise with school procedures, programs and resources. Update systems to improve ICT within the school 2013 2014 Executive team consistently using a framework to guide their work within both the whole school leadership and as leaders at a team level. New staff are aware of the resources and programs within the school. Streamlining of school server, intranet and Shared folders. Increased teacher use of SENTRAL for data storage and student tracking. Development and ongoing maintenance of the new MPS website. Principal Executive Team Executive Team Technology Team All Staff Increased use electronic storage and communication by staff such as resource banks. Staff effectively employ their communication skills to further develop a home school partnership with parents. Community displays confidence and appreciation of staff and have an increased involvement in every day school life. Staff have the opportunity to experience mentoring and leadership responsibilities and executive shadowing opportunities to develop leadership capacity. A group of committed staff members participate in the Team Leadership for School Improvement. (TLSI) Staff feel confident to take on a variety of leadership roles and responsibilities. Principal All Staff TLSI Team