The information within this leaflet will help you to help your child.
The Curriculum Map shows the main areas of learning that your child will undertake during the forthcoming term.
The creative curriculum focus for this term will be on our local area. Children will describe a place using information they have researched using geographical language; compare places that they have studied using physical and human features; give some reasons for the similarities and differences between places, describe where a place is and use the 8 points of the compass to describe its position.
This topic will include; geography, ICT and design and technology.
The geography aspect of the topic will include asking children to describe their local area using geographical language and compare and contrast the area historically from how it was years ago to how it is now.
The ICT aspect will look at asking the children to use the internet to gain up-to-date and historical information on our local area.
The RE curriculum this term will focus on how we are all part of God’s family.
Children will think about the groups they a part of and how they play a part in these, be it be their household, their peer group or class.
Children will also learn about the seven sacraments.
There will be a focus on understanding the different parts of the mass, which will begin to prepare children for the upcoming First Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
School masses will be celebrated on Wednesday mornings and regular Family masses on a Sunday, to which all are welcome.
Read and compare examples of instructional texts. Review the common features and make judgements about how effective the instructions are. Analyse more complicated instructions and identify organisational devices to make them easier to follow. Prepare clear written instructions.
Authors and Letters
- Read a selection of work by a particular author.
Express personal responses and explore aspects of the author's style. Read a longer story as a serial.
Demonstrate how to write a book review.
- Analyse letters written for different purposes.
Identify language features and conventions. Review different types of sentence structure.
- Demonstrate how to write letters for a specific audience and purpose. Children plan and write their own letters Use the conventions of letter writing including complete sentences and paragraph organisation.
We will also be creating a wonderful Roald Dahl display in the ICT room-please have a look!
I can read and write numbers to 1000 and put them in order
I can partition a number into hundreds, tens and ones
I can explain the value of digits in a number when I count in 10s or 100s
I know the sum and difference of any pair of numbers to 20
I can add and subtract multiples of 10 or 100 in my head
I can add and subtract 1 and 2 digit numbers in my head (e.g. 62+7, 74+5, 48-6, 60-8
I know and use addition and subtraction facts for all numbers to 20
I know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 times-tables and use them for division facts
I recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10
I can recognise shapes from drawings
I can solve problems using numbers, pictures and diagrams and describe patterns when I solve problems.
Literacy Handwriting
Guided Reading/
K2M Numeracy
Creative Curriculum
Fri Assembly Guided
Reading Literacy Numeracy PE
Share and celebrate
Dinner money
Library Books
Monday (clearly labelled please)
P.E. Kit In school each day. Taken home for wash at holiday time
To read at home Every day.
Reading books and records should be in school every day.
Changed Wednesday
Spellings Set on Monday to learn and be tested on Friday
Violins and Cellos Instruments are brought into school on Wednesday (for Thursday’s lesson)
Swimming Children attend swimming lessons every Tuesday morning. Girls should
ensure they have swimming costumes and swimming caps whilst boys
should bring swimming bottoms and a cap if hair covers their eyes. No
goggles are necessary.
Please look in Reading Record for any communication.
Please use Reading Records to record Reading Book comments and Library Book comments.
Many thanks for your co-operation.
If you have any queries regarding this information, then please speak to Mrs Brolly or Mr Breeze.
God is at the centre of our lives and as a school community we try to grow in love and care by following the example of Jesus.