Managerial accounting and budgeting М2.В6

Managerial accounting and budgeting М2.В6
1. The purpose and the objectives of the discipline.
The purpose of discipline – to form background knowledge on the theory of managerial accounting
and to develop practical skills on the adoption of the economically literate managerial decisions on the
basis of methods and the models of managerial accounting.
Learning objectives of discipline:
 Expand the classification of companies’ costs in various industries.
 Give an idea of the basic methods of calculating and analyzing cost of goods, works and
 Provide graduate students the necessary knowledge to simulate different situations in the
field of management accounting for adoption of economically literate management decisions.
 Study the principles, methods and development budgets of companies.
 Develop the necessary knowledge to establish key performance indicators of departments and
companies in general.
As a result, the discipline master's degree should acquire the following competencies: ОК2, ОК-4, ПК-1, ПК-3, ПК-5, ПК-6, ПК-8, ПК-9, ПК-10, ПК-11, ПК-12, ПК-13.
2. Requirements to the results of disciplines study.
Results of education:
To know:
Principles of management accounting reporting forms preparation for economically literate decisionmaking (ПК-8);
 technique of companies budget model development (ПК-10);
 modern methods and techniques of teaching economic disciplines in higher education institutions
Be able to:
independently to develop new methods for modeling and analyzing financial performance of the
company as a whole, as well as individual units (OK-2);
 summarize and critically evaluate the results obtained by domestic and foreign scientists, researchers
in the field of management accounting, to develop their own research program (ПК-1);
 conduct independent research in the field of management accounting in order to improve business
performance (ПК-3);
 evaluate the effectiveness of the company, taking into account the uncertainty factor(ПК-6);
 organize and supervise the activities of economic services of the company.
To acquire:
 the ability to make organizational and management decisions based on managerial accounting data
and take responsibility for them (OK-4);
 the ability to develop independently a program of actions, to develop the internal documentation of
the company concerning budgeting and managerial accounting, taking to account the uncertainty
factor (ПK - 5);
 ability to analyze and use various information sources for the economic calculations (ПК-9);
 a technique of development of multivariate managerial decisions, and to justify their choice based
on criteria of social and economic efficiency (ПК 12).
3.Discipline contents.
Topic 1. Introduction to "Managerial Accounting".
Classification of costs.
Total cost calculation and analysis based on the traditional approach
Total cost calculation and analysis based on cost accounting by functions.
Calculation and analysis of the breakeven point.
Marginal analysis.
Relevant revenues and costs.
Strategic Managemerial Accounting.
Name of disciplines section
4. References
Basic textbook:
1. Ray H Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter C. BrewerManagerial Accounting McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2007.
2. Horngren., C.T., Foster, G, Datar, M.S. Cost accounting: a managerial emphasis. 12th edition / / NJ:
3. AVERCHEV I. Management Accounting and Reporting. The formulation and implementation. Top,
4. Vahrushina MA Accounting Management Accounting. Omega-L, 2010.
5. Harrison, R., Noreen, E., P. Brewer Managerial Accounting.Companion Group, 2009.
6. Drury C. Management and production accounting. Moscow: Unity-Dana, 2007.
7. Drury K. Managerial Accounting for Business Decisions.Moscow: UNITY, 2003.
8. Kaplan R., Norton D. The Balanced Scorecard. From strategy to action. Olympus-Business, 2010.
9. Nikolaeva, O., Alexeev A. Strategic management accounting.Moscow: URSS, 2003
10. Molchanov SS Managerial Accounting for 14 days. Express-rate. EKSMO, 2009.
11. Charles Horngren, Foster, J., and S. Datar Managerial Accounting. Peter, 2008.
12. Maskell B., Baggaley B. The practice of lean accounting.Management, financial accounting and
reporting system for cost-conscious enterprises. Institute for Complex Strategic Studies, 2010.
13. Kapplan RS, Cooper R. A functional-cost analysis. Practical application. Williams, 2008.
14. Managerial Accounting 1. Textbook, CIPA. Balance Business Books, 2007.
15. Kaplan R., Norton D. The organization-oriented strategy. As a new business environment succeed
organizations using a Balanced Scorecard. Olympus-Business, 2009.
16. Kaplan R., Norton D. Strategy maps. Transformation of the intangible assets into tangible
results. Olympus-Business, 2007.
17. Bakanov MI, Chernov VA Managerial Accounting. Trade Pricing. Unity-Dana, 2008.
18. The concept of controlling. Managerial Accounting. Reporting system. Budgeting. Alpina
Publishers, 2009.
19. Harrison, R., Noreen, E., and P. Brewer Managerial Accounting. Peter, 2010.
20. LS Vasil'ev, DI Ryakhovsky DI, Peter M. Accounting Management Accounting. Penguin Books,
21. Nikolaeva, O., Alexeev A. Strategic management accounting.LCI, 2008.
22. Management Accounting: Official Terminology CIMA. FBK-Press, 2004.
23. Karpov A. Production and automation of management accounting. The result and quality, 2008.
24. Lukasiewicz IJ Financial management. EKSMO, 2010.
25. Lukasiewicz IJ Managerial Finance. MG: Synergy, 2003.
26. Karminsky A., Falco, SG, Zhevago AA, Ivanov, NYControlling. Finance and Statistics. Infra-M,
27. John Jordan Controlling the cost of the product by making SAP. Judge RP, 2010.
28. Horngren CH.T., Foster J. Accounting: managerial aspect.Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2004.
29. Khrutsky VE, VV Gamayunov In-house Budgeting: Handbook on the formulation of financial
planning. Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 2006.
Recommendations for the use of Internet resources and other electronic information sources:
17. - The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants;
18. - theory and practice of financial accounting;
19. - the magazine "Financial Director"