Summative Assessment Answer Key

Translating Expressions
Summative Answer Key
Translate each verbal phrase into a math expression.
1. Three times a number, increased by 1
3n + 1
2. 3 more than 5 times a number
3 + 5n
3. Five times the difference of d and 3.2
5 (d-3.2)
4. One-third of the quantity 6.5 and p
1/3 (6.5 + p)
Write an English sentence for each expression but do not use add, subtract, multiply,
divide, sum product or quotient.
5. x + 18 Answers will vary.
6. 5n
Answer will vary.
Write a math expression for each situation.
7. Jim is 2 years older than 3 times the age of his little brother, Tommy.
8. Sally spent one-half of her money and then lost 8 dollars.
½ m - $8
9. Sam went fishing. His first fish weighed a certain number of pounds. He then caught 5 fish
that each weighed 7 pounds.
X + 5 (7)
10. Mary has 4 more fish than twice the amount of fish that George has.
4 + 2g
11. A painter charged $65 for the paint and $18.50 per hour for painting. He worked some
number of hours.
h $18.50 + $65