Name Period ____ Humid Continental Climates

Name _________________________________
Intro to Vertebrates
HO # _______
Directions: Read pp. 160 - 163 - Characteristics of Chordates / Characteristics of Vertebrates
1. Most chordates are vertebrates. In addition to the traits shared by all chordates, what
other two traits do vertebrates share? _________________________________________________
The back is built around the bones of the backbone (spinal column). The spinal column
consists of 33 bones (vertebrae) sitting one on top of another. The backbone sits on a large
bony bowl - the pelvis - and is topped by the skull. The backbone of a vertebrate is part of
an endoskeleton.
2. From a person’s head to feet, what benefits does the endoskeleton offer?
3. How does an endoskeleton differ from an arthropod exoskeleton?
4. Which vertebrate animals do these
endoskeletons belong to?
A. _________________________________
B. _________________________________
C. _________________________________
D. _________________________________
Directions: Read pp. 162 and 163 - Keeping Conditions Stable
5. Write a definition for ectotherm. _______________________________________________________
6. Write a definition for endotherm. _____________________________________________________
7. Observe the following two diagrams. Make a claim by labeling the diagram which
represents an ectotherm and by labeling the diagram which represents an endotherm.
Provide evidence/reasoning to support your choices.
8. What are some examples of animals which are ectotherms?
9. What are some examples of animals which are endotherms?