Learning – 7 days Objectives Thursday, Oct. 16 Friday, Oct. 17 Monday, Oct. 20 Tuesday , Oct. 21 Wednesday, October 22 Lesson Development Test 1. Explain how to classically condition an organism. 2. Identify the following as they relate to classical conditioning (acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, discrimination, generalization) 3. Identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR in a classical conditioning example 1. Explain how cognitive processes affect classical conditioning. 2. Describe evidence for biological limits on classical conditioning. 3. Give examples of practical applications of classical conditioning. 1. Assign Social Norm Project 2. List the two differences between operant and classical conditioning and be able to recognize examples of each. 3. Distingush between different types of reinforcement (primary v. conditioned, immediate v. delayed, partial v. continuous) 1. Distinguish between positive and negative reinforcement and * Introduce conditioning as a type of learning. * Classical Conditioning Powerpoint * begin Practice WS “Classical Conditioning” Homework Write discussion section of paper. Read pp. 287-300. Write abstract for paper. * Finish Classical conditioning WS. * Finish powerpoint on classical conditioning (cognitive processes, biological dispositions, and applications, Watson on childcare) Finish Research Project Due tomorrow! * Collect Research Projects, share interesting results * Assign social norm project (due Nov. 7?) * Begin Operant vs. Classical Powerpoint (part I) Study for quiz on Classical Conditioning. Read pp. 300-307. Be able to distinguish between the following type of reinforcers: - primary and conditioned - immediate and delayed - partial and continuous * Classical Conditioning Quiz * * Reinforcement vs. Punishment WS Work on college applications Ask for teacher positive and negative punishment. ThursdayFriday, Oct. 23-24 Monday, Oct. 27 Tuesday, Oct. 28 1. Recognize that fixed ratio reinforcement schedules elicits higher responses than fixed interval schedules and explain why. 2. Recognize that variable schedules of reinforcement are more resistant to extinction. 4. Define shaping. 5. Explain how cognitive processes influence the effectiveness of rewards, as in the overjustification effect. 6. Define pro and antisocial models and observational learning, 7. Describe Bandura’s experiment on modeling aggression. 8. Discuss limitations of behavioralism. 1. Review for the test. recommendations. Begin completing applications. Sign up to attend college visits at school. Register for December SAT II Subject Tests (if needed) Complete Early Action/Early Decision applications. * Operant conditioning Powerpoint (through schedules) * Reinforcement Intervals activity * Reinforcement schedules WS * Shaping demo * finish Operant Conditioning powerpoint * Tell stories of Walden Two, Los Horcones, and Twin Oaks if time. Give out review sheet Read pp. 307-315. Be able to define: - latent learning - cognitive map Be able to describe at least one practical application of operant conditioning presented in the reading. Be able to: - define observational learning, pro and antisocial models. - Describe Bandura’s experiment on modeling aggression. *Operant Quiz * Assign social norm project * Red-black game Test. Study for test