Français 4 – PROJET Une bande dessinée (a comic strip) You will create an 8 frame comic strip, telling a story in the past, using both the PASSECOMPOSE and the IMPARFAIT appropriately. You will work in groups of 2 only. Each member of the group will be accountable for the written part of the project. QUALITY IS IMPORTANT. Your final comic strip will be no smaller than 8 ½ x 11, and no bigger than 11 x 16. For your illustrations, you are welcome to draw, use computer graphics, or Paintshop, or to do a cut-and-paste. It needs to be neat and attractive. Your work will be exhibited at Open House in April ! How to proceed and organize your work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. With your partner, write in English a detailed script of your story, in the past tense. Talk together about ways to make your comic strip really funny! Give your comic strip a French title. Have a look at the comic books in the classroom for things like sounds (Whack! Splash! Pow!), or exclamations. Organize your story in a defined number of bubbles per frame. You can also have narration. Check your vocabulary, and verb conjugations. Use several expressions of the past from your half-sheet handout. Check all your imparfait and passé-composé verbs. Each member of the group will submit one part of the French text, which I will review before you put together your final version. This part is due on Tuesday, 3/11 SCHEDULE: Tues 03/04: Tues 03/11: Groups formed / Start story. Turn in individual part of the French script, using all required elements (above) Collected and graded. Presentation of your comic strip Tues 3/18: GRADING: Excellent A: - Project includes all required elements (1 through 7 above) - French text is elaborate and grammatically correct - Presentation is very interesting and creative - Whole work demonstrates research and effort from all members of the group. Good B: - Project includes all required elements (1 through 7 above) - French text is somewhat elaborate and mostly correct. - Presentation is interesting and attractive. - Work demonstrates good research and effort from all members of the group. Mediocre C: - Project does not include all required elements (1 through 7) - French text is too limited and / or includes too many mistakes. - presentation is not very interesting and not creative enough. - Whole work does not demonstrate effort from all members of the group. Unacceptable D/F: - The presentation is incomplete, unattractive, and shows no effort.