Latin 1

Magister Adam Henry
Haverford Middle School
Phone: 610.853.5900 x5262
Latin 1
DESCRIPTION: This course includes the reading of Latin passages that reflect the Roman culture. The
emphasis is on comprehension of reading, recognition of grammatical structure, and other skills that enable
students to understand the meaning of English words.
 We will work together in an environment that privileges trust, honesty, and mutual respect.
 We will adhere to all policies and rules as established by Haverford Middle School as detailed in the Student
 We will come to class prepared – with books, materials, and a cooperative attitude.
 We will be open to new opportunities and challenges as we strive to create a meaningful learning community
TEXT: Ecce Romani
What you’ll find there:
• Important handouts for students and parents
• Check for homework, quiz, and project due dates
• Useful links for the Latin language practice/review and Roman culture
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
• Comprehend the Latin language through reading passages in Latin.
• Develop an understanding of the social and political history of the Romans.
• Understand more clearly English grammar and vocabulary.
• Understand how Western culture/language is influenced by Roman culture through class projects.
• Reading narrative and dramatic passages in Latin.
• Reading stories from mythology.
• Answering questions about content and meaning.
• Reading about Roman life and history.
• Dramatizing, illustrating, paraphrasing, retelling,
• Organizing and presenting reports on topics from
summarizing, and translating passages.
Roman civilization.
• Practicing grammatical points.
• Studying English words of Latin derivation.
• Identifying vocabulary.
• Watching slides and videos.
• Listening to, and reading aloud passages in Latin.
GRADING BREAKDOWN: Class grades will be based on the cumulative points of homework, quizzes, tests,
projects, and a self-evaluation of one’s participation level.
• Extension and further practice activities from the daily lesson will almost always be started in class so that
students can get help from classmates and the teacher. Any work not finished in class will become homework and
should be completed for the next day. This work plays a vital and pivotal role in your success in this class.
Homework/class work will be randomly collected each week and will be graded based on effort and completion.
• Homework will be accepted late, but you can only earn up to 60% of its original value. All late work will
ultimately have a due date, after which work not turned in will receive a zero. This date will be announced and
posted for the class. Translations will not be accepted late, especially if we have already gone over them in class
with you present. If translations are typed, they must be accompanied by a handwritten rough draft. Homework
is YOUR responsibility, and you must make the effort to show me your work.
• We will also work on bell-ringers and warm-ups, which are weekly journal entries that you complete in the first
five minutes of class. Some weeks you will have multiple bell-ringers, while other weeks you might only have one.
It is your responsibility to keep up with bell-ringers--even when absent-- as they will help you review for
quizzes and tests.
• Given at the end of each chapter and can be expected each week. They are based on the homework assigned
that week or in the previous weeks and will include vocabulary, grammar, and cultural material.
There will be a variety of assessments in this class, which will allow students to build on their strengths and to
stretch and extend their abilities in different areas. Unit tests will be based on quizzes, but will contain much
more content and will assess your knowledge of grammar and translations. To be successful, study the warm-ups,
review games, and old quizzes. There will be at least one project each quarter. These projects will be based on
Roman culture and current pop culture and/or Latin grammar.
Participation comes in various forms – homework completion, discussion, asking questions, active listening,
cooperation, and preparation. There is also negative participation – calling out in class, coming late to class, being
disruptive. We will use a participation rubric in order to see our strengths and improve our weak areas. The
purpose of this process is to give you feedback and so that everyone will be able to earn an “A” in participation.
• three-ring notebook (3 inch)
• Latin textbook
• your assignment book
• pencils (preferred over pens) and blank paper
• 3 dividers: (1) section for bell-ringers/warm-ups and important information, (2)chapter grammar and notes, (3)
• a positive attitude and a smile
Be on time for class. If you are late, make sure you have a note. After the third lateness, you will have a
detention with me. Repeated lateness will be referred to your grade level principal for disciplinary action. It is
your responsibility to complete all class work, homework, tests, and assignments missed due to absence.
If you anticipate an absence, you should inform me as soon as possible. If you are absent from class, you must
find out what you missed. You can check the Latin website, or you can contact a classmate. You are required to
turn in all work/quizzes assigned while you were present in class on the day you return to school. If you forget,
just do your best. Make-up work should be arranged with me the day you return to school, in accordance with
the policy stated in the Student Handbook.
When students see or hear Latin words or phrases used outside of the classroom (television, newspapers,
magazines, books, other classes, etc.) they can earn one point of extra credit per word/phrase. However, this
can only be done when all previous homework and class assignments have been completed!!! Please print or
type up your found information using the following format:
• Student’s name
• Latin word or phrase
• Literal translation of Latin word or phrase
• Where the phrase was found (source)
There will also be other opportunities for extra credit throughout the quarter, so make sure to take advantage
of these offerings. One can earn up to 20 extra credit points each quarter.
• Get extra help
• Memorize new vocabulary every night.
• DRILL, practice, memorize, and DRILL again
• Stay on top of the homework, and especially the translations. When you are confused, ask questions.
• Write out your translations on a piece of paper in pencil and bring your translations to class.
• If you are frustrated, it’s okay. You are probably not the only one. Remember to keep trying and see
me for help.
Students and Parents: Please sign and return this packet, showing me that you have read and understand the
class policy. Then keep it in front of your class notebook for your records.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Please feel free to ask questions! I am looking forward to the upcoming year!